Example sentences of "of [noun sg] as [pers pn] [verb] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Their bodies were covered in a mist of moisture as they lay side by side .
2 All too typically I saw enthused teachers returning from training , armed with new perspectives who became progressively drained of optimism as they faced non-understanding in colleagues , shortage of resources , lack of follow-up support , and who ended up despairing and cynical about possibilities of real change .
3 I do not believe in using the deep trance state in any form of therapy as it involves hypnoamnesia , a state in which the patient will neither be aware of what is going on at the time nor able to recall it afterwards .
4 The wind was rising again , mocking the arrival of spring as it lashed rain against the windows .
5 The fry hatch in around 30 hours and are like black slivers of wood as they hang tail down in the bubbles of the nest .
6 The key areas of LMS as they effect resource management planning can be summarised as :
7 The scythe of time creates superiority of title as it does seniority of age .
8 We had only known Sinar Surya as a lumpish extension of the land — as dependent on it as a baby is on its mother ; now she had come of age as she surged south to a thrilling new rhythm , new smells and new sensations .
9 Technically , Smart gave his delight in varied versification free play by making use of twenty-five different stanza forms , generally taking one stanza for each verse of every psalm , and using neologisms , puns , aphorisms and turns of wit as he found opportunity .
10 Enough to hear the rush of air as they lost height .
11 The lecturers ' meetings became a form of theatre as they encouraged opposition the better to silence it before the expectant crowd .
12 Simple as that , cos this plan , is like a sort of pay as you go type plan , I mean , you 're not building up huge cash reserves that you gon na lose out on , by cancelling early ,
13 Putting out a hand to pick up her brush , intending to try to do something about her limp blonde hair , Laura gave a yelp of dismay as she caught sight of the time on her wrist-watch .
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