Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [to-vb] [prep] the [noun pl] " in BNC.

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1 The economic recession of the late 1970s has meant not only that government funds have become even more scarce for such policies but also that government and public concern has shifted away from issues of inequality to concentrate on the problems of productivity and economic growth .
2 he 's retired , but he 's , he 's been quite busy with this Festival , but I , I said to him , now what I 'll do is maybe come and you and him and Jane maybe kind of will just sort of have a quick confab sometime just talk about what he wants , and he will be kind of happy to do that with obviously we 'd have to find a drop of money to pay for the tapes , I mean that would n't be huge and expensive .
3 ASHWORTH Hospital has published its plan of action to deal with the recommendations of the public inquiry into conditions at the special hospital .
4 Potential will be assessed in other cases , though , against a team who will have millions of pounds worth of talent to spare on the substitutes bench .
5 But rewards increase out of proportion to price with the wines from named sites .
6 Cut pieces of muslin to fit over the rims of the containers and hold each of them in place with two large rubber bands .
7 Green added ‘ it is an amusing sort of exercise to tramp along the edges of these grinning fissures . ’
8 Depending on your roof type , and whether your windows need to provide a means of escape to comply with the Buildings Regulations , there are three basic types .
9 The WRU has appointed a four-man committee of inquiry to look into the events surrounding the centenary tour of South Africa last August .
10 They Simply would not have the flexibility or the speed of reaction to cope with the complexities of everyday life .
11 A canal requires the supply of water to allow for the losses caused by : —
12 Equity providers will back management teams because of the strength of character and entrepreneurial skills of their members , who , as a general rule , will : ( a ) have a high degree of commitment to the new business ; ( b ) have strong entrepreneurial instincts ; ( c ) have confidence in their ability to take control of the business and run it without the assistance of inter-group services ; ( d ) be able to take personal risks without adverse effect on their decision making ; ( e ) have the strength of character to cope with the frustrations and successes of the negotiation process ; ( f ) be few in number and therefore able to make decisions quickly ; ( g ) have strong family support .
13 This legislation ensured that the whole of Britain has been subject to compulsory land planning based on the application of two simple practices : the preparation ( including revision and updating ) of plans for the future allocation of land uses , and the control of development to accord with the provisions of those plans .
14 Lord Widgery ( who had succeeded Lord Parker as Lord Chief Justice ) had been appointed as a one-man tribunal of enquiry to enquire into the events of ‘ Bloody Sunday ’ which led to thirteen civilian deaths in Londonderry .
15 PC Knight admits there 's a lot of ground to cover along the corridors of one of the biggest hospitals in the region .
16 Sometimes groups of women would leave the village and climb the surrounding hillsides , cutting bundles of grass to feed to the cattle in the winter .
17 This fear of being intellectually inadequate ( an unnecessary fear where we , the adults , have so much experience of life to share with the children in our care ) is eased by a subconscious desire to help the less able .
18 Swimming lessons are available for children and there is masses of space to play in the grounds .
19 The freedom of the Secretary of State to depart from the recommendations of the National Curriculum Council ( to which proposals on attainment targets and programmes of study must be referred ) , as in effect happened in the case of the history curriculum , stands in marked contrast to the restrictions binding teachers under the National Curriculum .
20 This would not merely perpetuate such control but would allow the Secretary of State to interfere in the activities of Scottish Bus Group subsidiaries to a greater extent than at present .
21 The sufferer attempts to gain control by changing his or her pictures of reality to conform to the pictures of perception of how life should be .
22 Ernest Gellner and Alastair MacIntyre have both argued for the need for a judgement to be made about the degree of internal coherence and rationality in belief systems , before the sociologist can know what type of explanation to apply to the beliefs he is studying .
23 The time has passed quickly and it is now getting dusk , the mosquitoes have arrived and the German mortaring of the orchard has started , the first salvo exploding a short distance away causing pieces of earth to fall from the logs covering the roof of the trench , the earth and other bits of debris falling onto the now empty mess-tins .
24 It is , of course , a good thing that Extreme dislike war and racism , print addresses for Greenpeace and Amnesty on the sleeve and so forth , but they have nothing of interest to say on the topics ( Nuno wishes that ‘ we were all colourblind , so we could live together peacefully ’ , which is bad news for traffic light designers ) and blow up their tiny philosophical points and questions to elephant size , but in the end , orchestras , big productions and songs in three parts can not disguise lame tunes and lack of anything to say .
25 At a time when we are on the threshold of change , indeed very considerable change , in local government and when our burghs which have been with us since the earliest times are about to disappear , it may be of interest to look at the burghs of Scotland prior to the passing of the Reform Act and their position in the election of Members for the Westminster Parliament .
26 There are large areas in which the normal agricultural yield is thoroughly adequate for the maintenance and accumulation of energy , a fact well shown not only by doubling of our population in the eighteenth century , but also by the evidence of energy to spare for the graces of life whether in the form of meteorological recording , tours to the Lake District , walnut furniture or epistolary accomplishment .
27 In fact she would have had plenty of time to shade in the circles in the last two letters .
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