Example sentences of "of [noun sg] have [been] [verb] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The close of play has been extended from 7.30pm to 8pm to accommodate delayed or interrupted matches and over-rate fines have also been increased .
2 Robert had seen the development in varying stages , and had assisted in shipping out tons of building materials , but it was four months since he had been to Barbados and a lot of progress had been made since then .
3 A great deal of progress has been made on equal rights .
4 Since that date there has been no demonstrable genetic progress in the British Friesian , maintains Prof King , whereas a lot of progress has been made in Norway .
5 Government backing for the railways has halved to around £550 million in the 1980s and the new calculations of support have been struck before taking into account the estimated cost of safety measures demanded after the Clapham Junction disaster .
6 ‘ Staff numbers had doubled over the previous five to six years and a programme of change had been thrust upon us by the market , ’ explained .
7 However , as with education , the impact of change has been limited by a lack of a corresponding expansion of the job market .
8 A great deal of change has been seen in the power drill market over recent years : cordless models have become more popular , and there has also been a gradual move towards variable-speed percussion models , even by the occasional home improver .
9 Regrettably but perhaps inevitably , the ambivalence of feeling and thought which is bound to exist at any time of change has been seized upon by those who can profit from it .
10 A wind of change has been blowing around Windsor Park
11 A wind of change has been blowing around Windsor Park over the past 12 months and Campbell is now regarded as just another new player who will breeze in .
12 A large exchange of acreage has been agreed with BP which gives LASMO acreage containing gas discoveries adjacent to the Caister and Markham fields .
13 Experiments to find vine clones best suited to the solumological and climatical conditions of Champagne have been continuing for more than twenty years .
14 Previous studies examining the in vivo effects of cimetidine have been performed on syngeneic tumour models with immunocompetent animals .
15 Slovo 's publication of a draft policy programme Has socialism failed ? , revising the former hardline SACP stance to espouse multiparty democracy , received considerable attention , particularly in view of the close alliance between the SACP and the ANC , and the extent to which the threat of communism had been accentuated by the South African regime in its attitude to the ANC in the past .
16 ‘ but invariably , even when we have needed to correct or update details in our reports , the sad fact remains that the overall portrait of horror has been shown to be true and if anything , understated . ’
17 The power of Chaos had been growing for some years .
18 Pieces of shirt had been wrapped round their heads .
19 But I do not believe the demonstrations were in vain , because the spirit of freedom has been rekindled among the Chinese people , ’ he said .
20 High levels of mercury have been detected in the Pantanal wetlands of southwestern Brazil .
21 High levels of mercury have been reported from Faroese for some years , and the Health Department there has advised islanders to cut down on the amount of whalemeat they eat .
22 O7 ppm although naturally high concentrations of mercury have been found in a number of locations , including Lake Windermere where mud dating back to the last century contains 0.7 ppm . ’
23 Over the past two hundred years a degree of protection has been accorded to the tenant against the distraining landlord .
24 A vigorous critique of utilitarianism has been offered by Bernard Williams who refers to it as ‘ distinctive way of looking at human action and morality . ’
25 The monarchy has been rocked to its foundations and a Government still basking in the glow of re-election has been brought to its knees by a series of disasters .
26 Turning to the use of fuels for IC vehicles which do not use up vital oil reserves or which may be used when oil is no longer available , the use of hydrogen has been suggested as one of the answers to future transport fuel needs .
27 The wider field of responsibility has been rewarded by a variety of means .
28 Olszewski said that he had approved the retirement because once a civilian Minister of Defence had been appointed in December 1991 — see pp. 38685-86 ] , there was no post suitable for such a high-ranking officer .
29 In a separate development , the Ministry of Defence has been negotiating with the receivers at Leyland-DAF 's Lancashire truck plant over the completion of a £400 million transporter contract .
30 The results are of doubtful relevance to clinical settings in which an uncertain — but usually larger — amount of drug has been taken after food and often in association with alcohol and other drugs .
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