Example sentences of "of [noun] [vb pp] [prep] [noun] to " in BNC.

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1 The number of passives produced in response to the different pictures varied considerably .
2 The pace of change differed from country to country : Poland , Romania and Bulgaria were effectively Soviet puppets by 1946 , but Hungary was only brought under Moscow 's control in mid-1947 and a coalition government survived in Czechoslovakia until February 1948 .
3 There was scarcely a divinity student in Cambridge , says a contemporary , who ‘ made not himself a disciple of Mr Andrewes by resorting to his lectures and transcribing his notes , and ever since they have in many hundreds of copies passed from hand to hand and have been esteemed a very library to young divines ’ .
4 Acclaimed as a Pre-Raphaelite painter by this school 's chief commentator W. M. Rossetti [ q.v. ] in 1871 , she became during the 1870s a recognized member of that group of artists seen by critics to be following in the footsteps of Dante Gabriel Rossetti [ q.v. ] and Burne-Jones .
5 On the state of the oriental market in London at present , Roger Keverne , director of the recently-opened New Oriental Gallery in Davies Street commented that , ‘ there are people out there who will pay for quality ’ while noting that his opening exhibition in December carried a wide range of objects priced from £500 to £55,000 .
6 The research will focus especially on the preparation of proposals written in response to several key interdisciplinary initiatives , and on the papers , reports and discussions and participants accounts that are related to these proposals .
7 Hurst summarised it this way : ‘ Much of the evolution of genetical systems is internally driven ’ , as a reaction to a series of conflicts generated by solutions to previous conflicts .
8 The amount of money paid by PFK to correspondents
9 Allied to the indexation of rent is the reservation of rent calculated by reference to the price of some specified commodity , such as gold , or by reference to the value of the pound in relation to a foreign currency .
10 If I can put it in , not , I hope , in a boastful way , but to illustrate how important this is to us , about forty per cent , getting on for half of the income of the Education Area last year , was made up not of normal University funds , but of funds attracted from outside to support research from private foundations and from government departments like the Department of Education and Science .
11 This illustrates another problem , that the only effective difference between an interactive and a redundant modular system is the degree of disruption produced by damage to a single component .
12 During the early 1970s , when the sort of thinking exemplified by Limits to Growth permeated official forecasts of imminent shortages of strategic commodities , the CIA toyed with the idea that ‘ The United States ’ near-monopoly position as a food exporter … could give [ it ] a measure of power it never had before . ’
13 A ratchet is a mechanism by which investors provide management with an incentive , in the form of equity enhanced in proportion to how well they perform .
14 However a rough estimate of optimum switching angle can be obtained if the three torque/speed characteristics are approximated by constant torques , effective up to the maximum speed for each angle : The time taken and number of steps executed during acceleration to the maximum speed may be calculated , since for a constant torque , For constant accelerating torque the instantaneous velocity is proportional to time and therefore the distance travelled during acceleration is simply : so for each switching angle the acceleration time and distance can be found : The time taken to travel a total distance of 60 steps can be calculated for each switching angle , e.g. if the switching angle is 6 degrees the system executes the first 25 steps in 94.3 ms and the remaining steps at a constant speed of 540 steps per second : The time taken to decelerate has been neglected in this calculation because the retarding torque ( motor braking torque + load torque ) is , in all three cases , much larger than the accelerating torque ( motor accelerating torque - load torque ) .
15 In total numbers the army of officialdom increased from 1.3m to 1.7m between 1960 and 1975 [ Bacon and Eltis , 1974 ; Eltis , 1979 ] .
16 For we have already seen that an increased proportion of defendants committed for trial to the Crown Court during the 1990s has led to an expanded population of remand prisoners .
17 How far does the sphere of influence spread from north to south and from west to east ?
18 Pareto 's initial training was as a civil engineer ; he always seems to have regarded the natural sciences as superior to the social sciences , and he consistently attempted to apply models of equilibria derived from mechanics to society .
19 The check in 18 of his pianos consists of an upright , flat piece of wood hinged with leather to the key just on the player 's side of the hammer .
20 Wages and conditions of work varied from firm to firm .
21 The form which the valuation takes may vary depending on the nature of the engagement and the scope of work performed in relation to the supporting information .
22 the start of Safe Travel to School projects in four areas identified as having high numbers of casualties associated with travel to or from school
23 Yet the past five-ten years have been remarkable for the amount of attention given in America to such principles .
24 Indeed , a major theme which emerged at this time was the lack of attention given by employers to the age structure of their work-forces and the consequent lack of encouragement to older people to see themselves as potentially economically viable .
25 These freedoms are clearly of importance in the face of the public power of the state , but they give small comfort to those who would like to see the position of individuals strengthened in relation to the exercise of private power in the economy .
26 The Commission also examined UK complaints about the scale of subsidies made by France to the Renault motor group , in connection with a proposed joint venture with Saab-Scania of Sweden .
27 Closeness of conspecific plants can increase the rate and there are many examples ( see Chapter 7 ) of increased attack of seedlings associated with closeness to the mother tree .
28 A mortgagee is not , in our judgment , to be deprived of a contractual or equitable right to add costs to the security merely by reason of an order for payment of costs made without reference to the mortgagee 's contractual or equitable rights and without any adjudication as to whether or not the mortgagee should be deprived of those costs .
29 Although Doody 's notion of incarnation in poetry really does not account for the hundreds of poems written by women to the standard abstractions such as sleep , pity , and wisdom , yet there is certainly a strain in the poetry of eighteenth century women which might take as its best emblem Esther Lewis perched on her stilts .
30 The various stages of plant evolution can be seen here , from relatives of ferns found in fossils to hybrids created within the last few years .
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