Example sentences of "of [noun sg] [verb] with [det] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The length of cable used with these generators can also effect their output in low level conditions due to the impedance of cable increasing with length .
2 Faith is perhaps the operative word for the collector of modern books , the type of faith displayed with such success by booksellers such as Bertram Rota who was recently called by another specialist in this field the ‘ master-mason of the modern first edition ’ .
3 If , as is becoming increasingly common , the contract gives a female executive maternity leave rights which are more generous than the minimum legal requirement , the employer must of course comply with those terms .
4 They quote an Under Secretary commenting upon informal communications networks : ‘ Some of these people I 've known for twenty-five years and we can of course communicate with each other almost in code . ’
5 Of course , if prices generally do rise , the value of money falls with all sorts of unpleasant consequences for the classes who can not raise their money incomes as fast as others , and , in the case of Britain particularly , for the national balance of payments .
6 The absence of lamellipodia tallies with another observation : when we grafted a small patch of embryonic skin onto a denuded region of the limb bud surface , we found that the grafted epidermis , far from expanding over the adjacent vacant territory , actually retracted , leaving its own mesenchyme exposed .
7 Between 2.00 and 3.00 p.m. every Wednesday , ladies and gentlemen enjoy a session of Medau linked with some aspect of health , along with the added enjoyment of a nice cup of tea .
8 Indeed , these weightings could possibly be adjusted ’ on the fly ’ , according to the degree of confidence associated with each analyser .
9 These drops of water argued with each other all day long .
10 Since there is a body of theory associated with these routes , some of it of considerable generality , identification of one of the routes implies that the transition is at least partially understood .
11 I of Capital dealing with this topic .
12 I have been through a long period of psychotherapy dealing with this abuse and continue to find internal examinations traumatic .
13 What seems initially unique and disturbing can become a well-known if regrettable fact of life shared with many others .
14 Just as it was extremely difficult to get the liberal establishment to take on board issues to do with social class in the 1970s so too was it rare to hear feminism and the politics of gender discussed with any degree of seriousness or attention at any of their gatherings .
15 Rousseau 's influential articles , however , had the additional purpose of discrediting the style of music associated with that place .
16 Sometimes this is difficult to state so that , for example , although the common law did refer to the owner being under an obligation to hire out goods of a reasonable fitness , the level of care associated with this obligation was uncertain , being mainly the product of dictum rather than decision .
17 This method of analysis met with some success ( Sedimentation Seminar , 1981 ) but has not been widely applied .
18 The description of jubilee starts with these words : ‘ The land shall not be sold for ever : for the land is mine ’ ( Lev .
19 First , the lack of a grammatical category in a given language suggests that the indication of information associated with that category is regarded as optional .
20 Table 16.1 shows how the market price and the market rate of interest vary with each other for a bond yielding £5 per year .
21 Quite apart from the working breakfasts , the working lunches , the sock-it-to-'em suppers and the power parties , he still had two or three hours of paperwork to deal with each evening after he stumbled back to his hotel room .
22 This class , known by Marxists as the bourgeoisie , were the owners of the means of production associated with this system of capital accumulation and commodity production .
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