Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun] [subord] a [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Such desire for the other may be less the result of a desublimation of repressed desire than a consequence of desire itself being structured by social repression generally : thus the other may be cathected as ( an ) other beyond repression .
2 If a weaning process is required , the parent can progressively increase the requirements for earning a sticker , for example two nights , then three , and then a week of dry beds before a sticker is allocated .
3 Institutional labels would suggest not ; it seems to be largely a matter of historical accident whether a university , polytechnic or college has a faculty/school of humanities or one of arts ( or even letters ) .
4 Agriculture Secretary John Gummer has given an assurance that the British government will not support a resumption of commercial whaling until a method of killing the mammals humanely has been invented .
5 Only occasional flakes came haphazardly down like white sifts of charred paper when a chimney is on fire .
6 There are two forms of sub-slate roof-deck construction favoured by the traditional builders which may store up serious problems for restorers of old buildings once a breach has occurred in the roof covering .
7 POLICE are warning people to beware of unscrupulous workmen after a pensioner was swindled .
8 THE PEACEMAKER : He sees gifts as an excellent way of atoning for sins , but can put himself at risk by overstating himself — giving an exquisite set of English porcelain when a book token would do .
9 In Sinhala areas most Ceylon Tamils were of high caste while a majority of Indian Tamils were of low caste .
10 Poor are those still , star-spangled nights of high pressure when a frost threatens , but even the bream will feed to some extent .
11 The point is of some significance because a duty to balance the interests of present and future members would involve an expansion of the directors ' discretion , in effect , allowing them to justify their actions by reference to the well-being of the enterprise even though they are contrary to the interests of the existing members .
12 The point is of some importance since a number of rules of procedure are growing to be applicable to Cabinet Committees and we ought to know where there is a real , useful distinction or whether it is merely the pragmatical difference that some are serviced by the Cabinet Office and some are not .
13 ( I recently watched a more formal version of this technique where a class of adolescents was invited to direct the teacher in how to appear as a King of a small Greek State in classical times who had lost his power to a conquering neighbouring state but who did not want to lose his dignity .
14 Lash and Urry are much less guilty of this offence than a group from whom they very specifically dissociate themselves — the proponents of ‘ post-industrialism ’ .
15 No case of this kind has ever been considered by the courts before , and I do not think the dicta in the previous cases should be read as excluding a case of this kind where a landlord seeks , by a course of intimidation , to " annul his own deed " , to contradict his own demise , by ousting the tenant from possession which the landlord has conferred upon her .
16 10 In determining for the purposes of this Act whether a house is unfit for human habitation , regard shall be had to its condition in respect of the following matters — repair , stability , freedom from damp , internal arrangement , natural lighting , ventilation , water supply , drainage and sanitary conveniences , facilities for preparation and cooking of food and for the disposal of waste water ; and the house shall be regarded as unfit for human habitation if , and only if , it is so far defective in one or more of those matters that it is not reasonably suitable for occupation in that condition .
17 New insurance scheme covers home buyers and sellers against the expense of lost fees if a purchase of sale falls through .
18 According to the conventional British wisdom of the middle of the century , our flexible unwritten constitution , our democratic Parliament , the sense of fair play of our permanent civil service , and our vigorous and vigilant free Press were safer and more effective guarantees of personal freedom than a Continental or American-style ‘ government of judges ’ .
19 Beldi Hill was the scene of pitched battles between rival gangs of lead-miners in the 1770s when workings were flooded , and Spoutgill Smelt Mill became the scene of violent fighting when a man called David Brunskill was thrown bodily into the hush , a deep gully scoured out of the fellside during the search for lead-bearing veins .
20 Some of the sepoys were shot or cut down as they struggled to get over the possessions ' which stuck out jaggedly here and there ; a sowar pitched headless from his horse on to a silted-up velvet chaise longue ; a warrior from Oudh dived head first in a glittering shower through a case of tropical birds while a comrade at his elbow died spreadeagled on the mud-frozen wheels of the gorse bruiser .
21 An articulate Inspector of Accidents who has personal experience of these matters is possibly better able to make an assessment of such things than a lawyer who has little more experience than turbulence in flight spilling some of the champagne in the first class section of the cabin .
22 However , there were others , more distinctively local in their orientation : the gradual demise of the traditional two-tier model of primary school management and its replacement by three-tier and matrix models ; the desirability of building on the diversification of staff management roles which PNP has produced , avoiding any contraction of such roles as a consequence of LMS ; the need to acknowledge the pivotal role , for good or ill , played by primary heads , and to work with and through rather than round or against them ; the need to expand the focus of management training courses to encompass the roles and needs of all staff ( not just those of the ‘ managers ’ as conventionally defined ) , to locate management strategies in whole-school analysis , and generally to broaden the concept of ‘ management ’ which currently informs such courses ; the importance of training , support and INSET for heads , and of ensuring that these give close attention to the broader aspects of the expertise needed for headship , such as professional knowledge and personal relationships as well as the more obvious tasks , roles and strategies .
23 They were closely integrated into the emerging central paradigm of social evolution , according to which the level of sophistication of these objects was held to symbolize the place of such peoples as a kind of fossil record of social development from the primitive to the civilized ( Steadman 1979 ; Chapman 1985 ) .
24 The agreement declares that the member is admitted to clearing membership ; this requires the member to notify LCH of such events as a petition for liquidation , loss of authorisation under the 1986 Act , the imposition of any disciplinary measure by a regulatory authority or a change of control of the member .
25 The hospital 's duty to maintain hygiene and protect the health of other patients would entitle the hospital to demand acceptance of such care as a condition for remaining in the hospital .
26 Again , there is likely to be a serious breach of natural justice if a manager , after hearing an employee 's case at a disciplinary interview or appeal meeting , has a private discussion with the person who presented the case on behalf of the company , or with a witness , before reaching his decision .
27 Preparation for the task of managing by means of a partnership is less a matter of structured training than a process of growth .
28 As a consequence of the technical complexities of reprocessing highly irradiated oxide fuel from AGR and PWR , the Board expects to pay more for the reprocessing of a tonne of these fuels than a tonne of magnox fuel .
29 The police on the British mainland do not attend many of these incidents unless a crime has been committed , but the RUC do so in order , as one said in relation to domestic disputes , to prevent crime .
30 It is surely not being excessively pompous to see this as one sign of a trivialisation of European civilisation , or to accept that there has been a catastrophic spiritual impoverishment of national life when a country such as our own , which once thought of itself as Christian , can for the most part simply ignore today 's commemoration of Christ 's passion and death .
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