Example sentences of "of [verb] up a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 Sir Adrian seems unhappy with the idea of drawing up a vast catalogue of top management attributes and is more inclined to the view that being a good senior executive is something gleaned from hard experience .
2 That report says : ’ We do not recommend a requirement to indicate animal rearing methods on foods labels we therefore recommend that the possibility of drawing up a standard system , which clearly defines terms to indicate welfare-orientated rearing methods , should be considered ’ .
3 In something of an afterthought the Irish News of 15 August 1966 recorded that ‘ a discussion took place on the desirability of holding a convention on civil rights for the purpose of drawing up a civil rights chart ’ .
4 ANC leaders suggested that equal status be given to all participants in the process of drawing up a new constitution .
5 The NLA , which held its first session on March 29 , came under attack from various politicians who claimed that its members were unqualified for the task of drawing up a new constitution .
6 The Old Testament may give these few hints of a Creator Spirit , and certainly this thought is found in the intertestamental period — where the parallelism between Wisdom , Word and Spirit is important — but the paucity of instances that can be adduced , and the plausibility of taking them in another sense , does make one very cautious of building up a great doctrine of co-operating with the Holy Spirit in his on-going work of creation .
7 This he believed would meet the political need without incurring the cost of building up a new fleet of surface ships and perpetrating the military nonsense of mixed manning .
8 Skiing in November is not unheard of in Scotland : last year it snowed heavily in the west Highlands in October but the warmer weather in December and January put paid to any hopes of building up a decent depth of snow pack .
9 Sam realized that , for the first time , Clare was yelling at him instead of building up a silent volcano of resentment .
10 It should be added that for the sake of building up a realistic scenario for the exercise , incidents involving ‘ enemy ’ forces are interjected .
11 ‘ How 's Angharad ? ’ asked Betty , who had , last night , discussed at length with Elizabeth the problems and frustrations of bringing up a defective child and felt thus freed to go on talking about it .
12 At the rime of bringing up a young family it might be expected that the woman 's role would be primarily in the home .
13 ‘ Maybe the best way of putting it is that if you were abroad and on the town , Con would find a licensed brothel where the girls all had health checks , while the riff-raff might sometimes take the risk of picking up a likely-looking tart in a bar .
14 So again , erm a way of picking up a few marks , quite a few .
15 The chances of picking up a smaller prize are much greater .
16 Emphasising the futility of filling up a large sheet of cartridge paper the size of a drawing board with the object you are drawing , irrespective of its proximity , Sickert insisted on the importance of never sketching the figure and the background separately , and once having gone over the original drawing faintly in outline , to put in the shadows with the side of the point of the pencil .
17 The earlier and well-known technique of framing up a loose panel appears to have been sacrificed to the whimsy of fashion .
18 Erm , I 'll take down the other , the main agenda cos we 've we 've sort of set up a special group for the .
19 Particularly where you 've more or less got the idea of it but you think you just want to sort of tidy up a few details an
20 As well as explaining the financial challenges of starting up a new business , Sue makes sure her students have thought through the effect it will have on their lives .
21 The Cubans have thrown the US off balance by , in the wake of the Libya-Lockerbie crisis , demanding extradition to Cuba of two men accused of blowing up a Cuban airliner over Barbados in 1976 .
22 If he be a rustic , or unused to travelling , and he intends to take a morning train , he will probably make a point of taking up a strong position at the station the night before his prospective journey and camping on the platform .
23 He had been as surprised and chagrined at her choice as he had at the prospect of taking up a new job with an unknown PA , but there had been an additional and more disturbing reaction .
24 In the first situation , the ideal , as suggested at the end of the previous section , is to produce a valuation of the chance of taking up a strategic option .
25 In the third year of the History of Art honours course students have the option of taking up a short work placement in a museum , art gallery or auction house .
26 ‘ The art of patching up a cut fighter is essentially speed .
27 After that I could never see the point of toiling up a steep incline in preference to riding comfortably on a ski-lift !
28 After a day which saw United 's chances once again undermined by their inability to score , Richardson believes Villa showed just why they are capable of putting up a genuine challenge .
29 If we want sales to be six-dimensional , instead of making up a six-dimensional cube we attach six different labels to each item and store it in the database once .
30 Furthermore , they argued — with little effect — NIH was hard pressed for cash , and the costs of setting up a new institute would almost surely come out of the research budget .
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