Example sentences of "of [adj] be [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 However Nay 's radiant picture ‘ Woman and Ram ’ of 1948 was purchased after the sale for DM130,000 net ( £52,000 ; $83,200 ) .
2 Northern blot analysis of RNA extracted from a variety of cell , organ and other tissue types confirmed that expression of Oct-11 was restricted to the myeloma cell line P3/NS-1/1-Ag4.1 ( Figure 5 ) .
3 Although persistent overlapping and the resultant anomalies means that none of these economic groupings were exclusive , the character of each is governed by the bias of its composition ; the minor gentlemen comprehended in the £10. — £19 range for instance , were too heavily outnumbered to be in any real sense typical of it .
4 The mechanical response is usually determined at low frequencies and over as wide a temperature range as possible and examples of each are described in the following section .
5 The more power in Europe lay in the hands of a few strong States , the more a State system emerged in which the position of each was established through the recognition of the others .
6 The moods and emotions of each were expressed in the first three movements .
7 In an experiment carried out at Palmer Station on the Antarctic Peninsula in 1989 , microscopic floating ocean plants ( phytoplankton ) were taken from the nearby bay and brought into the laboratory , where they were subjected to levels of ultra-violet radiation estimated to be equivalent to the amount of ultra-violet being transmitted through the ozone hole which has been developing in Antarctica each spring in recent years .
8 A total of seven points out of eight were lost to the Tayside club last season and Aberdeen 's only point from United this term came at Tannadice in December after they had held , and then surrendered , a two-goal lead .
9 Finally , the punitive powers of the ‘ Kleisthenic ’ council of 500 were defined for the first time .
10 The Council of 500 was drawn from the demes in proportion to their population ( see p. 112 ) and it is now known ( for instance ) that in the time of Kleisthenes no more than one-quarter of known Athenians can be attributed to city demes .
11 ‘ Reverting to the decision at first instance in the Leighton case , the report of the argument shows that the provisions of section 82(1) and ( 2 ) of the Act of 1925 were drawn to the attention of Luxmoore J. We feel no doubt that he would have appreciated that , even in the absence of a successful plea of forgery or non est factum , the section would in terms have conferred a discretion on the court to rectify the charges register , even as against the innocent chargees .
12 And we 've generally been moving already with our big investment that we 've already got in Child Care , let's not forget that , towards this philosophy of that 's enshrined in the Children Act , which is building up parental responsibility and encouraging and supporting parents containing their own children , rather than being forced to give them up .
13 Yes , I mean the main brute force of destroying tropical rainforest is population increase , pressure on land , and people going into forests , but a large part of that is determined by the government 's attitude , whether it in fact concentrates on trying to improve agriculture , or whether , under all sorts of pressures from the government to do that .
14 in particular and , and some put gateway effect and possibly the ramble you see for example on the A twelve at Brandon in , er , er Brentham rather is something that we feel we could do readily and in the near future , so an element of that is calming in the very foreseeable future , more comprehensive traffic calming a little further into the horizon and I 'm afraid the bypass some time much further into the horizon , I think Chairman , I hope that er Miss that 's an adequate summary of our discussion .
15 That is just so shit but a lot of that is to do with the fa is A the whole of Aston disaffiliated from the Guild , from the N U S ?
16 None of that is promised by the Government .
17 I mean when you think of erm the way that , say , Mrs. Currie has been portrayed , Mrs. Thatcher indeed , I think an awful lot of that was filtered through the eyes of the press .
18 But er all of that was negated by the fact with the amount of fire and smoke that was on the platform , nobody could get to the lifeboats .
19 The dire result of that was seen with the invasion of England by Prince Louis of France following such a sentence on King John .
20 In the case of information relating to er say client A which is obtained by the auditor while auditing client B , the auditor ought as a matter of sound practice normally to use the information to make further enquiries for the purpose of the audit of A. These interpretations have been set out more fully in the statement of auditing standards and the professional guidance issued by the auditing practices board that will accompany this legislation and as matters of courtesy to the house er Madam Deputy Speaker , I ask that a copy of that be placed in the library .
21 He took the view that the sums were paid under an implied agreement that they would be repaid if and when the dispute about the validity of the Regulations of 1986 was resolved in the taxpayer 's favour .
22 The US Semiconductor Industry Association 's book-to-bill ratio for March fell to 1.17 from the revised 1.19 figure for February — a figure of 1.18 was reported at the time .
23 The more general implications of this are treated in the discussion of ‘ panopticism ’ in Chapter 5 .
24 Some of the consequences of this are discussed in the section on outcomes , below .
25 A couple of examples of this are included in the sections on serial and indexed files .
26 To create a quality of life that is admired by all your friends who do not live alone , demands thought , planning , perseverance and a degree of practicality , although in essence all of this is determined by the will to live rather than merely exist .
27 Pacific Telesis Group Inc expects to report a net loss for full year 1993 after estimated charges of $2,000m related to accounting changes and other restructuring and disposition reserves : the accounting change on future retiree health benefits will reduce first quarter pre-tax profit by $2,600m and first quarter net by $1,600m , and an accounting change on post-employment benefits , such as long-term disability and workers ' compensation , will reduce first quarter net by $151m ; it will also establish reserves that will lower net profit by about $260m — some $210m of this is related to the recent decision to dispose of its property portfolio over the next three to five years , the balance to withdrawal from or restructuring of cable and equipment businesses , and costs following spin-off of the cellular operation ; its Pacific Bell subsidiary will recognise employee benefits liability over 20 years , consistent with a decision by the California Public Utilities Commission .
28 Answer guide : Although the students have met the realization principle before it is important that the treatment of this is highlighted in the discussion which should revolve around the question of the point at which the earnings process is substantially complete .
29 Much of this is conducted through the news media , where the political atmosphere is reflected quite clearly .
30 Most of this is obtained from the lakes of the Lake District ( see page 134 ) but the largest reservoir in Britain , Kielder Water , has been formed since 1980 by flooding low value farmland in the northern Pennines .
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