Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [verb] by the [det] " in BNC.

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1 Or was the way they engaged with these theoretical explanations of racism governed by the same conditions as applied to their reading of the ‘ primary ’ material ?
2 So we should like to see an authoritative source of comparative APRs : both typical rates and the extremes of the range of rates , for different types of credit and ( where this makes a significant difference ) different types of purchase financed by the same type of credit .
3 Artistic , in the best sense , they fretted because of the inflated sense of importance developed by the many people of inferior talent around the industry .
4 I was overcome by the warmth of feeling displayed by the many thousands of people who lined the route of our march-past .
5 All these facts concerning the particular mechanisms of the paper industry added together meant that it was quite unlikely that Rembrandt would buy two batches of paper prepared by the same paper mill using the same mould .
6 These differences could obviously prove useful in identifying batches of paper made by the same mould .
7 There is nothing in the Bill which gives the slightest safeguard against that sort of asset stripping by the same companies to which sections of the National Bus Company were sold .
8 A walk across the moor to the north from this point soon arrives at an area of limestone pierced by the many shafts of Tailbrigg Pots .
9 Where any one or more of the earlier operations , however , also constituted transfers of value made by the same transferor , the value transferred by the earlier operations shall be treated as reducing the value transferred by all the operations taken together , except to the extent that the transfer constituted by the earlier operations ( but not that made by all the operations taken together ) is exempt under s18 of the Act ( see IRC v Brandenburg [ 1982 ] STC 555 at p468a , Fynn v IRC ( 1957 ) 37 TC 629 and Corbett 's Executors v IRC ( 1943 ) 25 TC 305 ) .
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