Example sentences of "of [noun] and [pron] [prep] [art] " in BNC.

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1 Both English samples came from Somerset in the vicinity of Westbury-sub-Mendip , one from a patch of woodland and one from the bottom of a cliff on which the kestrel was roosting .
2 None of the 11 children who had other forms of leukaemia and none of the four who had non-Hodgkin 's lymphoma had fathers with a record of employment at a nuclear establishment .
3 Touvier was charged on six counts of crimes against humanity ; five of the charges pertaining to the arrest , torture or assassination of Jews and one to the torture and deportation of a resistant .
4 A personal problem you thought would be a bed of nails and nothing but a whole heap of hassles and troubles will actually be your big chance to show off your brilliant brain , sensitive nature and warm hearted generosity .
5 Mr Farrow is understood locally to have taken the conveyance between the Earl of Carnarvon and himself over the lordship of the manor to mean that he was owner of the common .
6 She insisted on fresh flowers every day placed next to a photograph of Stephen and herself at the opening night of Crystal Springs .
7 The justices purported to set aside the conviction 29 days after the finding of guilt and none of the convicting justices had been a party to the decision to set it aside , so neither of the two conditions obtained .
8 ‘ It 's all about appealing on a number of levels and none of the levels are more important than any other , ’ explains Brett .
9 The tweedy lady , very county , who suffered from some extreme fungoid disease of her feet , which were wrapped in many layers of polythene and which in a public cinema would have guaranteed her a whole row to herself , but at the NFT caused whoever was unfortunate to have the adjoining numbered seat to retain vivid Aromavision memories of particular films .
10 It is just such a spirit that would be wanted to animate the fertility of the earth and ensure the continuance of increase and plenty in the plants and animals that a browsing existence depends upon .
11 I was now at the mercy of others and nobody in a position of authority had , so far , shown any great desire to help .
12 Their one and only interest was to serve the interest of the Corporation in the US of A and anyone in a top position overseas who did n't understand that number one lesson would soon have his nose put out of joint .
13 He had it done in front of Martinho and myself in the courtyard of the prison , the men made to kneel rather than shot upright against a wall .
14 So when he rang up that evening to tell me he was taking a fortnight 's leave towards the end of June and what about a trip north as soon as term ended , I did feel as if the fates themselves had taken a hand .
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