Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [vb pp] in [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 List of Standard Instruments of Assessment Used in New Sciences Modules
2 The type of cable used in this case is a standard microphone cable fitted with 3 pin male/female connectors .
3 However , we feel that the clinical indicators of malignancy emphasised in this study may encourage clinicians to be more aggressive , even when faced with negative endoscopic biopsy specimens .
4 They knew that palladium soaks up deuterium ( a form of hydrogen found in heavy water ) like a sponge soaks up water , an electrical current from a battery forcing the deuterium atoms out from a solution of heavy water and into the spaces between the palladium atoms .
5 It is important that the characteristics of division used in this process should be mutually exclusive in order to avoid cross-classification ( documents on one and the same subject being classified at different places in the scheme ) .
6 The very good performance of division reported in some cases ( Lum , Yuen and Dodd , Severance and Duhne ) , and relatively poor performance in others ( Kaimann ) , is likely to have been the result of few or many clashes of this kind .
7 And , of course , the kind of comprehension needed in any instance is determined or at least influenced by the kind of action it leads to .
8 OF THE many mixtures of spice used in Indian cookery , this is the most generally useful .
9 In the absence of any significant anti-secretory effects , it seems likely that the beneficial action of cisapride reported in this study results from its prokinetic qualities , which might enhance the clearance of acidic gastric effluent from the bulb , and thereby reduce its duration of contact with the duodenal mucosa .
10 As we have seen , most of the principal theories of literature discussed in this book have included as part of their purpose the creation of a scientific basis for the study of literature .
11 The background of liberal philosophy shapes the opposing interpretations of the modern law of contract presented in recent books and articles .
12 As the work of a man who is not only a poet but a Catholic poet , Paradiso is hardly a typical case , but the sheer volume of fiction produced in Spanish America in recent decades — and continues to be produced — scarcely betokens a general collapse of confidence in the written word , and it is noteworthy that Cabrera Infante 's Three Trapped Tigers , for example , re-creates the atmosphere of pre-revolutionary Havana even as it casts doubt on the feasibility of such an enterprise .
13 an agreed departmental policy on the sizes of teaching groups appropriate for the different modes of teaching used in different subject areas and the provision of sufficient staff hours for the modules to be taught in these ways ;
14 And it contributes greatly to the reading of all text in ‘ character 's voice ’ — the kind of text exemplified in this chapter .
15 Broker Cazenove , responsible for marketing the UK tranche of the share sale , failed to drum up the same level of enthusiasm exhibited in other centres .
16 Other divisions of income , apart from its overall size distribution , suggest themselves as relevant for certain issues ; so for example economic growth is associated with changes in shares of income generated in different sectors of the economy ( manufacturing , agriculture , etc. ) ; labour market analysis might suggest the relative fates of different economic groups ( professional versus manual , architects versus roadsweepers , etc. ) ; regional economists , especially in the current context of the EC , by definition have an interest in regional differences in incomes .
17 It was an easy step from this type of attitude to regard women as the source of all evil in the world , and that indeed is what happened in the exile and beyond when there emerged the concept of the Evil Woman , of wickedness personified in female form .
18 In practice , the amount of Creole used in any interaction is the subject of ongoing negotiation among the parties themselves .
19 The company is bound to accept probate or letters of administration granted in any part of the United Kingdom as sufficient evidence of the personal representative 's entitlement .
20 The form of astrolabe used in medieval Europe , however , was derived from the Muslim type found in Spain .
21 The government seems set on a policy of reducing the percentage of labour contained in total costs : If this is done to make our goods more competitive abroad , the depreciation of our currency has already taken care of that aspect .
22 ( iv ) The probabilistic analysis , in the last resort , is to be judged against the persuasiveness of the conception of causation developed in this inquiry , and of course of like conceptions , with which it conflicts as much-and also Humean conceptions .
23 The two basic forms of irony found in these tales are verbal irony and dramatic irony .
24 She stood at the open kitchen window with her early cup of tea clasped in both hands , listening to the swish of the falling water and watching it gather in tiny globules on the tips of the leaves of the apple tree like crystal drops on a chandelier before sliding with a slow , regular inevitability on to the grass .
25 As the Ruddock case has shown , the standard of review employed in national security cases is set so high that it is possible that the Tribunal could be compelled to refrain from interfering with discretionary decisions taken for this reason .
26 Action : Check the maximum length of entry allowed in this field .
27 Despite recent generalizations about the violence and aggression which supposedly typify societies of tropical forest in South America ( see , for instance , Sanday 1981 : 193 ) , these peoples vary considerably in the degree and the kind of violence allowed in everyday life .
28 Put in a fireproof dish eight carrots cut in round pieces , about half an inch thick , half a dozen small onions , parsley , salt and pepper and a rasher of bacon cut in small pieces , add a tablespoon of water , cover the dish and cook on a slow fire for about three and a half hours .
29 Your agreement to the terms of engagement contained in this letter will be confirmation of our authority to comply with this requirement .
30 Your agreement to the terms of engagement contained in this letter will be confirmation or our right so to withdraw .
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