Example sentences of "of [noun] i [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 As I told a couple of surveyors I met at the ground earlier today , ‘ Building on here would be like trying to wallpaper a Slumberland mattress . ’
2 My mother I remember there was a sale of work going on at Palfrey church once and bef I had just been made apprentice at Wolverhampton and of course I got amongst the , they , when they came the , the Derby day they were all having a bet on it so I , I said to the give them half a crown , so he said you ca n't have half a crown and he said what do you want it for so I said they 're putting it on a horse was on this horse it won , so of course this sale of work was in great progress when I gets off the train at station and thought well I could n't understand in er Palfrey Church Hall , so she was there in all her finery and I said we 've won , we 've won she said shut up , shut up she said but erm no I think the biggest character in Caldmore was Father .
3 God I were in the market and I thought I 'd better take a bit more wrapping paper and I and I had it I said that 's ten and of course I get on the and I did n't know
4 But they still worked it that if you were working , of course I went to the Ministry of Supply
5 So then , of course I went to the Euro M P .
6 1991 , 27 1006 ) , of course I approve of the purpose of the Control of Pesticide Regulations ( 1986 ) and COSHH regulations , but it is a ridiculous consequence of the regulations that chemists are deemed to be less well able than commercial fruit growers , for example , to understand that the chemicals involved ‘ have the capacity to be potentially lethal if wrongfully mixed , applied and handled ’ .
7 Of course I forgot about the sleeping child .
8 Of course I agree with the hon. Gentleman about the level of violence during the past two or three months .
9 When he suggested Peter , of course I jumped at the chance — Peter was winning absolutely everything .
10 erm There was a great deal of difficulty I think at the court , as well as the rather glamorous exterior .
11 ‘ Once you have a lot of patience I think in the end you 'll get what you want .
12 Yeah the amount of crap I get through the place you would n't believe it .
13 Of the variety of amps I used with the Teardrop , the one which felt most compatible was , guess what , a Vox AC30 .
14 His best effort was a second to Chief Celt at Towcester , when he was not fully wound up but he went great guns for Steve Smith-Eccles in a fast bit of work I watched on the Line gallop on Waterhall on Wednesday morning .
15 The first of the three conceptions of law I introduced in the last chapter , which I called conventionalism , shares the general ambition of the popular slogan , though the interpretation it builds is more subtle in two ways .
16 The second general conception of law I introduced in the last chapter , legal pragmatism , holds that people are never entitled to anything but the judicial decision that is , all things considered , best for the community as a whole , without regard to any past political decision .
17 There was a beautiful avenue of mimosas I saw at the Gezira when we were walking round .
18 ‘ I knew I had landed my 100th winner , ’ Charlie told me ‘ but I never expected the sort of reaction I received from the crowd .
19 Having been wintered out on the heterosexual plains of Ipswich I longed for the company of other dykes .
20 Most solicitors are finding that a number of receipts issued by superiors or their agents are not completed by being signed in terms of Form 2 of Schedule I prescribed by the Act for redemption receipts .
21 This saddened us all , but I suppose it was inevitable , and reminded me of things I saw during the 1940 Blitz on London when living in the northern outskirts of the city but working near Hadley Wood , with weekly trips down to our offices at Kings Cross railway terminus .
22 With a feeling of doom I hurried after the squat figure back into the yard where another lad stood by the side of a beautiful chestnut filly .
23 As director of social services for the London borough of Hillingdon I knew of the work with refugees in my role in Hillingdon I was responsible for services for child arrivals at Heathrow airport and I worked closely with Save The Children on the successful effort to get specific recognition for asylum seeking children in the asylum and immigration appeals act .
24 By way of illustration I refer to the following .
25 ‘ That vase of flowers I put on the dining room windowsill has been moved . ’
26 Between mouthfuls of food I enquire from the Commando sitting beside me on the grass ‘ What is he up to with that pig ? ’
27 I could have told you every single item of food I had in the cupboard every , down to the last bean !
28 Because the rate of cycle I depends on the local concentration of SO 2 , it shows a maximum in the SO 2 cloud .
29 In section six of my submission on behalf of Residents I refer to the environmental impact of traffic flow changes on existing roads .
30 Within the hour the camera , the film and the physical chemistry became so clear that with a great sense of excitement I hurried to the place where a friend was staying to describe to him in detail a dry camera which would give a picture immediately after exposure .
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