Example sentences of "of [noun sg] for the [adj] [conj] " in BNC.

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1 And which is natural because you know , the very early motor cars were only a sort of toy for the rich as it were and er when it came to you see er grocer 's vans or , or er laundry vans made out of old pr private cars .
2 Lawton ( 1977 ) has summarized the interaction between components of change for the 1950s and 1960s ( figure 3.5 ) .
3 There 's always room at the place of prayer for the young and old . "
4 We feel a keen sense of responsibility for the sick and needy .
5 Biliary endoprosthesis insertion for choledocholithiasis is an important alternative means of establishing drainage in selected cases , and is probably the optimum method of management for the elderly and or debilitated patients with previous cholecystectomy .
6 In other words , after a certain point , education becomes more a form of consumption for the individual than a form of investment for increasing his earnings further .
7 Both appeared to be insuperable problems until the evening when Clarissa 's change of plan for the sixth or seventh time put a pattern into perspective .
8 It involves the completion of all partiality , the overcoming of all senses of alienation and it brings a fulfilment of desire for the good and the beautiful beyond the capacity of human understanding .
9 and despite my inbuilt irreverence for all sacred stones of all establishment temples , I too had grown up with an aura of awe for the British and all things British , and London was meant to encompass represent and symbolize the best of the best of it all .
10 They realise that Compact enables them to have a say in the shape of education for the 1990s and to help them meet their projected employment needs .
11 In part it was a consequence of the determination of Liberal politicians to encourage trade unionism and the development of machinery for the joint and peaceful resolution of industrial disputes .
12 The Old Testament is one of the great world sources of compassion for the poor and the hurt : the prophets thundered in their defence : ‘ Oh that my head were waters and mine eyes a fountain of tears , that I might weep day and night for the slain of the daughter of my people ’ Jeremiah , 9:1 ) .
13 draw a graph to show how death rate changed with year of birth for the 30–34 and 40–44 year age groups ,
14 Visits from a local authority social worker can also do much to open up other lines of communication for the old and lonely ; and it can be helpful too for any elderly person who is housebound and not within easy calling or tapping distance of her neighbours , to have a large clear HELP notice to put in her window , and a loud bell to ring in an emergency if there is no telephone .
15 However , other services geared to improve the quality of life for the elderly or those newly discharged from hospital were unlikely to be funded .
16 Selfishness is also seen in their apparent lack of concern for the poor but what , in effect , could they do ? ’
17 He denounced the immoralities which had prevailed in Northumbrian society since the days of King Aelfwald and contrasted the adornments of dress and hair and the luxurious standard of living of Aethelred 's court-circle with an absence of concern for the poor and the starving .
18 Here Greeks and Muslims and Jews , representatives of the ancient civilizations of the Mediterranean world , had mingled for centuries ; and it was a natural entrepot for the spices of the east and a port of call for the Jewish and Muslim traders who linked the western world with India and China .
19 José Eduardo dos SantosC. -in-C. of the Armed Forces ; Chairman of the Council of Ministers ; Minister of State for the Economic and Social Sector Kundi PaihamaInspection and Control ; State Security Fernando José de França Van-DúnemPlanning Col.-Gen .
20 Head of State : José Eduardo dos Santos , who is also C.-in-C. of the Armed Forces , Chairman of the Council of Ministers , Minister of State for the Economic and Social Sector .
21 At a ceremony on board Pride of Calais recently , P&O European Ferries ( Dover ) , Managing Director , Les Stephenson received the British Standards Institution plaque and certificates from the then Secretary of State for the Environmental and MP for Folkestone and Hythe Michael Howard .
22 This concentrated in the hands of one individual the control of foreign policy which had hitherto been entrusted , together with a vast range of other business , to the Secretaries of State for the Northern and Southern Departments .
23 I finish where I started , by saying that the report confirms absolutely that there has been a wholesale privatisation of care for the sick and elderly .
24 There also remained throughout the period a general shortage of appropriate housing — in particular , a lack of accommodation for the frail and those with special needs ( Townsend 1962 ; Webb 1962 ) .
25 The Guinness case and the PCW affair are hardly calculated to inspire confidence in the notion of self-regulation for the financial and commercial world .
26 Mr. Browne 's third main argument focuses upon what he maintains is the urgent need for the disclosure of these documents in the interests of justice for the fair and proper disposal of the libel proceedings between these possibly corrupt police officers and C.N.L. This , too , Mr. Browne submits , represents an important public interest — indeed , he contends , the pre-eminent public interest arising here .
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