Example sentences of "of [noun] [to-vb] [prep] [art] [adj] " in BNC.

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1 For a number of reasons to do with the local labour market and domestic economies , staff clung to a twelve-hour shift system .
2 They will have a great deal of expertise to offer within the administrative support function .
3 The client concerned undertook training with the British School of Motoring at a cost of £1,000 to qualify as an approved driving instructor immediately prior to commencing to trade as such .
4 Their work can be seen as a range of attempts to deal with a shared set of problems which have perhaps been most clearly formulated by the greatest among them — by Bloch and Febvre ( the founders of the journal ) in the first generation , by Braudel in the second , and more recently by Le Roy Ladurie .
5 Is not it time that some urgent policy measures were introduced by the Ministry of Defence to deal with the major problem from 1992 onwards ?
6 Others realized that it was only a matter of patience to wait for the guaranteed escape which would be provided by the end of the war , and as the war dragged on more and more people became converted to this view .
7 Thus , the period between 1880 and 1920 was marked by a sequence of strategies to combine under the loose banner of " efficiency " traditions of aristocratic cultural mystique with utilitarian programmes of industrial and social administration .
8 Over the past two decades , the Commission and Court have been asked by aggrieved individuals to rule upon matters such as the rights of prisoners to communicate with the outside world and police interrogation methods .
9 When I visit the veterans , they have such a wealth of experience to tell of the old days , some I may add , from before I was born , and it does seem such a shame they never get an invite to look behind the scenes of a present day JS branch .
10 When solving the up- or down-problem at node k in preceding sections , we first modified the original tableau of LPk to allow for the new or changed , upper or lower bound .
11 He added that he did not expect such an acceptable method of slaughter to evolve in the near future .
12 But now the club have found that on applying for renewal of permission to play at the same venue next season , the pitch has already been allocated .
13 Loss of opportunity to respond to the unexpected can be dealt with only by striving to eliminate it .
14 Resolved , That this House , believing it is in Britain 's interests to continue to be at the heart of the European Community and able to shape its future and that of Europe as a whole , endorses the constructive negotiating approach adopted by Her Majesty 's Government in the Inter-Governmental Conferences on Economic and Monetary Union and on Political Union ; and urges them to work for an agreement at the forthcoming European Council at Maastricht which avoids the development of a federal Europe , enables this country to exert the greatest influence on the economic evolution of the Community while preserving the right of Parliament to decide at a future date whether to adopt a single currency , on issues of Community competence concentrates the development of action on those issues which can not be handled more effectively at national level and , in particular , avoids intrusive Community measures in social areas which are matters for national decision , devlops a European security policy compatible with NATO and co-operation in foreign policy which safeguards this country 's national interests , increases the accountability of the Commission , enhances the rule of law in the Community including improved implementation , enforcement and compliance with Community legislation , improves co-operation between European governments in the fight against drugs , terrorism and cross-border crime , and through these policies secures the long-term interests of the United Kingdom .
15 The motion , eventually approved by a clear majority of 101 votes , declared that it was " in Britain 's interests to be at the heart of the European Community " but called on the UK government at Maastricht to pursue a policy which would avoid " the development of a federal Europe " and enable it " to exert the greatest influence on the economic evolution of the community while preserving the right of parliament to decide at a future date whether to adopt a single currency " .
16 By challenging the right of Parliament to agree to the social chapter against the wishes of the Government and proposing that the treaty will be ratified without the decisions of Parliament , it has underlined the very reasons why there is a need for referendums on the crucial constitutional questions that face us .
17 Alternatively , they may continue to worry about their initial error of judgement instead of making a revised plan of action to get into a good position for the base leg and approach .
18 Public disorder incidents are frequently transitory and fleeting events ; the constable has to make quick decisions as to what course of action to adopt for the best .
19 It also accounts for the extraordinary ability of shoppers to select from a huge array those goods most appropriate to themselves and their close friends or relatives .
20 There is a tendency therefore for young teachers to be unwilling to go to a rural school ; and for over a third of headteachers to live in the nearest large town .
21 One day Victoria made herself a pair of earrings out of porcelain to go with a particular dress , and they turned out to be the start of a new part-time career .
22 He now works in a group set up by the Bishop of Ely to work on a better understanding of market forces than that shown in Faith in the City , he says .
23 TEN City executives and a solicitor were yesterday bailed for a total of £1.1million after appearing at Guildhall magistrates court on charges of conspiracy to defraud in the Blue Arrow rights issue .
24 Conservatives have set a target of £20,000 to raise for the General Election campaign .
25 But they are being forced to do it by fragrant Virginia , who 's actually trying to reduce the ability of dentists to perform in the National Health Service as they want to do , and as they always have done .
26 the availability of opportunities to study at a broad range of levels , of course lengths and of modes ( part-time , full-time or mixed ) ;
27 Its rigorous application of the acquis communautaire and the finalité politique to new members will in all probability lead to a Europe too full of contradictions to survive as a unitary bloc .
28 Francois now moved in the general direction of Neidenburg to get behind the Russian rear , despite the fact that Ludendorff had ordered him to march rapidly northeast toward Lahna .
29 MONICA SELES was forced into a dramatic change of tactic to see off the stubborn challenge of Jana Novotna and reach the semi-finals of the Virginia Slims Championship in New York .
30 And while British viewers do n't have to live in Salford or Walthamstow to relate to the problems faced by characters in Coronation Street or EastEnders , few have the terms of reference to identify with the mythical world of Eldorado .
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