Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [prep] the [num ord] world " in BNC.

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1 Evolution rather than revolution is also imposed by the British system of government , which has given the country twenty-one Ministers of Defence since the Second World War .
2 Soviet officials.have denied that these treaties have prejudiced the pursuit of non-alignment by the Third World states involved .
3 For many years Soviet leaders have anticipated military-political and strategic benefits for the Soviet Union from the shift in the global ‘ correlation of forces ’ represented by the spread of non-alignment in the Third World .
4 And of course after the Second World War and the comparative austerity of the 1940s , having fun seemed natural enough , and justifying having fun is what hedonistic philosophy is for .
5 And er they were , a lot of them were sunk of course in the Second World War .
6 Robert Vidalin , a voice of resistance during the second world war , in Paris aged 86 .
7 The struggle to create a new ‘ modernist ’ concept and practice of consumerism in the Third World is one of the crucial conjunctures of economic , political and cultural-ideological transnational practices .
8 The culture-ideology of consumerism in the Third World will be the subject of Chapter 5 .
9 The answers to these questions will be found in the analysis of cultural-ideological transnational practices and , in particular , the culture-ideology of consumerism in the Third World , to which I turn in the next chapter .
10 Many farmers still retained some milk for cheesemaking but regulations on the production and use of milk during the Second World War almost brought farmhouse production to a halt and it has never been resumed on an appreciable scale .
11 When an analogous problem struck the designers of radar in the Second World War , they hit upon a solution which they called " send/receive " radar .
12 Other topics will be the level of aid to the third world , environmental issues , and the arms trade .
13 They also agreed to a near doubling of aid to the Third World , but failed to reach a common position on the period of time over which the increase would be phased in .
14 The spread of the transnational corporations has brought significant changes to the sexual division of labour in the Third World .
15 The other team in question — the main one , anyway -is that of the French , whose new philosophies and related experiments in fiction have often helped sustain the initiatives of modernism since the Second World War .
16 Einstein produced his general theory of relativity during the First World War , when conditions were not suitable for scientific observations , but immediately after the war a British expedition observed the eclipse of 1919 and confirmed the predictions of general relativity : Space-time is not flat , but is curved by the matter and energy in it .
17 A U-boat captain of distinction in the First World War , he had headed the Abwehr since 1935 and despite being a loyal German had always been unhappy with National Socialism .
18 She had been aware of poverty in the Third World .
19 This project aims to provide an historical survey of the attitudes towards new productive techniques exhibited by British businessmen from , approximately , the industrial revolution to the onset of recovery after the Second World War .
20 Not until de-Stalinization was well under way within the Soviet Union did substantial groups of neo-Marxist thinkers emerge and begin to try to adapt Marxist thought to cope with phenomena such as the postponement of revolution in the West , the revitalization of capitalism after the Second World War , and the political stability of liberal democratic regimes .
21 Speaking for the Socialists , the largest single group in the assembly , British MEP David Bowe ( Cleveland and Yorkshire North ) said ‘ We should all be conscious of the scandals which have taken place in the past , whether it be the dumping of waste in the Third World or the scandalous sham recycling of some waste so that it is disposed of in extremely environmentally unfriendly ways ’ .
22 The American view of neutralisation in the Third World will continue to determine the efficacy of this concept for the resolution or limitation of conflict as much if not more than the Soviet view .
23 It offers a striking balance sheet of a decade of conflict in the Third World and locates it within the broader pattern of US-Soviet relations .
24 The outposts of Imperialism in the Third World are to be denied the support of Imperialist powers .
25 His adult life has been spent as a psychologist and economist , engaged on problems of development in the Third World .
26 Their arguments suggest that the lack of development in the Third World is due to obstacles , both internal and externally-imposed , to capitalist industrialization .
27 The role of the TNCs in solving or intensifying the problems of hunger in the Third World is extremely controversial .
28 A few days later Gorbachev was back on Lenin 's tomb watching the Soviet tanks and legions saluting the 45th anniversary of victory in the second world war .
29 With the advent of democracy after the second world war , however , Federconsorzi , like many of Italy 's state agencies , became a tool of party politics .
30 Very little was pre-packaged , and packed groceries formed only a small part of trade until the Second World War .
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