Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [prep] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Eventually the yacht 's crew was arrested near Bristol and we unloaded the yacht in their absence , taking off twenty four cases of whisky during a hilarious evening operation involving our respective motor boats to ferry the goods back to Poole Quay .
2 I remember doing the mate 's cabin and being mildly surprised to find two cartons of cigarettes and two bottles of whisky in an obvious place under the bottom drawer of his bunk .
3 Black let out a sigh then produced a bottle of whisky from the bottom drawer of his desk .
4 A major centre of Diktynna-worship in the classical period was the Diktynnaion , a great temple on a peninsula to the west of Kydonia .
5 The archbishop of Besançon was summoned through the bishop of Langres ( an intentional slight ) for allowing papal messengers to be captured ; the bishop of Speyer on the same grounds and also for sending one messenger to the gallows ; the archbishop of Tarentaise for crowning Philip ; and the bishop of Passau , who had probably been the draughtsman of the Staufen protest , had a long series of charges brought against him — he had not delivered two million marks to the king of Hungary , he had not paid back the money given him by Richard I for his release — indeed , his crimes were so great , the letter said , that he could have been punished without trial .
6 The animals are packed with sufficient food and a source of moisture for the complete journey allowing for possible delays .
7 His hair was untidy , as though it had been blown by the wind , and there were tiny flecks of moisture on the rough Harris tweed material of his jacket .
8 As he came closer , Dougal saw that there was a drop of moisture on the pink tip of his nose .
9 After breakfast we left the inn and got on the track , which , with care , need not be lost sight of in good weather , except in haze or severe rain , when there is danger at one or two places , where a ceaseless flow of moisture over a rich soil keeps the grass so green and the ground so soft , no path is traceable now and again .
10 And several yards away , glistening with droplets of moisture in a solitary shaft of sunlight , was another flower .
11 The first are conditions within Russia , such as large-scale exploitation in cities , suburbs , mining districts , etc. , the disparity between urban industrialisation and the medieval condition of the countryside , and the lack of unity of the ruling class .
12 This created an unprecedented degree of unity across the sectarian divide .
13 THE other 11 heads of state and government of the European Community last night closed ranks in an impressive display of unity against the sole opposition of Mrs Thatcher , to hold a special conference next year to amend the Treaty of Rome and open the way to economic and monetary union .
14 INSIDE ISRAEL Voice of unity in a divided region Israel Radio has Arab fans , writes Anton La Guardia
15 With hopes of unity in the Western Cape there is a real prospect of international rugby once again this season .
16 Various effects can be attributed to other instances of recurrent imagery besides that of merely providing a satisfactory feeling of unity in the narrative performance .
17 May the force be with you : West Indies ' bowling heroes Curtly Ambrose ( left ) , who had match figures of 8–81 , and Courtney Walsh , whose spell of 11–7–8–4 on the last morning was decisive .
18 Retiro Station offered Paul Theroux a comfortable sense of home-coming after a long rail journey through the continent .
19 WALES captain Andrew Puddle led by example in his side 's six-wicket Minor Counties win over Dorset at Cherborne School — a victory that did n't look possible at the start of play on the second day .
20 New Zealand were within 33 runs of their first home Test victory in three years at close of play on the fourth day against Australia in Auckland .
21 The second distinction between the results here and those of Kreps and Wilson is the behaviour of play in the infinite time horizon case .
22 But Wednesday took the lead against the run of play in the 27th minute .
23 Our third example focuses upon conflicting perceptions of the purpose of assessment under the 1981 Act and the relationship between information and control .
24 There is an element of assessment of the interpersonal skills used during the module and students will be asked to express their feelings and reactions to the experience as a whole .
25 The TGAT report is long and difficult in places , but has made a skilful attempt to match the best of teacher practice in the field of assessment with the general constraints imposed by TNC .
26 The normal means of assessment for the taught courses is written essay and in some cases an oral examination as well .
27 The Munn Report examined the structure of the curriculum in the last two years of compulsory schooling in Scotland , and carried out its work almost at the same time as the Dunning Committee considered the aims , purposes and forms of assessment for the whole ability range .
28 Now I think the landscape issue and by landscape I mean er landscape and ecology , is capable of assessment at a strategic level , that 's why we have er National Parks , A O N Bs and so on .
29 ‘ Subject to the provisions of this Ordinance , profits tax shall be charged for each year of assessment at the standard rate on every person carrying on a trade , profession or business in Hong Kong in respect of his assessable profits arising in or derived from Hong Kong for that year from such trade , profession or business ( excluding profits arising from the sale of capital assets ) as ascertained in accordance with this Part .
30 The problem is one of the continuing dominance of traditional models of assessment at the same time as trying to introduce other models based on quite different educational premises .
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