Example sentences of "of [noun sg] for the [noun sg] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 Wirral Labour Councillor Phil Williams said : ‘ There is a groundswell of support for the centre and we want to show its counsellors that . ’
2 The hon. Member for Honiton talked as if there were a great wave of support for the view that he and others advocate on this matter .
3 Thus our trip was also a gesture of support for the line and in particular for the cheap Rambler ticket now available .
4 Or if an adult hospital patient with young children is known to be terminally ill , it should be possible to provide some kind of support for the spouse and the children in preparation for their loss , in order that they may work through their grief and come to terms with their new situation .
5 Despite Edward 's concern to obtain a wide measure of support for the war and consent for the financial exactions it necessitated , the measures the government took to raise money and supplies in 1338 and 1339 gave rise to grievances which resemble those which underlay the conflicts of Edward I 's last years .
6 As we saw , there are broadly two schools of Marxist thought — those which rely on an instrumental view of the state-economy relationship and those of a structuralist type , which allow for a degree of freedom for the state and discuss power in terms of hegemony and control .
7 It included , along with clauses concerned with tolls and mercantile rights , a grant of freedom for the town and all dwellers in it ; the abolition of the judicial duel , unpopular with merchants ; the use of inquest in its place ; and an enlarged competence for the échevins or boni homines , the successors of the Carolingian scabini , re-established in the town at the very beginning of the century .
8 The evidence of responsibility for the carnage and destruction is too overwhelming to be ignored .
9 Emergency admissions to residential care were unplanned with no chance of preparation for the child or of pre-placement visits by the child and his or her family .
10 If you do it through A B S A , the government will give another ten thousand pounds so of course for the orchestra or the institution whether it 's opera , ballet , concert or whatever is , but it must be arts gets the extra money so of course that in a sense is very enabling .
11 This insistence on human time as both flexible and , one might say , I suppose , multi-dimensional , has various consequences of course for the structure and the style of À la recherche .
12 Where the action is for unliquidated damages and the defendant delivers an admission of liability for the claim but disputes or does not admit the amount of the plaintiff 's dam ages , then : ( 1 ) if the defendant offers to pay in satisfaction of the claim a specific sum which the plaintiff accepts , the provisions of this rule shall apply as if the defendant had admitted part of the plaintiff 's claim ; and ( 2 ) in any other case , the plaintiff may apply to the court for such judgment as he may be entitled to upon the admission , and the court may give such judgment , including interlocutory judgment for damages to be assessed and costs , or make such other order on the application as it thinks just .
13 quality of experience for the employer and teacher on placement through careful preparation and follow-up ;
14 This underlines the fact that tourism is a major source of income for the area and its 50,000 residents .
15 The schools particularly appreciated the supportive feedback , which was almost unanimous in its expressions of surprise for the complex nature and weight of responsibility of schools , of admiration for the skill and commitment of staff , and of concern for the level of resourcing .
16 That experience , which has brought me to the province so often , has given me a very deep sense of admiration for the resilience and warmth of the people . ’
17 She is full of admiration for the care and attention she is receiving at the hospital but is already looking ahead to the time when she is strong enough to go on to a convalescent home .
18 The country has a great deal of sympathy for the prince and princess but the people are anxious to know the whole story . ’
19 What gave him pause was not lack of sympathy for the enterprise but the appalling difficulty of handling his grandmother in relation to Leon .
20 Where it is not supported , the reason is often , as suggested by Rundquist ( 1980 , 1983 ) , because the spending patterns are already set by the geography of demands ( one would not expect large spending on subsidies for cotton farmers in New Hampshire , for example ) and the goal of the pork barrellers is rather to get plenty of money for the programme than to direct it to certain areas rather than others .
21 The second stage is the much more active one of going out and securing a steady stream of coverage for the company and its products or services .
22 But this is more a reflection of historical functions and origins , as with the role of postal services as a source of revenue for the state and as an instrument of state security .
23 I think erm previously we misunderstood that point , we thought the hundred and forty five hectares was footloose in the same area of search for the settlement and
24 The nineteenth century brought a new kind of search for the basis and foundation of theology itself ; a fresh attempt to bring human awareness and experience into the centre of theological study ; the forging of more specialised techniques for the literary and historical study of the Bible , techniques whose application helped to raise what were often felt to be disturbing and challenging questions about its meaning and relevance as well as about the standing and authority of established Christian doctrines ; and the sharp new question whether Christian theology itself ought not to be subsumed under some more general study of religion and religions .
25 In this period the child reaches a stage of sexuality that gradually finds the opposite-sex parent attractive and the same-sex parent as a sort of rival for the attention and affection of the other-sex parent .
26 The distinction may not seem an essential one , but there is a difference : " strike-breaking " suggests a degree of capability for the work and willingness to do it which may have been possessed by the " rats " of " London and Liverpool " , 28 but was unlikely to have been displayed by the handful of girl apprentices actually engaged during the strike .
27 We want the capital and revenue spending of Government more clearly identified , so that we can judge the balance of investment for the future and what we spend today .
28 In all , the Package provides material for a first level of study for the teaching and learning of English as a foreign or second language .
29 It 's a question of recognition for the Union and we 're quite prepared , and looking forward , to going back there and carrying on the work that we were doing before .
30 DAVID HIRST last night cleared Arsenal 's Steve Bould of blame for the challenge that has destroyed his England recall hopes .
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