Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [conj] [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The public interest would hardly suffer by the curtailment of temptations to give or accept credit which were likely to follow the abolition of so dubious a guarantee of honesty as furnished by the liability to imprisonment .
2 The nights grew colder , but in the early morning the rising sun was caught a thousand times in the droplets of moisture that formed in the webs that spiders wove across the bars of Creggan 's cage .
3 The greatest value of all such bulk matter , however , is not in the nutrient content , but in its effect on the soil structure , its retention of moisture and harbouring of the bacteria .
4 Where the issue of assessment and examining in the arts becomes problematical is in those instances where the justification can be seen to be overtly influenced by external factors .
5 6.2 Descriptions of these two instruments of assessment as given in the document The National Certificate — A Guide to Assessment , are :
6 Independence was not compromised , it was stated , and although the identification of causes deserving of support and finance from the advice agency might be questionable , in practice only those problems which gave real cause for community concern could be pursued successfully because of the need for public support .
7 Whatever level of public expenditure proves practicable , and however it is distributed , the primary source of support and care for the elderly people are informal and voluntary …
8 In a lengthy study of Britain it addressed in particular what it described as the " rather fashionable " debate on the imminence of change and decline in the Anglo-American relationship .
9 The main work-load on programming , the implementation of change and steering through the necessary mass of procedures and consultation to successful conclusion has fallen to my department 's team leaders , and in particular to Ruth in Personnel and training .
10 But a major research project at the University of Bristol , led by Professor Ian Silver of the Department of Pathology and funded by the Horserace Betting Levy Board in the late 1970s , was unable to find any scientific evidence for the efficacy of this bizarre treatment .
11 The Commission 's other research findings — that much of forensic science is far from certain , capable of misinterpretation and relies upon the defence to draw out its limitations — only add to the need for the defence to have already access to real defence experts .
12 Clare was set to watch sheep and geese on Helpston heath as a child of seven , and spent years of his childhood , and of his later life , wandering over the heath and through the patches of woodland that survived in the parish .
13 Despite these reservations , we can say something of the landscape of the Saxon Deerhurst estate , because , even without the fine detail , we can see vast areas of arable and pasture in the Severn Valley , areas of woodland and waste to the west over the river , and upland pasture on the Cotswolds to the east in a detached part of the estate .
14 This involves exclusive dealing and retail price maintenance in return for which consumers are guaranteed a degree of protection and recompense in the case of financial failure of a tour operator .
15 The collapse first of the Roman Empire in the fifth century and consequent withdrawal of protection and influence from the states of the Empire — England , France , Germany , Spain — and , later , the phased withdrawals of the Eastern half of the Roman Empire eastwards to Byzantium , left behind chaos , disruption and the total collapse of Roman civilised life in the countries of western Europe .
16 The aisles have moulded parapets , the walls are of flint , the north porch is partly of brick and has near the door a benatura .
17 The four-storey flour mill built of brick and weatherboarding on the River Lea dates from the early nineteenth century , and cast-iron columns were used , relatively early , for the interior structure .
18 St Albans is a good example of this type , if we think away the large block of building that lies between the present market place and the street called Chequer Street that lies behind .
19 Surprisingly , perhaps , to advocates of ‘ free ’ markets , this does not result in a lack of dynamism or a neglect of issues of co-ordination and control at the strategic apexes of industry in Japan .
20 There had been earlier instances of co-ordination or control by the dramatist or by the composer .
21 The density of a gas or vapour is often compared to that of hydrogen and expressed as the relative vapour density
22 ( ii ) The defect in steering mechanism was due to negligent lack of inspection and servicing by the dealer who was therefore liable — irrespective of whether there was a contract — to anyone foreseeably injured by his negligence .
23 The primary end points were ascertained at day 28 as ( a ) the investigator 's overall assessment of the patient 's condition compared with pretreatment , ‘ investigator 's assessment ’ , ( b ) the patient 's assessment of remission as recorded in the diary card , ‘ patient 's assessment ’ , and ( c ) the sigmoidoscopy score .
24 In the near future the Guild is planning to open a new Museum of Knitting & Crochet in the historic village of Saltaire near Bradford .
25 He shook his head slowly , to show some reaction , staring past the druggist at the dark handcrafted old shelving , wondering if he should remember every detail of this place , and sadly realising he would only remember the huge can of chilli that appeared on the menu board as Home Made .
26 During night missions inside Iraq , the laser shines from the belly of the bomber , and is kept on target by the pilot or the weapons officer , with the help of electronics that compensate for the aircraft 's movements .
27 This year all major vessels and columns were stripped of asbestos and reinsulated during the major shut-down in July and August .
28 However , Michael Jenking , the sailing master , was found guilty of negligence and dismissed from the service .
29 As I walked out of another final-year class at fox Primary , the pupils were building complex models out of balsawood or working on the theories of gearing with big pieces of plastic Meccano .
30 If this declaration is not made within two months of the day of election and delivered to the chief executive or clerk of the council within that two months then the office at the expiration of the two months automatically becomes vacant and the local authority must declare the office vacant and signify the vacancy by notice signed by the proper officer of the authority and affixed to the offices of the authority .
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