Example sentences of "of [noun] [was/were] [verb] [adv prt] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 The Free Miners of the Forest of Dean were brought in to the general election campaign today , with a warning that their livelihoods could be ruined by imports of cheap foreign coal .
2 As the geneticists of the early twentieth century turned their backs on field studies and the role of adaptation , a very different group of biologists were striking out in the opposite direction .
3 One useful method of involving parents with their own child 's record of progress was tried out in the nursery school .
4 A stack of copies was piled up at the entrance to the Arts Lab .
5 in common with many other authorities [ it ] finds itself with an organisation and a system of making decisions that has changed little since the present structure of authorities was created out of the tangled web of local boards and functional administrations in the latter half of the nineteenth century .
6 Mr and Mrs Widdups ' reluctant change of heart was brought about by the prospect of trying to farm in the middle of a housing estate .
7 The servants of Chaos were hunted down in the forests , and many wild and long-abandoned lands were re-settled .
8 Thousands of objects were smuggled out of the country .
9 Service Supervisor John Taggart reports thousands of woodlice were flushed out of their harbourages and were falling off the roof during treatment .
10 The unusual , possibly unique , method of election was laid down in the statutes by John Dakyn .
11 There were puffins everywhere : the sky was full of whirring wings , and hundreds of birds were standing around on the grassy slope which was honeycombed with puffin burrows .
12 Away to the left , black menacing clouds of cu-nim were piled up over mountains dimly seen through a haze of humidity .
13 The English had every reason to be content with what they had done , and great quantities of loot were shipped back to England .
14 Pretty much the same sort of shit was coming down at AMS , if we 'd gone looking for it , and of course it was happening all over town at well-known locations : St Mary 's , St Andrew 's , St Anne 's .
15 Plots of vegetables were fenced in by mud-brick walls to keep out the hobbled donkeys and camels which foraged in the wadi .
16 From 1969 the direction and administration of programmes was handed over to an African organisation ( SEPA ) with its headquarters in Accra , though training for Science Educators is offered under its auspices at Njala , Sierra Leone .
17 A number of meetings were set up during which we discussed how I would approach such a project .
18 Since the General Election , a programme of meetings was drawn up with Westminster Strategy involving ministers and the new intake of MPs , special advisers , PPSs and opposition spokesmen .
19 He stood back , blew out the candle , watched her as the body of Lucifer was spread out over her own .
20 The strike call was endorsed and Local Councils of Action were set up throughout the country , to await events .
21 The point is that such an elaborate division of labour was set up despite , as Trist et al. observed , each job not being so ‘ complex that the average faceworker could not , in a reasonably short time , be expected to become qualified in more than one ’ ( 1963 , 47 ) .
22 Every inch of available wall space was taken up with bookshelves , and every inch of shelf-space was taken up with books — books , mostly , with tattered jackets or sun-faded bindings and dating , Greg guessed , from the ‘ twenties , ‘ thirties and ‘ forties — presentation copies , review copies and remaindered copies among them .
23 She was highly critical , however , of the terms under which the League of Nations was set up in 1919 , partly because the League was permitted the use of force and economic sanctions , and partly because it was committed to supporting the Versailles settlement , which she regarded from the start as an unjust and unstable peace .
24 Many medieval millers paid their rent to the lord of the manor in eels ; and when the water-mill in the centre of Stafford was pulled down after the last war , the laconic miller expressed as his only regret : ‘ I shall miss the eels . ’
25 Seven hundred reports of sightings were phoned in to the Starling Squad , to be pinpointed on a map of Leicestershire .
26 In 1749 for the first time a single system of tactics was laid down for the entire army , while in 1765 the Hofkriegsrath assumed the power to appoint to all ranks above that of captain and from 1776 an organized State military transport corps began to be built up .
27 A great ramp of rock was built up to its mouth which became known as the Thriddle Incline — a conspicuous present day feature .
28 Small flakes of rock were dropping out of the roof around the ring pitons .
29 Mary of Guise was brought up in the charmed circles of the greatest French aristocracy .
30 This view is not new ; in fact it was put forward by Durkheim and other nineteenth-century writers , but it was often disregarded after the study of crime was taken over by the new discipline of criminology in the early twentieth century .
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