Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun sg] [conj] [adv] [art] " in BNC.

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1 The results show an initial period of maintained growth and then an oscillatory decline , presumably due to water stress .
2 It offered opportunities for the reception and use of the precepts of economic liberalism and thus a break from intellectually old-fashioned mercantilist conceptions of public policy .
3 Inside the palace the Empress Taitu , Menelik 's wife , once a woman of outstanding beauty but now an obese hulk , schemed and intrigued to retain power .
4 He was running what was mostly a sixties disco with a sprinkling of classic rock and only a few recent standards .
5 Politicians and party activists not only face the normal cut and thrust of political life but also a deadly threat to their lives .
6 It is nevertheless chaotic , as is seen when one considers the duration of each interval or equivalently the number of oscillations within it .
7 But it comprised , rather , a history of the West in which fascism was itself merely a symptom , and included not only the history of European imperialism but also the defeats of the European colonial powers by Japan in World War II , the subsequent French ( and American ) defeat in South-East Asia , the war in Algeria , as well as the many other colonial wars of national liberation .
8 So far I have left open the question of whether Maastricht is likely to prove to have been the high-water mark of European Federalism or merely a bench-mark against which to test future movement towards a Federalist state .
9 ‘ How about a bit of jugged hare or perhaps a nice plump breast of chicken , ’ she said , knowing full well that such delicacies were beyond the reach of the poor worker .
10 In this treatment the vessel would have been wrapped in a zinc foil , placed in a solution of weak acid and then an electric current applied .
11 Tears were a kind of emotional richness that only a man who was really warm and human could afford .
12 I was writing a lot of tunes around my studies of that culture and then the Gulf War broke out and so there was more stuff to influence me . ’
13 Er and I think we would all er acknowledge er the the precise difficulties of that wording and perhaps a , an amendment may need to be considered on the second line following the list of districts .
14 There was never any prospect of that happening and now the commitment has been downgraded to one whereby work will have started on all the sites by that date .
15 The Bank is in any event concerned that disclosure of the particulars of any of this information would compromise not only the proper conduct of that investigation but also the effectiveness of the Bank 's supervision .
16 Social conventions would clearly be of little use if only a small proportion of members was aware of them , and the same holds for the interpretative rules which guide the manner in which meanings are attached to objects and situations .
17 Thus the coastline receives not only the products of marine erosion but also the waste derived from subaerial erosion .
18 There was n't really any trace of another vehicle and neither the cops nor the Fire Officer had mentioned anything .
19 Thus there was no House of Commons scrutiny of public expenditure and virtually no understanding of how the decisions had been reached .
20 He tried to distance the party from the question of public ownership but then the shadow Scottish secretary , Tom Clarke , acknowledged the possibility of private Scottish companies operating under a Labour government .
21 The Court held on the one hand that the protection of the Directive was a matter of public policy and so the worker could not trade away his right under the Directive to the maintenance of the same terms and conditions , even if ‘ the employee obtains new benefits in compensation for the disadvantages resulting from an amendment to his contract of employment so that , taking the matter as a whole , he is not placed in a worse position than before ’ ( point 15 ) .
22 I know how context influences the effects of alcohol and realise this was a highly artificial situation , but it was still difficult to ignore the terrible predictability of the road to drunkenness : its fixed stages — a brief and seductive period of social effervescence and then the rapid departure of self-consciousness and the ugly appearance of righteousness .
23 The Templeton series on district general managers confirmed the importance of this issue but also the lack of progress .
24 The German blitz was resumed in the early months of this year and then a fresh terror , the " flying bombs " , was directed against London in the summer .
25 The problem would then arise for those who had advocated the continuation of this legislation that neither the employer nor the employee nor the Revenue would benefit from the lesser use of these services .
26 Greece thus offers not only the first instance of this change but also the essential one for any attempt to isolate the cultural consequences of alphabetic literacy ’ ( ibid. p. 42 ) .
27 If it is argued on the basis of this reply that even a maniac is not beyond redemption and that given the right kind of treatment he might be able to take his place again within society , the argument only serves to show the different moral considerations that can be brought to bear on situations of moral dilemma .
28 ‘ It is time the slaughter of the innocents of Warrington really provoked the people of this Republic and particularly the Government into more than the by now ritual condemnation of such awful acts . ’
29 Julia compared the food of the two parties and decided unhappily that she liked both the dish-of-herbs meal of this evening and also the elaborate deliciousness of avocado mousse , sole and boeuf en croûte of the previous day .
30 Antiracists , on the other hand , will have to move beyond their reductive conceptions of culture and their fear of cultural difference as simply a source of division and weakness in the struggle against racism .
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