Example sentences of "of [pron] in the [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 I started sweating when they called out the bloke ahead of me in the high jump .
2 No fewer than 39,000 members of the Merchant Service lost their lives in the Second World War , many of them in the Western Approaches , yet they are invariably overshadowed by their more glamorous allies in the Royal Navy .
3 Lot number one O five Lot number one O five , the terracotta carvings there 's eight of them there we are , all eight of them in the framed case for three hundred pounds at three hundred pounds and twenty , fifty , at three hundred and fifty pounds any more at three fifty only , at three hundred and fifty , all done ?
4 Oh , no , never say that he did not like them , after all her hard work and the writing of them in the small hours after her demanding duties as a dogsbody had already tired her !
5 They were her Aladdin 's caves and , ever since her inheritance , open to her as often as she chose , though for most of the year she contented herself with a reminder of them in the small parcels .
6 Something she said , perhaps Matey 's name , the lack of privacy for the two of them in the small house , although they had both kept their voices low , stopped him .
7 Yet none of them in the triple realms of Theatre , Television and Film would be anywhere without the Designer .
8 Perhaps it could also be blamed on having flicked past hundreds of dull photos of them in The Scots Magazine over the years , showing old men with their shirt sleeves rolled up , pointing at some rolling , lumpy , big hills with the caption reading , ‘ The mighty Cairngorms are a sight for sore eyes in any rambler 's book ’ .
9 He scored 24 tries , two of them in the epic Challenge Cup final victory over Hull .
10 It was proposed that the trainee nurses would be accommodated in the main building of the institution and the committee recommended a scheme for ten probationers , five of them in the first year .
11 The sheer volume of the many assessments externally required by the Act and now under design by SEAC runs the danger of forcing the less confident teachers — indeed all of them in the first instance , as they ascend the steep learning curve — into ‘ rote teaching ’ , a much more dangerous activity than rote learning because it tends to shut down that sense of intellectual curiosity without which children are not really being taught .
12 There were three of them in the first team at Peterborough last Saturday , and on Tuesday night young Adam Reed was in the squad .
13 Faced , however , with the catastrophic increase in unemployment and the need to occupy large numbers of workless people without directly employing them ( which would have run counter to the economic doctrine which had led to the redundancy of many of them in the first place ) , the Government poured money into any ‘ voluntary ’ agency willing to put in a bid for government-funded cheap labour .
14 that wh who in the government would he dispose of and he sat and smiled gently and said well he would n't have appointed any of them in the first place .
15 ‘ What we found initially was that individual mussel meats were small because there were so many of them in the one place .
16 Critics of multimedia say that it is a solution looking for a problem , but during the past few years it has delivered many useful applications , some of them in the financial sector .
17 But such enthusiasts were not numerous , and there were not many of them in the papal Curia .
18 There were a record 220 entries , 53 of them in the under-seventeen section , with the youngest entrant aged just ten .
19 In two months Sussex saw 103 separate incidents , two-thirds of them in the eastern half where the restrictive paternalism of the great landowners was less pervasive than in the west .
20 There are 1,250 officers in the branch in England and Wales , 30 per cent of them in the Metropolitan Police in London .
21 The dislocation happened and he saw this stout , handsomely dressed man , almost gasping m front of a pale-eyed , pale-faced clergyman , the two of them in the consecrated atmosphere of a church which could trace back its foundation on that spot through about thirteen hundred years .
22 There are frequent reports , some of them in the Soviet press , of bungling and inefficiency in both exploration and production , yet expert opinion on what the Soviet oil industry can achieve has been shown over the past few years to be wildly wrong .
23 The head waiter came towards them , and Anthony gave another name , not his , and they were ushered to a table in the window , overlooking the terrasse where a few customers were sitting in the open , a glass or two in front of them in the freshening air .
24 There are only a few thousand maleos left , most of them in the northern parts of the island .
25 J.D. had told her on her last visit , when she had handed in the column she had just read , that there had been a large number of letters about Vesta 's contribution and he would be publishing some of them in the next issue .
26 ‘ He 's intending to drop in and have a social drink with a few of them in the next day or so , have lunch or dinner , participate in old boys ’ chat , that sort of thing . ’
27 There was no sign of them in the next field , but ahead of him at the top of the hill he saw the young dog , looking black against the morning sky .
28 We shall look at some of them in the next chapter , but before closing this one it might be pertinent to speculate why it was in St. John 's Gospel , of all places , that we get such stress laid on the Spirit as Paraclete .
29 An increasing number of factories and other enterprises were being constructed in foreign countries : by 1989 over 3,500 had been built , most of them in the socialist world but nearly 900 in developing countries .
30 And it 's not just Cancer and Heart Disease and Child Abuse and the Homeless and the Disabled — all of them in the utmost need of support .
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