Example sentences of "of [adj] [prep] [art] [noun pl] as " in BNC.

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1 We shall keep now the voltage constant and insert a piece of dielectric between the plates as shown in Fig. 2.15 .
2 There are relevant stair er Chairman which you can look out of place at the present moment of time but they will need to be addressed at some point in time in the future and therefore one could be forgiven for wanting to prioritise various but in general terms , the strategy that has been er looked at is the progress of St Albans in general , there may be small elements of it and some of these have already touched upon but in general that is no sound strategy er which over a period of time and in the process of that it will be essential to monitor erm the effect of some of the changes as you go forward to see in fact whether the other elements of strategy that were erm put in to that er work were in fact still necessary and whether they should be have some .
3 This may be partly due to the fact that in the UK , young parents of today are less aware of the seriousness of some of the diseases as Sieving ( 1988 ) points out in her discussion of the ravages of measles in developing countries .
4 This will therefore be the position where , for example , the seller is in breach of one of the conditions as to description , merchantable quality or fitness for purpose , implied by the Sale of Goods Act , sections 13 and 14 .
5 Standing in the back of one of the pick-ups as it sped across the hard sand , with the dust spiralling out behind us across the vast plain , it seemed that a whole new world was opening up .
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