Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [conj] [v-ing] [pron] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Although it was their wood , a place where they often came , Libby felt herself to be an intruder , she did not want to disturb the figure by the water , who was now breaking pieces of stick and dropping them at his feet .
2 Adding up everyone 's several sources of income and grouping it into a household income , related to where people live and the local rate , is a major exercise that our present income tax system is incapable of doing .
3 procedure for taking goods out of stock and transferring them to the shop floor
4 It is a way of thinking and expressing oneself in language that is radically different from conversational speech .
5 Right across the village , men and women stooped over , black forms against a world of white , shovelling great heaps of snow and tumbling them to the ground in frothy white cascades .
6 ‘ Like the council , ’ said Constance , ‘ benefactors of humanity and kidding themselves about the perfectibility of man — silly bastards . ’
7 Although Stoy Hayward uses DOS versions of 1-2-3 , Mr Wise reports some interest in Windows : ‘ It 's mainly for ease of use , and for the increased ease of transferring a section of spreadsheet and pasting it into the middle of a document . ’
8 Stage 4 : Care planning — Negotiating the most appropriate ways of achieving the objectives identified by the assessment of need and incorporating them into an individual care plan .
9 It has been an almost Darwinian process , of course , with those failing to shrug off the stereotype simply going out of business and removing themselves from the genetic pool .
10 If he has given no address for service , service may be effected by delivering the document at his residence or by sending it by first class post to his last known residence , or in the case of a proprietor of a business , by delivering the document at his place of business or sending it by first class post to his last known place of business ( Ord 7 , r 1 ) .
11 By making sure the pigment or glaze was transparent , I could gauge the build-up of colour while mixing it in the palette .
12 It was Louise who usually attended to Miriam , bringing her a ration of water and helping her nearer the fire at night .
13 When the British state began its policies of social interventionism from 1945 , it succeeded in fragmenting the local power base of unionism by centralizing the sources of welfare and making them at least in part available across the sectarian divide .
14 My master was in the habit , when he was particularly busy with his scientific work , of writing orders on pieces of paper and leaving them on the stairs .
15 Donna rubbed her eyes and got to her feet , picking up the piece of paper and putting it in her handbag .
16 Both came to the Sunday services immediately after coming along to the centre , one of the lads having a belief in Jesus but had never taken the step of repentance and asking Him into his heart , when he did his reaction was to say he felt the chains fall from him and that he believes Jesus has broken his addiction to alcohol .
17 ‘ The coercion may of course be of different kinds , it may be in the grossest form , such as actual confinement or violence , or a person in the last days or hours of life may have become so weak and feeble , that a very little pressure will be sufficient to bring about the desired result , and it may even be , that the mere talking to him at that stage of illness and pressing something upon him may so fatigue the brain , that the sick person may be induced , for quietness ' sake , to do anything .
18 After that it is a simple matter of pumping and reeling it to the net .
19 His control is through their commitment to forming a clear vision of success and turning it into reality , and that vision includes the highest standards of self-discipline .
20 For Labour , accommodation to the changing mood meant adopting the essentially green idea of assessing the environmental costs of growth and working them into the balance sheets ( which the Tories are also adopting ) , but it did not mean following the Greens in calling for a halt to growth .
21 He let only a moment go by before filling a teaspoon full of caviar and feeding it to her .
22 Although people sometimes think of unemployment as having lots of leisure , in fact leisure only has its real meaning when it 's set against work .
23 On the whole , this is to the great benefit of government , especially conservative governments which thrive on secrecy , paranoia , a paternalistic control of information and protecting us from outside harm .
24 Even whilst developing the modern immaterialist notion of consciousness , the eighteenth-century empiricists and others were attacking the dignity of intellect and assimilating it to sensory activity by treating thoughts as mere images .
25 Following the poem 's ritualistic treatment of history and treating it in accord with Eliot 's method for ritual 's interpretation , if we take ‘ enough cross-sections to interpret a process ’ , and the poem invites us to do so , then we must be aware of a general downward movement .
26 Subsequent research will then be devoted to determining its range of applicability and subjecting it to still further tests .
27 Practically , it means that students have to become used to expressing a point of view and exposing it to the critical evaluation of their peers , and in this way take on the ethical demands of rationality .
28 Having a point of view and putting it across to other people I think we 've
29 She worked furiously , grabbing up heaps of earth and scattering it over the dry , sun-baked grass and loose strands of hay so that the fire should have nothing to devour .
30 Toddler walks with her had been a superhuman test of patience as she squatted by every puddle , slowly stirring the water with sticks , and picked up myriads of stones , tenderly brushing them free of earth and inserting them with infinite laboriousness into pockets already grinding with pebbles .
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