Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun sg] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 In addition to the deposits in the Helmsdale and Southern Uplands areas mentioned above , placer gold has been recovered as a by-product of alluvial tin mining in South-west England .
2 Another aspect of parental involvement leads to consideration of the last influence on change in listening to children read .
3 The assessment of parental indifference was based on the lack of parental interest shown in friends , school work , jobs and in adequate feeding and clothing of the child .
4 Such prevention includes : educational approaches concerned mainly with child sexual abuse ; programmes targeted at adults and the community which focus on developing appropriate child care and thus lessening the possibility of neglect , emotional abuse , and potential loss of parental control resulting in over-chastisement ; services using volunteers and parent aides rather than professionally trained staff ; antenatal and postnatal services ; and finally other programmes aimed at children older than infants .
5 It would be able to accommodate 150,000 drums of radiocative material accumulated in Taiwan since 1979 , as well as low-level waste produced by both governments for the next three years .
6 Electronic record keeping presents many new challenges , but these often require a reinterpretation of principles and methods rather than an abandonment of professional expertise gained to date .
7 ‘ That the architect of the ‘ cheerful ’ Cemetery Chapel at Woking [ Tite ] should bear a grudge against the architect of St. Giles 's , Camberwell , [ Scott ] is , perhaps , no more than might be expected from a spirit of professional rivalry degenerated into envy . ’
8 The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to set out the standards of professional conduct expected of members of the Association and to indicate what matters may be regarded by the Disciplinary Committee as being contrary to the aims , objects and interests of the Association or contrary to the profession of librarianship .
9 ( b ) it was felt that the circumstances envisaged in the question were already catered for adequately in the existing rules and principles of professional conduct relating to conflicts of interests ;
10 [ T ] he existing system of professional decision making for people with mental health problems is one which already incorporates many of the best principles of care management .
11 Both these points , strongly made by Olive Tunstall and her colleagues in their BBPS article , are directly relevant to the continuing attempts by psychologists to achieve the sort of professional recognition given to doctors concerned with the physical , rather than mental , well-being of people .
12 Death of the spouse may give relief from the oppression of selfless caring mixed with guilt about feeling relieved .
13 In addition , there are several pages of news of deaf sport edited by Arthur Dimmock , and a personal column registering births , engagements weddings , deaths , and so on .
14 Riddle of deaf girl trapped in world of witches
15 Kidnap mystery of deaf girl trapped in world of witches
16 Minor work was carried out inside the church which included the removal of the false chancel arch made out of timber , lath and plaster , and the matchboard ceiling in the chancel , because of extensive damage caused by furniture beetle .
17 No doubt many in the EC have long wished to see a Delors Report version of monetary union imposed in order to further their federalist aims .
18 Finally , the fourth type of monetary union discussed by Vaubel [ 1988 ] is the parallel currency union .
19 Zen looked round at the floor of unfinished concrete littered with cement bags , lengths of wire , nails and lumps of wood , a lone glove .
20 The UK Government Committee of Enquiry chaired by Lord Chorley ( DoE 1987 ) on the Handling of Geographic Information suggested in recommendation 59 that GIS technology projects be promoted since the report noted that the existing interfaces to GIS systems were poor .
21 This is your legacy : the Fianna Fáil party being bequeathed to a bunch of cute hoors who will fudge and stall and cavil and equivocate in relation to every single area of progressive legislation relating to women , the family , divorce , homosexuality , contraception and education .
22 In the British context , does the degree of economic independence accorded to siblings mean that these relationships normally are an insignificant source of all types of support ?
23 Even if companies do not export their goods or services to other Member States , they will have to adapt to Community legislation , which will alter national law in virtually every area of economic activity ranging from standards , labelling , advertising , product liability , to domestic intellectual property and company law .
24 A BIT of economic history died on June 1st .
25 One is its association with the rather questionable linear model of economic change proposed by Fisher and Clark .
26 Furthermore , the national rivalries between the industrial countries — in the recent past between the Soviet Union and the US , and at present between the three centres of economic power represented by Japan , the European Community and the US — are potentially more dangerous to the wellbeing , or even the survival , of humanity .
27 He has now drafted a programme of economic reform backed by aid from the West .
28 Such changes in the target areas of lending not only make its impact more difficult to assess , but have not yet led to a sustained improvement in the rate of economic growth achieved by recipient countries .
29 Reich , 46 , a Harvard professor of economics , was one of Clinton 's key economic advisers during the campaign , and was a powerful advocate of economic recovery achieved through infrastructure investment and worker education .
30 The first issue of Economic Policy appeared in November 1985 .
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