Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [prep] the same [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The archbishop of Besançon was summoned through the bishop of Langres ( an intentional slight ) for allowing papal messengers to be captured ; the bishop of Speyer on the same grounds and also for sending one messenger to the gallows ; the archbishop of Tarentaise for crowning Philip ; and the bishop of Passau , who had probably been the draughtsman of the Staufen protest , had a long series of charges brought against him — he had not delivered two million marks to the king of Hungary , he had not paid back the money given him by Richard I for his release — indeed , his crimes were so great , the letter said , that he could have been punished without trial .
2 The problem is one of the continuing dominance of traditional models of assessment at the same time as trying to introduce other models based on quite different educational premises .
3 Pile up all the layers of seaweed in the same way as you would ordinary pressed material ( see p. 38 ) and leave them overnight , lightly weighted down with a couple of books .
4 Literary studies in action approaches the study of literature in the same way that a comparatively naive undergraduate reader approaches it : as a conglomeration of linguistic and literary forms , functions and meanings , all operating at once and all of which have somehow to be deciphered in order to gain access to the text , and explained in order to facilitate the production of adequate essays .
5 The transfer function of the low-pass prototype is given by equation ( 12.12 ) and substituting expression ( 12.43 ) for s generates the modified transfer function On the other hand , direct analysis of the network of figure ( 12.4 ) yields or which is of course of the same form .
6 Expectancy effect may , for instance , be behind the otherwise inexplicable phenomenon of misidentification of the same suspect by a number of independent witnesses .
7 ( Why is it that American Football , an infinitely more static , convoluted sport should draw such paeans of admiration from the same sportswriters who condemn rugby union matches for being dull and boring ?
8 Women are not , however , forced into the worst aspects of this trade by their lack of money to the same extent as they used to be .
9 But Weber did not elaborate the process of creativity to the same extent as Freud .
10 And so , if I was wicked enough , he would keep me till I was undone and till his mind changed for even wicked men , I have read , soon grow weary of wickedness with the same person , and love variety .
11 Gould was immediately attracted to the art of lithography for the same reasons as Lear — the relative inexpensiveness of production and the lack of training required — but he also saw great potential for Lear 's large-size format and colourful plates , which could , Gould thought , if properly promoted and well managed , prove extremely lucrative .
12 A tenant has no right to deduct tax that should have been deducted from earlier payments of rent to a non-resident landlord from later payments of rent to the same landlord .
13 It is impossible to experience both fear and peace of mind at the same time .
14 on conditions of carriage for the same day operation but , not in that league at all .
15 The NATO Secretary-General , Manfred Wörner , commented that " to see defence ministers who were in a sense at the heart of the Cold War confrontation sitting in a spirit of partnership around the same table is a remarkable and moving event " .
16 She had posted off a length of pale blue silk for Jennifer 's dress , and another of velvet in the same shade for Christopher 's page-boy suit .
17 She bit her lip and kept her peace , and even made them cups of tea with the same grace that her mother had demonstrated in the dark hours of the night .
18 Only for a moment did he pause and face the buffeting wind with an effort , and Paul recognised in that moment his own struggle with bales of wool before the same door .
19 The two most powerful prose meditations attributed to Rolle , on the other hand , enact a painful penitential sense of the gap between the sour sterility which is a concomitant of what St Paul calls " the body of this death " ( Romans 7:24 ) and the joy and creativity of God , though comparison between them reveals different levels of engagement with the same theme .
20 But he 'd trained himself in the craft of grief with the same commitment to feigning humanity as he had learning to shiver ; his tutor , the Bard ; Lear his favourite lesson .
21 Customs manufactured before the humbucking age feature two sorts of pickup on the same guitar : a P90 by the bridge , and an Alnico by the neck — a really old-fashioned looking thing , with huge great rectangular polepieces .
22 And , in 1972 a ‘ clandestine advertising ’ scandal led to a Parliamentary report on ORTF ‘ abuses ’ : programme-makers had received favours from manufacturers to do ‘ product-placement ’ — the frequent use of a given make of car in the same film , for instance .
23 Yet particular religions , it might be said , are necessary to convey the meaning of Religion in the same way as particular truths are necessary to convey the meaning of Truth .
24 Sikhism sees this Mystery at the heart of religion in the same way .
25 A different approach would be to introduce Caldwell recklessness into the non-fatal offences of causing injury , with a view to labelling cases of endangerment in the same way as ‘ traditional ’ crimes .
26 ‘ Well , sir , the forensic people say there are traces of blood of the same group as Gray 's , rhesus negative ’ — he consulted his notes — ‘ A , on the inside of the scabbard and on the hilt .
27 Now let us consider three different conditions each representing a different degree of anxiety within the same task .
28 Shanahan , Kamil and Tobin ( 1982 ) reported a very interesting study in which they not only examined the effect of normal and scrambled passages on cloze test scores , but also compared the results against tests of recall for the same passage presented without deletions .
29 A number of laws , many of them based on principles of ‘ obscenity ’ , ‘ indecency ’ and ‘ offence ’ are designed to prevent the distribution or display of homosexuality in the same way as porn is constrained .
30 Following the use of a lavatory by a woman with vaginal trichomoniasis , the medical team dropped small blocks of wood of the same size and shape as faeces into the pan and caught the resultant splashes on culture plates .
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