Example sentences of "of [noun] that have been [verb] " in BNC.

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1 They 're more like a profile , and they will specify the kind of disabilities that the child has , the kind of progress that has been made , the kind of barriers that appear to be hindering the child from making progress .
2 The aim of the research is to examine and evaluate a variety of projects that have been established to increase the uptake of energy conservation measures .
3 According to Greenpeace co-ordinator Paul Horsman : " It is difficult to put into words the extent of damage that has been done .
4 Many people attended the popular event which also includes the presentation of trophies that have been won during the year ( see photo ) .
5 In paragraph four , page six , we do make a small point about the financial implications er on of course that has been resolved because of er the resolution carried forward in the budget debate and a note there about central training which I could er just , just explain slowly because I have had a number of questions about this .
6 er we learnt from America that er a lot of birds that have been caught by cats , die , and everybody 's always assumed it 's shock but the Americans were doing some tests and they found it 's septicaemia from the cat 's teeth .
7 The county council would appear to be somewhere in the middle , based on the range of views that have been submitted to this E I P .
8 This is because in England there is no statute or code setting out the law governing the continuing care of the terminally ill ; nor are there more than a handful of cases that have been decided by the courts.l None the less , legal principles undoubtedly do exist and obviously condition the choices made by doctors .
9 Now to my mind that is not a question of being a snooper , a nark or even being a policeman , er it is er er indeed if we look at section fifteen of the local government finance act of nineteen eighty two er it it 's quite interesting to see the the words used because the auditor is under a duty , amongst other things , to see that the accounts are prepared in accordance with regulations er made under the act er to see that proper practices that have been followed and to see that the body of accounts that have been audited have made proper arrangements f for securing economy , efficiency and effectiveness .
10 What is not so obvious is whether the vast sums of money that have been spent by central government and the local authorities on housing over the years have had much effect on reducing housing inequalities .
11 We 've got a whole erm , a whole erm organisation that in fact the Council for Voluntary Service only this week made an appointment with a very , very , very , very small amount of money that 's been made available on a very , very part-time basis , to actually assist with that , with the planning that 's going on in the voluntary sector .
12 And we know there are various er responses to that question , and I would be looking to the districts to say whether or not they could cope with the various levels of provision that have been identified for Greater York , and it 's the view of whether they can cope within their own districts , I have n't said how you can cope , I said whether you can cope , you might I will I will leave you free to make the odd comment , but I want to focus on that part of the issue , and then the natural corollary to that is , will it be necessary , or is it considered necessary in the context of this alteration to provide specific guidance within H One policy for the distribution of that er development to er at sub , what I would call sub-district level , in other words do you want a specific entry for say Ryedale or Hambledon ?
13 However , the committee , which eventually divided on party lines , defined its terms of reference at the outset so narrowly that it effectively ruled out any possibility of discovering the truth or otherwise of the allegations of malpractice that had been made against the police .
14 There is absolutely no correlation between those figures and the degree of constraint that has been applied on districts .
15 Despite the large amount of funding that has been pumped into the scheme teachers are worried by the time it takes for materials and information to get through to them .
16 Many acts of Parliament that have been passed clearly merit the title of constitutional law .
17 Portugal could reason by analogy that the conclusion of the Timor Gap Treaty is inconsistent with its rights of administration that have been affirmed by the United Nations in Resolutions to which Australia voted affirmatively .
18 Table 6.2 shows the number of addresses that have been allocated the stated number of records per address ( up to seven ) , and the percentage of the total number of records in the file that was successfully allocated by each of the six algorithms used by Kaimann .
19 She told Lucien how much the northerners resented the Ixmaritian tithes , and how in some cases people had shed their blood to resist them , a course of action that had been doomed to failure .
20 It was also resolved that this article should appear in ‘ Contact ’ to inform members of Convocation of the course of action that has been forced on Standing Committee by Hong Kong Branch due to their noncompliance with the standing orders of the Branch Constitution .
21 For Marx , the value of a commodity is determined by the total amount of labour that has been put into it and this labour ‘ constitutes exactly the fund out of which surplus value , or profit is formed ’ .
22 Its main ideologist is Boris Kagarlitsky , a young Marxist who has written a number of books that have been published abroad but not yet in the USSR .
23 do you want a cup of tea that 's been stewing for three days ?
24 Despite the millions of words that have been written and spoken on the subject of ‘ 1992 ’ , there still appears to be much more to be said on the subject .
25 IF YOU watch television and listen to news-readers , leaders of industry , pop-bawlers and ‘ presenters ’ , you could make a whole glossary of words that have been shortened in the interests of inarticulacy and idleness .
26 In all the many thousands of words that have been expended on Eliot 's achievements , this crucial matter — his alertness to , and exploiting of , the rhythms of the English verse-line — remains a vacuum , occupied only by unsupported and insupportable appeals to ‘ the ear ’ .
27 He rattled the necklace of shells that had been wound around her neck .
28 This was a nazi form of greeting that had been popularized by P.J. Ridout of the IFL in 1936 , presumably as a conscious pun on his own initials .
29 First , there is the important class of solutions that has been obtained by Ferrari , Ibañez and Bruni ( 1987 a , b ) using the inverse scattering method developed by Belinskii and Zakharov ( 1978 , 1979 ) and Carr and Verdaguer ( 1983 ) .
30 Of course , pairs of probes that have been hybridised to mutually disjoint libraries can not can not be compared in this way .
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