Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [prep] [art] [noun pl] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Before exploring some of the attitudes held towards the issue of assessment by the arts teachers interviewed , it might help to look at the philosophies being advanced by them towards the teaching of their respective specialisms .
2 Unless we show that we are determined to proceed with the deployment of cruise and Pershing missiles , there will be no chance of progress in the arms control talks .
3 This is the latest in a series of conflicts over the Baltic environment , including an escape of effluent from the chemicals complex on the river Dvina which poisoned large numbers of fish .
4 Merseyside East Euro MP Terry Wynn sent a message of support to the women members of Women against Pit Closures .
5 It has been a year of change for the Mechanics Institute which has seen its crumbling headquarters re-vamped into a fashionable pub .
6 An investigation is underway into a fire which caused thousands of pounds of damage to a plastics factory .
7 I have a particular over the management letter , and I 'm sure Mr will be aware that in fact I refer of course to the facilities management contract .
8 If it is proposed to use the target 's assets to help finance the bid , the offeror will need to consider carefully the financial assistance provisions of ss151-155 of the Companies Act 1985 ( see para 22.1 below ) .
9 After knowing only life at the highest level of the game , McGrain is full of admiration for the players Arbroath have assembled from Tayside , Edinburgh and Glasgow who combine playing , training and travelling long distances with everyday jobs .
10 On Oct. 9 , 1989 , following Rocard 's use of the procedure authorized by Article 49.3 of the Constitution ( whereby in the absence of a motion of censure a law was adopted on its first reading ) , the RPR presented a motion of censure on the arms expenditure bill which obtained only 159 of the of 289 votes required to gain a simple majority .
11 It found that the prohibition of public meetings for political purposes , the requirement of permission from the police authority to hold such meetings in private and the authorisation of the military authority for the holding of indoor lectures were not consistent with Article 11 .
12 The legal recognition of corporate character may be obtained either by a charter from the Crown , as in the case of most of our older corporations , like the Hudson 's Bay Company , some universities and their colleges , as well as of some more recent ones ; or directly by means of an incorporating Act of parliament , as in the case of certain public utilities ; or indirectly through an Act of Parliament like the Companies Act 1948 ( which has been amended by several later Acts of the same name , and consolidated by the Companies Act 1985 ) , which offers corporate character to any number of persons ( usually not less than seven ) associated for a lawful object , who are willing to comply with the statutory requirements as to registration and otherwise .
13 Leaving these expenses under the general heading of administration in the schools accounts gives governors and staff a distorted picture of expenditure .
14 One former Orkney councillor suggested this course of action to the Isles Euro-MP , Winnie Ewing .
15 The Department of Health has published nine separate volumes of guidance on the Children Act .
16 Clearly these threats contradict the spirit of partnership in the Children Act .
17 After a lot of confusion at the police station I was brought in .
18 A pioneer in the field of instrumentation for the materials sector , the company now has offices and manufacturing bases throughout the world .
19 Failure to obey any instructions he or she might issue in this context may amount to the statutory offence of obstruction of a police officer in the execution of his duty , for which the sentence can be either imprisonment or a substantial fine .
20 In due course , she was charged with and convicted of obstruction of a police constable in the execution of his duty .
21 So lets be quite clear that there is still a great deal of slack in the police budget , whi money that could be used to er , put policemen on the beat .
22 BACK in 1987 one of the first tentative recognitions of AIDS in the arts world , a benefit concert called ‘ Music for Life ’ , was held at Carnegie Hall in New York .
23 Friends of the Earth is warning Mr Redwood to beware of talk of a jobs bonanza .
24 There were further misconceptions about the effect of the inclusion of recklessness in the mens rea of rape .
25 Now there are occasionally criticisms from members that there is too much concentration on the elite end of sport in the Sports Federation in this instance the R Y A but what is important about the is an effort to produce a very high standard as a finished product so to speak to go to the Olympics but it also helps to concentrate minds on the bit that is missing before and help to recycle everybody 's concentration into the training area and Rod has just been talking about the year of youth and of course it follows on very naturally in a post- olympic year to launch that year of youth .
26 In consequence , it is not possible to define a rate of return on a futures contract , and some other type of analysis must be used which does not require the use of the sum invested .
27 The actual rate of return on a futures position depends both on whether the position is long or short , and on the amount of margin that has to be paid .
28 Chapter 7 , which is written by Sara Ladbury and Clive Mira-Smith , is a piece of work by the Cities Research Unit , a private consultant , and accordingly reflects the style and the medium in which it is rooted , whilst similarly Jon Dawson and Michael Parkinson 's chapter is written from a perspective that is able to take on board their own personal involvement with the Merseyside Development Corporation .
29 going for a that was brilliant I got and that , and I tried , I had a whole box of er , erm , thing is , when you hold a thousand rounds of ammunition , I got given about two thirds of this box all for myself , so I 'm there for about three hours before the exercise I had and then put the rest in the then we sat down for another hour filling them up again , superb , we had loads of bung in the windows grenades
30 Copies of these translations ( and the English original ) may be obtained free of charge from the Publications Unit ( ) .
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