Example sentences of "of [noun sg] have been [art] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The teaching of literature has been the activity most profoundly affected by these conflicting views .
2 There would of course have been no story if the author had not given Ayesha enough of human frailty and caprice to bring about certain changes in the circumstances of her rule over the cannibalistic Amahaggar and her relations with Leo Vincey .
3 The sovereignty of Parliament has been the linchpin of our unwritten and flexible constitution ; it can be traced back in our political practice and constitutional theory for almost three centuries ; and yet the constitutional authorities have come to see it as the fundamental constitutional problem needing challenge and change .
4 The major limitations of therapy have been the presence of large stones ( >15–20 mm ) , large and tortuous ducts , non-dilated ducts in which the basket can not expand , and a stricture distal to the stone(s) .
5 It is deceptively easy to keep busy maintaining the status quo , and belief in this function of management has been the source of the relative decline of many proud companies .
6 A notable achievement of ACT has been the passing of the Education ( Northern Ireland ) Act of 1978 , permitting the establishment of multi-denominational schools where such is desired by adequate numbers of parents .
7 All that I ever learned at college of philosophy had been a conception of the external world as a colourless and soundless wilderness whose true nature one could never know , which one could not even imagine — but which I did , none the less , imagine as a vast landscape of polar spaces in whose eternal twilight one wandered , preoccupied and deluded by a flicker of magic-lantern pictures which danced inside one 's mind and for ever remained private to oneself .
8 Unemployment , housing , education , and the future of mining have been the issues .
9 In practice , writers on style have differed a great deal in their understanding of the subject , and one source of disagreement has been the question " To what or whom do we attribute style ? "
10 In addition , both these areas of law have been the subjects of close scrutiny by the courts over the last few years .
11 But there is a peculiar Irishness about the controversy which has come with this ; the focus of attention has been a sideshow — an interesting sideshow , but a sideshow nonetheless .
12 Up until now Katherine 's posture of confidence had been an act of will , a daring of elements which might prove as hostile as her mother .
13 The concept of incest has been the focus of much anthropological study , and by introducing this third variable Todd is able to identify seven family types , which are listed in table 3.1 Within families where the spouses are determined by custom there are two sub-types : in the endogamous community family , there is equality between brothers in matters of inheritance , married sons cohabit with their parents , and there is frequently marriage between the children of brothers ; whereas in asymmetrical community families the first two conditions also hold but marriages between the children of brothers are prohibited , although there may be a preference for marriage between the children of brothers and sisters .
14 However , this therapeutic range , obtained in studies conducted in patients with asthma , should not be used as a reference in patients with chronic obstructive airways disease , in which the use of theophylline has been a subject of controversy .
15 When Franco made his cabinet changes in July 1951 , his first choice for Minister of Education had been the Falangist turned Christian Democrat , Fernando María Castiella .
16 The Willses ' most obvious contributions in the sphere of education have been the founding and development of the University of Bristol .
17 Things going out of control had been the spice of life to Evelyn , but upset Jane , with her love of order .
18 Since then however , the invariable mode of appointment has been the conferment of a peerage by letters patent .
19 Moreover , stage performances of opera had been a rarity during the war .
20 The promotion of an improvement in the management of government has been a hallmark of the Conservative Administration since 1979 .
21 The robotic replacement or adaptation of man has been the dream of inventors and film-makers for decades — eg the bionic man and other similar imaginative creations .
22 Whatever the problems with these rather global and unanalytic formulations , none the less they do encapsulate one indispensable and basic argument of feminism , the argument that women 's experience has been left out : one of the central themes of feminism has been the importance of women 's experience , and one of its central enterprises has been to show how a great deal of male theorising about women has tended to deny , invalidate , or be unable to account for this experience .
23 Up to this point , the principal focus of analysis has been the concept of objectification , which refers to a process of externalization and sublation essential to the development of a given subject .
24 As the boats began to leave the mouth of the River Tees , where they had been barring the way to Teesport , they claimed their eight-hour show of strength had been a success .
25 One source of controversy had been the plan 's provision for a total of $27,000 million in foreign investment , especially in the oil and petrochemicals sector , which hardliners saw as compromising the country 's independence .
26 Another very popular focus for the new studies of memory has been the molluscs , for the reasons discussed in Chapter 7 , and in particular because of their large neurons and accessible nervous systems .
27 This kind of repetition has been a method of construction used by composers from Franck , through the French Impressionists , to such as Delius and Lennox Berkeley , and Ravel found it so fruitful that phrase repetition runs through entire movements of his music : In this example the melody does not change on repetition , and Ravel uses the technique to create a series of semi-static periods .
28 The concept of globalization has been the subject of considerable debate ( for example Luard , 1990 ; McGrew , Lewis et al. , 1992 ) .
29 Considering the Statue of Liberty has been a beacon of hope for generations of newly-arrived immigrants , it 's appropriate that Mario arrived in New York with his parents 30 years ago .
30 Perhaps most significant from Intergraph 's point of view has been the development of a tailored reporting routine for all of its European sites .
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