Example sentences of "of [noun] [vb base] [art] [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The patterns of change constitute an important source of information in many fields of urban history , and this project will explore the experience of Glasgow — the ‘ second city ’ of the Empire .
2 The patterns of change constitute an important source of information in many fields of urban history , and this project will explore the experience of Glasgow — the ‘ second city ’ of the Empire .
3 The gift of genius Find a brilliant inventor to set loose in the laboratory and your problems are solved ; the new products will start to roll off the line immediately .
4 From Germany there is The End of the History of Art ; from Britain a group of essays describe The New Art History ; from the United States has recently come Rethinking Art History : meditations on a coy science ; and from Canada there is a forthright title Art History : its use and abuse .
5 Some strains of nematodes have a high propensity for arrested development while in others this is low .
6 These famous short stories by the master of horror explore the dark world of the imagination , where the dead live and speak , where fear lies in every shadow of the mind …
7 To take a cuisinary analogy , threads of modifier bind the irregular network regions together something like eggs bind the flour in a cake mix .
8 These categories of luck threaten the very notion of moral responsibility in that if the precondition of control is consistently applied we would be disbarred from making the wide range of moral judgments that we find it entirely natural to make .
9 Norwich had grown up where the cornlands of Norfolk meet the wood-pasture country .
10 Increased working distance and greater depth of field make the new SZ series ideal for use with bonding or probing machines .
11 The gamine looks of Bernstein and the neatness of Debord have an aesthetic relevance which signifies a rather vague , but nevertheless compelling , reason for their inclusion in the text .
12 Whilst not retracting anything that has been said about the inappropriateness of either a corporeal God or a God who is a person , it has to be said that interpreting certain historical events as the actions of God is the primary way in which a number of religions understand the divine nature .
13 The outward characteristics of religions have an inner meaning which brings them from their very separate and distinct starting-points towards an appreciation of the Mystery at the heart of religion where paradoxically the distinctions merge .
14 Database systems employing symbolic keys for identification of objects have an inherent advantage over less conceptual approaches in handling text whose content is continuously changing .
15 The two basic postulates of SR are as follows : firstly the laws of physics take the same form in all inertial frames , i.e. in all frames which are moving with constant velocity with respect to the frame of the distant galaxies ; secondly the velocity of light is a constant c .
16 This study showed that all nuclei in the upper one third of crypts have a diploid DNA content in both FAP cases and SCRC cases .
17 Marconi Electronic Devices of Swindon have no real market in the U K for one of their most important products , an electronic tag used to keep tracks of people on remand or probation as an alternative to imprisonment .
18 The reports of healing and of materialisations reflect a marked similarity to Biblical miracles .
19 Only if a legal system was eventually brought in would a breach of contract become a criminal breach of the law .
20 Teachers of the law of contract ponder an intriguing dilemma .
21 The view that certain types of fiction occupy a mediatory position between the ‘ reality ’ of a cultural heritage and contemporary ‘ true ’ accounts of it elevates these texts to a status which the novel has not held for quite some time .
22 But the critics of collectivism face a formidable task because collectivism does seem to fit so well with commonsense ideas about Japan , and the identification of unique cultural values offers a convenient residual ‘ black box ’ which can be used to explain away those aspects of Japanese experience which do n't quite fit with social science models .
23 In principle , we believe that independent employer-led arrangements which have the full support of employers offer the best way forward for industrial training .
24 The 18 species of bowerbird inhabit the damp forests of New Guinea and Australia .
25 Only with the rise of Khoneini did the politics and spirituality of Islam become a burning issue among strategists , conversationalists , politicians and writers .
26 Therefore the nostalgic gloss my grandmother cast backwards upon her own childhood and on her favourite brother , can not be separated from their histories , and our easy condemnations of slaughter miss the complicated realities .
27 The right pair of gratings give a corresponding after-effect for size ( from Blakemore , reference 13 ) .
28 ‘ The people without cars in that part of Wallasey have no other link with Liverpool .
29 The rakes of coaches include an open toast rack or two which prove very popular with tourists especially if they are able to enjoy the magnificent views across Lyn Tegid without obstruction from billowing smoke or smuts in their eyes .
30 Liberal doses of sympathy compromise the other person 's self-image .
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