Example sentences of "of [pron] [adj] [noun] [verb] the " in BNC.

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1 I tell you , I went up those steps faster than a scalded faggot , propelled by a barbarous diuretic terror on behalf of my exposed rear end The heavy door at the top did n't give until the fifth push , but by then I had turned , and seen the shrugging figures as they retreated into the light , and now I could hear only laughter .
2 I detest the armoured , air-conditioned truck that deprived me of my final opportunity to desecrate the holy relic that is ‘ Guernica ’ .
3 This debate is taking place in the early hours of the morning , but the presence of so many of my hon. Friends underlines the importance which the Opposition attach to it , which contrasts starkly with the importance that the Government attach to it .
4 One of my favourite bits concerned the column she was commissioned to write for a newspaper during the general election .
5 This is because of their legitimate keenness to stress the presence of a communal principle in the history of mankind .
6 True , they did n't show the filming of their frantic attempts to resuscitate the desperately injured girl , but they did show Kathleen emerging from Resus. , tears in her eyes , telling the cameraman to get out of her way , and then they showed a brief interview with Jack where they discussed the case in scant outline , and also her reaction to the death .
7 Passing beneath the arch the children felt the slope beneath them and tumbled into a trot , the echoes of their stamping feet sending the pigeons plummeting from their perches .
8 In the final , Royston and Cawkell settled quickly and took full advantage of their five-point start to take the first game 15–5 .
9 The end of their fearful regime left the country with the task of reconstructing the entire Greek economy and bridging the deep rifts that had opened up between the Greek people themselves .
10 The rediscovery of their Balkan hinterland gives the Greeks something new to do .
11 If the benefits they will receive , multiplied by the likelihood of their personal contribution making the decisive difference , exceed the costs of joining , then they sign up .
12 In practice , such measures are seldom necessary : most journalists seem aware of their tacit responsibility to toe the approved ideological line ( Schlesinger , 1978:225 ) .
13 The simplicity of their melodic lines invoke the melismas of plainchant , whilst the harmonies which accompany the melody suggest the depths of Orthodox chanting .
14 The sound of their sodden thwacking punctuated the dusk .
15 In areas of policy where liberal corporatism prevails political leaders and party organizations are either excluded defacto from policy-making or compelled by their dependence upon the external elites to surrender some of their public powers to steer the state .
16 For the design of energy management systems offers a new diagram of a mechanism of power reduced to an ideal form : like the Panopticon , the design of their microelectronic circuitry represents the functioning of control abstracted from any obstacle , resistance or friction and detached from any specific use .
17 Proof of their evil intentions came the day the dog caught one .
18 The specialized habits of both these ‘ pseudo-fishes ’ may have contributed to their survival , when none of their bony-plated relatives survived the Palaeozoic .
19 Rumour has it that Sierra were then approached by IBM themselves , to produce a product that would take advantage of the colour graphic features of their forthcoming wonder machine the IBM PCjr .
20 Norman Sparrow , Dagenham 's chairman , confirmed that the two clubs were ‘ close to concluding discussions on the issue ’ and would then be calling meetings of their respective members to put the results to them .
21 These women have made full use of their respective groups to discuss the theoretical , formal and personal concerns underpinning and sustaining the shifts within their creative practice .
22 Eleven percent of their newborn babies exceeded the limit . ’
23 The name of Cressida had indeed become ‘ the very crown of falsehood ’ , and the story of their fleeting love represented the epitome of inconstancy .
24 Dogs , in particular , have been trained for this work — an extension of their natural instincts to protect the pack .
25 Over the years more and more evidence consistent with the electroweak theory has come from numerous experiments not only at CERN but at particle accelerators throughout the world , and in 1979 , Heldon Glashow , Abdus Salam , and Steven Weinberg received the Nobel prize in recognition of their theoretical endeavours to unite the weak and electromagnetic forces .
26 A trustee ( other than the official receiver ) can be removed by resolution of the creditors at a meeting duly summoned of which proper notice specifying the purpose of the meeting has been given ( s 298(1) ) .
27 When a famous warrior died he was commemorated by a monument known as a das in front of which upright stones indicated the number of his victims .
28 It 's a question of finding the right sources — like penitentials , books prescribing penances for a variety of sins , of which sexual sins formed the largest category .
29 There will need to be an assessment of which overseas markets offer the most opportunities at the same time as looking for early signs of local companies being eyed by competitors as ripe for merger or acquisition , forecasting what the effects of this might be on the locality .
30 We conclude our accounts of each approach by looking at some of its distinctive variants to demonstrate the range of options in the neo-Marxist literature .
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