Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [be] [verb] the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Neil of course is doing the male macho bit , oh yes it 's , all very nice driving the automatic , but I like gears really , yeah .
2 What he needed of course was to compare the present Bill with the nineteen sixty four Act as amended by various statutes .
3 Mary of course was to get the largest amount — twenty .
4 But the idea of course was to bring the electrical , mechanical and the technicians to redesign the little bits that were
5 But many biologists took it for granted that the main purpose of evolutionism was to elucidate the precise course of life 's development from its earliest origins .
6 Thus , one of the arts of banking is to balance the potential cash requirements of depositors with the bank 's desire to hold a spectrum of profit-earning assets , some of which may be relatively illiquid .
7 The simplest form of analogy is to change the historical setting for the event , for instance , attempting to place The Good Samaritan in a contemporary setting , or doing the reverse of this — taking some contemporary problem such as racism and setting it in past times , in a context between , say , the Jews and the Samaritans or the Greeks and the Romans .
8 This sits easily with the view summarised earlier that there are " facts " in the world , recorded in various ways , and the task of research is to gather the appropriate ones in light of the resources and circumstances affecting the particular research project .
9 As we stated in the first chapter of this book , the developmental task of marriage is to convert the unconscious choice of partner into a conscious commitment .
10 To come to power in conditions of war was to expose the new regime to the maximum pressures of the world system .
11 Meanwhile a young infantry soldier who had fought in the trenches and had been taken prisoner of war was putting the finishing touches to a philosophical treatise that was to bring traditional philosophy crashing down about its ears .
12 If a decision about a document or as to some point of evidence is made the right course , having put the relevant argument , is to accept the ruling and then to consider an appeal should circumstances so demand .
13 Always ask : could the form of presentation be distorting the true situation ?
14 The simplest solution to the problem of stress is to leave the demanding situation .
15 With various motives — from the fear that the worst excesses of Thatcherism were making the existing social order less stable , to the belief that God was on the side of oppressed people seeking justice — its leaders spoke out against particularly inhumane State policies .
16 However , whether or not a statutory definition of charity is introduced the present problems must not be exaggerated .
17 The object of matching is to increase the internal validity of the study , i.e. to try to ensure that any S 1 -S 2 difference is due to X alone .
18 The main function of iron is to form the red pigment in the blood called haemoglobin .
19 The first stage of planning is to list the main activities on the processor outline .
20 Therefore , the effect of economies of scale is to exacerbate the anti-competitive effects of a change in the dominant firms ' conjectures .
21 Running from army officers to shopkeepers , from the poderosos ( the ‘ powerful ones ’ ) of rural towns to the cotton magnates of Barcelona , this inchoate conglomerate of the middle sections of society was to dominate the political life of the nineteenth century .
22 People from all walks of life are joining the Buddhist faith , which , says Tabkay , is no longer seen as an eastern religion .
23 The most usual method of calculation is to determine the net profit of the business ensuring that this amount is the amount of pre-tax and pre proprietor drawings and pre interest charges .
24 The whole range of radiation is called the electromagnetic spectrum .
25 The real Holy Grail of science is to combine the two into an equation whose writ runs from the instant of creation to the last syllable of recorded time .
26 The task of the sociology of science was to study the social context that permitted science to proceed according to the norms of this ethos .
27 The effect of evacuation was to flood the dark places with light and bring home to the national consciousness that the ‘ submerged tenth ’ described by Charles Booth still exists in our towns like a hidden sore , poor , dirty and crude in its habits , an intolerable and degrading burden to decent people forced by poverty to neighbour with it .
28 This level of unemployment is called the natural level of unemployment .
29 The task of the student of politics is to discern the distinctive features of that continuity and change , to generate concepts , and , if possible , to construct models and theories that will aid understanding of and serve to explain those distinctive features and the relationship among them .
30 Third , a doctor 's obligation when he can no longer hold back the approach of death is to make the patient comfortable , including easing his pain .
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