Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun sg] [conj] [adv] a " in BNC.

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1 It offered opportunities for the reception and use of the precepts of economic liberalism and thus a break from intellectually old-fashioned mercantilist conceptions of public policy .
2 He was running what was mostly a sixties disco with a sprinkling of classic rock and only a few recent standards .
3 Politicians and party activists not only face the normal cut and thrust of political life but also a deadly threat to their lives .
4 So far I have left open the question of whether Maastricht is likely to prove to have been the high-water mark of European Federalism or merely a bench-mark against which to test future movement towards a Federalist state .
5 ‘ How about a bit of jugged hare or perhaps a nice plump breast of chicken , ’ she said , knowing full well that such delicacies were beyond the reach of the poor worker .
6 Tears were a kind of emotional richness that only a man who was really warm and human could afford .
7 Er and I think we would all er acknowledge er the the precise difficulties of that wording and perhaps a , an amendment may need to be considered on the second line following the list of districts .
8 Social conventions would clearly be of little use if only a small proportion of members was aware of them , and the same holds for the interpretative rules which guide the manner in which meanings are attached to objects and situations .
9 The German blitz was resumed in the early months of this year and then a fresh terror , the " flying bombs " , was directed against London in the summer .
10 If it is argued on the basis of this reply that even a maniac is not beyond redemption and that given the right kind of treatment he might be able to take his place again within society , the argument only serves to show the different moral considerations that can be brought to bear on situations of moral dilemma .
11 Antiracists , on the other hand , will have to move beyond their reductive conceptions of culture and their fear of cultural difference as simply a source of division and weakness in the struggle against racism .
12 English was the most far-flung language in 1880 ; not only in new nations , but in British colonies where it was the language of official life and therefore a language of record and social advancement for the native .
13 A few hundred years of Imperial rule and already a coterie surrounded the throne which , by its very nature , endangered the survival of the Imperium .
14 The need for teacher education and staff development for further education is therefore urgent and is the subject of much debate and not a little progress .
15 The Throwbag Holster from Suzy is a carrying device for the Green Slime 's Rescue Throwbag , other line of similar size or even a camera , flares at sea or other item of equipment .
16 Lastly , after government , the administration , military and judiciary , a fifth element of the system can be identified which Miliband ( 1969 ) calls the various units of sub-government — in a sense the extension of central government but also a voice of the periphery , and thus a channel of communication between the two .
17 messageRoutines — Two procedures each allowing the output of a message of fixed length and also a procedure delivering a warning message .
18 So there were going to be four months of hard training and probably a lot of violence .
19 The underlying approach of codification in re-forming the law has stressed the mechanistic nature of legal reasoning as essentially a syllogistic exercise .
20 Not all information will be regarded as of equal weight and therefore a truly total assessment is unattainable .
21 The Blue Elephant , 4 Fulham Broadway , SW6 ( 01 385 6595 ) has brought the jungle to London in an imaginative series of bamboo-roofed spaces broken by walls of trellised greenery and even a lacquered bridge with a real stream trickling under it .
22 We found that only about one in five of all establishments used either form of temporary worker and only a third of those used them in numbers equivalent to at least five per cent of their labour forces .
23 You should provide them with a list of topics of general interest and also a list of any specific cases in which the firm is involved .
24 She went out of one door but then a sheet of flame came down and blocked me , so I had to look for another way out . ’
25 It contains all the flavour of common salt but only a third of its sodium .
26 Rapid growth ( high productivity ) means ready absorption of red light and so a greater difference between red and NIR bidirectional reflectance than one with slower growth .
27 The area is as yet largely untouched by the ugliness of mass afforestation and still a paradise for lovers of the outdoors .
28 This woman was never taught how to cope with the stresses of modern living and how a good diet and lifestyle can help .
29 Havelock Wilson later paid tribute to Butcher , " a kind of silent man but nevertheless a thinker … who could put up a fight all the same " .
30 Like marrying a soldier , as Marjorie had , seventeen moves in twenty-four years of active service and never a bellyache out of her .
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