Example sentences of "of [pron] [noun pl] [prep] the same " in BNC.

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1 It is also likely that they will monitor and criticize the performance of their colleagues to the same end .
2 ‘ Dolphins rely on their oil channels for precise echolocation but sound still impinges on all parts of their bodies with the same high energy and turns every inch into a functional sound receptor .
3 The Society for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge asked him to report on the work of its schools at the same time .
4 The Society for the Propagation of Christian Knowledge asked him to report on the work of its schools at the same time .
5 ‘ Academically there was n't anything to shout from the ceilings , in fact I do n't think that he found the work easy , but there was a dedication there that some of his contemporaries of the same ability could have used .
6 It would now be an act of political madness further to raise them to support the pound ( as indeed it would be to sacrifice more of our reserves to the same purpose ) .
7 We start to lose control of our minds in the same way that muscular tension is often out of our control .
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