Example sentences of "of [adj] [noun] [verb] [prep] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 But the plant 's best known activity as a manufacturer of water-cooled mainframes will stay firmly in the IBM fold and notionally expanded as the construction of air-cooled ES/9000s moves from Valencia in Spain , although the rate at which mainframe sales are falling suggests that this will be only a short-term boost .
2 Of 70 injectors interviewed in depth , only 25% reported never having shared syringes ; 57% reporting reusing syringes in the previous six months , using a range of cleaning agents including household bleach .
3 Of forty-seven painters documented in Cuzco during the period , thirty-five were Indians , seven criollos or mestizos , four Spaniards , and one Italian .
4 This chapter considers the use of expert determination in : ( 1 ) energy and mining contracts ( 7.2 ) ; ( 2 ) shipbuilding contracts ( 7.3 ) ; ( 3 ) construction contracts ( 7.4 ) ; ( 4 ) computer contracts ( 7.5 ) ; which display the following features discussed in Chapter 6 : ( 5 ) the use of technical experts drawing on expertise not directly associated with valuation ; ( 6 ) the use of technical experts to act as general dispute resolvers ; and ( 7 ) the use of " two-tier " dispute resolution procedures .
5 The idea was originated by Guinness and produced by a team of technical experts led by Anthony Daniels , an actor best known for his role as the golden robot C3PO in the Star Wars series of films .
6 The series of technical evaluations began in October for a six-month trial .
7 In addition to the deposits in the Helmsdale and Southern Uplands areas mentioned above , placer gold has been recovered as a by-product of alluvial tin mining in South-west England .
8 Another aspect of parental involvement leads to consideration of the last influence on change in listening to children read .
9 The assessment of parental indifference was based on the lack of parental interest shown in friends , school work , jobs and in adequate feeding and clothing of the child .
10 Such prevention includes : educational approaches concerned mainly with child sexual abuse ; programmes targeted at adults and the community which focus on developing appropriate child care and thus lessening the possibility of neglect , emotional abuse , and potential loss of parental control resulting in over-chastisement ; services using volunteers and parent aides rather than professionally trained staff ; antenatal and postnatal services ; and finally other programmes aimed at children older than infants .
11 The stock of 168 houses situated at Harwell and in neighbouring towns are being offered to existing tenants at discounts of up to 60 per cent .
12 The case was seen as demonstrating the legal difficulties involved in using the judicial system of unified Germany to deal with cases which occurred under the East German legal system .
13 A check on the number of tablets returned at each visit showed that all patients took at least 70% of the tablets prescribed , and that the median ( interquartile range ) number of antacid tablets consumed per week was similar in both groups ( cisapride 2.2 ( 0.1–5.7 ) ; placebo 1.9 ( 0.3–3.6 ) : p=0.76 , Mann-Whitney U test ) .
14 It would be able to accommodate 150,000 drums of radiocative material accumulated in Taiwan since 1979 , as well as low-level waste produced by both governments for the next three years .
15 Electronic record keeping presents many new challenges , but these often require a reinterpretation of principles and methods rather than an abandonment of professional expertise gained to date .
16 ‘ That the architect of the ‘ cheerful ’ Cemetery Chapel at Woking [ Tite ] should bear a grudge against the architect of St. Giles 's , Camberwell , [ Scott ] is , perhaps , no more than might be expected from a spirit of professional rivalry degenerated into envy . ’
17 The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to set out the standards of professional conduct expected of members of the Association and to indicate what matters may be regarded by the Disciplinary Committee as being contrary to the aims , objects and interests of the Association or contrary to the profession of librarianship .
18 ( b ) it was felt that the circumstances envisaged in the question were already catered for adequately in the existing rules and principles of professional conduct relating to conflicts of interests ;
19 [ T ] he existing system of professional decision making for people with mental health problems is one which already incorporates many of the best principles of care management .
20 Cassette has speakers in a variety of professional fields talking without concessions to foreign learners .
21 Both these points , strongly made by Olive Tunstall and her colleagues in their BBPS article , are directly relevant to the continuing attempts by psychologists to achieve the sort of professional recognition given to doctors concerned with the physical , rather than mental , well-being of people .
22 It allows an early and full account to be recorded before the child 's memory fades ; reduces the chance of parents or other interested adults influencing what the child says ; removes the need for a succession of professional people to probe at length and in detail the traumatic experiences of the child ; exposes any leading questions made the interviewers ; and allows people to observe the non-verbal as well as the verbal messages the child wants to make .
23 Death of the spouse may give relief from the oppression of selfless caring mixed with guilt about feeling relieved .
24 In addition , there are several pages of news of deaf sport edited by Arthur Dimmock , and a personal column registering births , engagements weddings , deaths , and so on .
25 Riddle of deaf girl trapped in world of witches
26 Kidnap mystery of deaf girl trapped in world of witches
27 Minor work was carried out inside the church which included the removal of the false chancel arch made out of timber , lath and plaster , and the matchboard ceiling in the chancel , because of extensive damage caused by furniture beetle .
28 Bottom : the head of Geoffrey Chiswick ( Harry ) ; top : the head of Richard Phillips ( not hairy ) ; middle : the middle of Grubby Foster masquerading as Miriam Margolyes .
29 That had been some encounter ! she admitted as , regaining the sanctuary of the street , she drew in a deep breath of refreshing air before turning into the road which she remembered from her map-reading would lead her into a series of narrow streets closed to traffic , and known familiarly to the local inhabitants as Strøget .
30 The city was a vast maze of narrow alleys pocked with ale houses and middens , shops and smithies , brothels and moneylenders .
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