Example sentences of "of [art] [noun pl] in the first " in BNC.

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1 Reminiscences of the trenches in the First World War or Stockton-upon-Tees in the twenties and thirties ( his favourite standbys ) did not fit the occasion .
2 Tolkien 's epic is more like a romantic reflection of pre-1914 British life and of those models of manly virtue he had once witnessed and cherished , it seems likely , in the grim camaraderie of the trenches in the First World War .
3 After all , it was the Budapest public who demanded the removal of the eye-sores in the first place .
4 The electoral success of the Kadets in the First Duma owed little to their largely unsuccessful attempts to attract the support of peasants and workers .
5 It was found that 599 ( 56 per cent ) were classifiable as ‘ new cases ’ , that is , as not being known to any of the agencies in the first survey , and having no known first contact date with an agency prior to April 1985 .
6 It was the licensing system and licensing controls , after all , which helped to foster Britain 's peculiar ‘ brewery tie ’ and concentrate pub ownership in the hands of the brewers in the first place ; and it was the same system which connived at and partly encouraged the modern contagion of open-plan pub designs .
7 In the remainder of the cases in the first two teams , either no service was offered , service was declined by the client , or the assessment was preempted in some way ( for example , by the client entering hospital ) .
8 According to Yoichiro Yoda , of the AI Sales Section of Nichimen Data , the systems will be targeted initially at research and development environments , and the company hopes to sell 50 to 60 of the machines in the first year .
9 There was a strong diagonal wind in favour of the Borderers in the first half and they turned round 12-3 ahead , although territorially the game was more even .
10 The rates in control practices were lower than those of the fundholders in the first phase , but by phase 2 the non-fundholders had increased their referral rates to the same level as the fundholders .
11 The first point to note , therefore , is that many of the disruptions in the first evacuation scheme , which produced so much distress in the children ( resulting , in particular , in bed-wetting ) were primarily the result of poor civil defence planning .
12 Unless we take the cuts on board , it 's gon na be a waste of time discussing the possibilities of the amalgamations in the first place .
13 ( 2 ) Give a simple description of the document : eg conveyance instead of indenture for old deeds , etc. ( 3 ) Give the names of the parties in the first abstracted deed , but where these recur ( as , for example , where a buyer becomes a seller , or where personal representatives become sellers ) give initials only , so that after the first deed the seller , etc , of an abstracted document will commonly be shown by initials and so indicate that there is an unbroken chain of title .
14 Four Australians , for example , above a road to Three Spurs and halfway Up a steep hillside , once knocked out most of the men in the first of two trucks passing below the patrol .
15 Cardiff castle has a history of more than 1900 years dating from the coming of the Romans in the first century .
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