Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [conj] [noun sg] at the " in BNC.

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1 In geomorphology assessments of human impact have really been focused upon four themes if one includes consideration of hydrology and hydrogeomorphology at the same time .
2 A work by Simon Ungers investigates the interplay of mass and space at the Sophia Ungers gallery ( Aachener Strasse 23 , until 29 May ) .
3 The Trunchbull was sitting behind the teacher 's table staring with a mixture of horror and fascination at the newt wriggling in the glass .
4 Sixteen losing girls hurled charges of racism and score-fixing at the judges and said they would sue the organisers .
5 This was the era of competitive capitalism and the laisser-faire state which simply sought to guarantee freedom of contract and trade at the same time as it dismantled the restrictive apparatus of the feudal economy and secured public order at home and defence from abroad .
6 A psychiatrist who specialises in executive stress thought the fencing indicated that the person it protected felt an enormous sense of isolation and betrayal at the hands of people who had failed to be grateful for years of selfless public service .
7 Should doctors always be so keen to offer abortion as the only solution to women who are in the first throes of disappointment and depression at the news that their baby is not genetically perfect ?
8 US officials have raised questions about the quality of workmanship and safety at the complex , which is being built with Soviet help and is due to be commissioned in 1993 .
9 They were waiting for them inside the restaurant , which turned out to be a smallish place that somehow managed to achieve an atmosphere of casualness and intimacy at the same time .
10 But Michael Peckham does all three — which makes him seem , on the face of it , an unlikely character to move to Whitehall as the government 's new Director of Research and Development at the Department of Health .
11 ‘ As president of a manufacturing company , I was very impressed by the degree of computerisation and automation at the Tencel plant and I envy Courtaulds for this . ’
12 For example , Article 3 of the Agreement on Social Policy provides a legal basis for the consultation of management and labour at the Community level by the Commission before ii submits its proposals in the social policy field .
13 From 1946 to 1952 he was first lecturer and then senior lecturer in the department of philosophy and psychology at the University of Canterbury , Christchurch , New Zealand , and was professor of philosophy there from 1952 to 1958 .
14 Judging by the display of satin and tat at the Scottish Exhibition Centre last week , we are in grave danger of being swallowed in a cloud of marital candyfloss which could only be born in the USA .
15 Like BROWNIES they are happy with am offering of bread and milk at the end of the day .
16 They moved there in 1965 to take on the joint roles of warden and matron at the then residential and day training centre for the mentally handicapped .
17 Almost anything can be used to shed light on the past : the foundations of buildings can show what sort of houses people lived in ; the remains of tools show how they worked ; animal bones and plant remains show what they ate ; and pollen , snail shells and the remains of trees and plants can indicate the type of climate and vegetation at the time .
18 The policy and resources committee backed a series of measures including arranging free glass etching sessions and regular monitoring of security and lighting at the council 's car parks .
19 His deep love of music moved him to take lessons with Dr Hiles , ( later Professor of Harmony and Composition at the Royal Northern College of Music ) and the young Tiller showed an early flair by winning prizes for harmony while studying under him .
20 It depended on supplies of fuel and ammunition at the other end .
21 For instance , should a screening decision not to re-investigate become a focus of attention and criticism at the trial ?
22 The players speak in tones of awe and admiration at the amount of time McGeechan devotes to analysing the strengths and weaknesses of the opposition .
23 By the time we conclude our comparison of fabliau and exemplum at the end of this book we shall face a very similar formulation of the difference between the two as lying in the fabliau 's divergence from the normal modes of exemplum , which may in itself be funny , rather than in an all-preceding intention to be funny .
24 Not surprisingly this can lead to a great deal of guilt and remorse at the thought of things left unsaid , or perhaps an argument that had taken place just before the person left the house , never to return .
25 Penny Dunford is head of History of Art and Design at the University of Sunderland
26 ‘ When I first knew you , you would have been full of despair and melancholy at the thought of clerical life , but now though there is a faint hint of it you are full of hope and joy . ’
27 While Fleury and Harry exchanged a glance of shock and bewilderment at the unfortunate turn the tea party had suddenly taken , an effervescent mass detached itself from one of her breasts , which was revealed to be the shape of a plump carp , then from one of her diamond knee-caps , then an ebony avalanche thundered from her spine down over her buttocks , then from some other part of her .
28 The book begins , with the description of father and son at the latter 's birth ; the following paragraph is so formal in its rhetorical design , balancing each element of Mr Dombey 's description against a similar element of the description of Paul , that we may set it out in tabular form ( reading the columns from left to right ) : This is a brief glimpse of one kind of language which recurs at intervals throughout the book , especially at symbolic and ceremonial points in the fortunes of the Dombey family : births , funerals , and marriages .
29 For the Kaszubes released from the land anchor of serfdom or property at the end of the nineteenth century , the natural focus of population drift was neither Berlin nor Warsaw , but Danzig .
30 It occasioned a great deal of comment and controversy at the time .
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