Example sentences of "of [noun] they [verb] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 Schools were asked to indicate the kind of support they requested from the various agencies .
2 Yeah , but of course they went to the right
3 No I think the young fellows today are more because of course they go into the flats do n't they ?
4 There was little room for lesbians to be out in the first half of this century , unless of course they moved in the right literary or aristocratic circles .
5 This has made farmers think about changing the amount of money they spend on the first two inputs , shown at X on the diagram .
6 However , the labour movement was divided as to the extent and type of provision they desired from the state .
7 After he had made a pot of tea they sat near the range and surveyed each other .
8 The high quality of the Gulf pearls and the fact that the fisheries were controlled by Arabs ensured that from the market at Bandar e Lengeh on the Iranian coast not far west of the Gulf of Hormuz they entered into the trade network of the Indian Ocean and adjacent areas .
9 In differentiated goods markets firms may compete on the number of brands they put on the market , in quality and in marketing ( including advertising ) .
10 They use it , first , to refer to ways in which words are combined to make sentences ( in any dialect ) , and second , to label the body of statements they write about the language as they attempt to make explicit the implicit knowledge possessed by all native speakers of English .
11 One feature of Tukey 's techniques is the degree of insight they give into the data .
12 However as Levi points out , different official agencies use these powers in a manner which is related to the level of tolerance they expect from the media and politicians .
13 This was despite the fact that probably the most influential piece of evidence they received during the three years they sat , the Church of England Moral Welfare Council 's ( CEMWC ) updated report , Sexual Offenders and Social Punishment , recommended a universal age of consent of 17 .
14 In the main , they are instilled with the pragmatic games of pursuit they play with the local petty thief ; and if asked to consider the wider nature of their role , they tend to fall back on protestations of political neutrality .
15 The farmers are also helped by a Government subsidy for the number of livestock they keep on the uplands .
16 The sort of things they do in the wild , running , jumping , pirouetting , I 'd just like to say that 's not ,
17 Saying that ‘ the Pilgrim Fathers will always hold a unique place among the venerated saints of mankind ’ may be going too far , but their plain approach to life , the simple statement of belief they made on the voyage in the Mayflower Compact , and their peaceful settlements and good relations with the Indians among whom they settled were certainly in sharp contrast to what happened in most colonies .
18 The bags were of that thinner kind of plastic they use for the bags that they give away at the supermarket , the free ones ; and now one of the bags in her right hand split and she just stood there helpless to stop them as three cans fell out and rolled across the concrete .
19 Feedback to groups can help the members to see what kind of role they played in the proceedings .
20 That woman 's now approaching eighty three , eighty four years of age and she 's still national treasurer , so it gives you a sort of sample of the , the kind of people they have at the top , who are really their heart and soul in it .
21 Both will be greatly missed by the large number of friends they made within the building industry and in many other walks of life .
22 Clearly the shareholders ' interest tends to be a purely financial one ; employees have an interest in the security of their jobs and the type of life they lead within the workplace ; consumers have an interest in the type and quality of the goods and services produced ; and the local community has an interest in the company as a supplier of jobs and livelihoods and as a potential threat to the local environment .
23 the South of France they said in the paper they eat a lot of butter or cook a lot
24 The aim of this thesis is to explore the memories that drivers have for everyday driving situations and to decide how such memories may be affected by the feelings of risk they experienced in the situation .
25 The jury may have understood the phrase to refer to small or trifling amounts , and followed his direction by awarding the sort of sum they imagined in the coffers of Scrooge McDuck .
26 Many birds deliberately favour some of their young in a way that helps to match the number of babies they rear with the abundance or scarcity of food .
27 Another similarity between control theory and classical criminology is in the kinds of answer they give to the question ‘ why do we conform ? ’ .
28 So I knew the kind of complaints they had about the flats .
29 He was now " Dear old Ez " , and in a number of letters they commiserated about the problems of age .
30 But he says , ‘ vendors can no longer measure their credibility as a service supplier by the number of services they offer to the market ’ .
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