Example sentences of "of [pron] [noun sg] at the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 ‘ I did most of my research at the Public Records Office .
2 The entire white watch crew at Wallasey fire station received a prestigious award in recognition of their bravery at the triple rescue .
3 Detectives spoke of their disgust at the brutal attack .
4 Customers of Tamworth can now dispose of their rubbish at the same time as doing their shopping , as there are now recycling facilities in the car park .
5 The Scotsman has learned that the National Art Collections Fund has stripped the university of a purchase grant worth several thousand pounds because of its disquiet at the proposed sale .
6 In January 1983 , the water content of reservoirs in South Africa had fallen to 50 per cent of its level at the same time last year , and the 1982 maize crop was 40 per cent lower than the record of 40 million tonnes harvested in 1981 .
7 Now the public may enjoy its stately grandeur and the magnificent flowering trees of its parkland at the same time , perhaps , pondering upon the enterprise and ethics with which the magnificent property was founded .
8 However , the NCOAP directed the greater part of its invective at the moral issue , rather than at the prior financial one .
9 Perhaps , as the attacker 's jaws open wide to grab the small , furry shape , the potto acts like a jerking hedgehog and thrusts the back of its neck at the biting mouth .
10 It was obvious that oceanic crust must be continually destroyed somewhere at a rate comparable with that of its creation at the oceanic ridges in order to maintain a balance .
11 It is unlikely a team will get all the details of its programme at the same time as the call to the work .
12 Helynsar ran well in the later stages of her race at the last meeting when Treat Me Good scored and she may be worth following against a moderate lot in the Moira Novices Chase .
13 Away from the defence debate Dr Mowlam also yesterday spoke of her despair at the growing homeless problem in her constituency .
14 Curbishley won the senior women 's race in an encouraging 63.7 seconds , even though she tore a ligament at the side of her knee at the halfway mark .
15 She told another foreign reporter that she had spent most of her time at the General Staff learning English .
16 The Welsh Office remains wet ; the Scottish Office damp ; and Douglas Hurd has the team of his choice at the Foreign Office .
17 While Ambrose earns wickets for his colleagues merely by dint of his presence at the other end , one timely intrusion at Chelmsford dispelled any notions of sloth .
18 ‘ Depressed , ’ is his summary of his state at the final exclusion .
19 Gironella 's first direct encounter with Velázquez was at an exhibition of his work at the Metropolitan Museum in New York in 1959 .
20 In April 1947 he was appointed a lord of appeal in ordinary , having already been granted in January a hereditary peerage in recognition of his work at the international tribunal at Nuremberg ( 1945–6 ) .
21 Dr Alastair McKinley is monitoring the amount of ultraviolet rays from the sun as part of his work at the National Radiological Protection Board .
22 To embody this revolt of the young against the old , Mosley founded his New Party , encouraged by the triumph of his appearance at the Labour Party Conference in 1930 , after his resignation from office .
23 In one of the last and most highly dramatised flourishes of his directorship at the National Gallery of Art in Washington , D.C. , J. Carter Brown announced on 4 June that his museum and the Metropolitan Museum of Art will be receiving on loan twenty-two fifth-century BC sculptures from Greece that have never been loaned before .
24 If he is not saying that he would repeal the increase in VAT , he is simply speaking out of both sides of his mouth at the same time .
25 The disciplinary control exercised by these groups is usually powerful , for if any member breaks away and acts contrary to the decisions of the group on any important issue he will probably lose the support of his party at the next election .
26 Benjamin pointed with the tip of his finger at the purple-red crosses on the corpse 's chest .
27 O. Pächt identified the Alexis Master as Anketil , a monk-goldsmith of St Albans Abbey , who completed a new shrine for the relics of St Alban in 1129 , and spent part of his career at the Danish court as royal moneyer .
28 If some of us despair at the seeming lack of real competition to them in Scotland , Hateley 's reaction permits not a whit of concern .
29 It was all about preparing properly , having pride and big hearts and playing to the best of your ability at the right time .
30 The restructuring has not only provided the opportunity to gather the best of our expertise at the new centres and better serve our clients through local offices but will also provide for much greater efficiency and make us better placed to meet the ever changing demands of the 90s .
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