Example sentences of "of [noun] [pron] [verb] from the " in BNC.

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1 Shop steward 's chairman who was one of a delegation of six who later had a meeting with Minister for Energy Tim Eggar , said : ‘ We were encouraged by the promises of support we got from the MPs and the Minister has said he will look at the pension scheme position . ’
2 Schools were asked to indicate the kind of support they requested from the various agencies .
3 We need also to participate in wider networks of interaction which extend from the individual into a complexity of connections with the groups and institutions that constitute the society we live in .
4 Erm it perhaps does n't strike us as being very revolutionary but of course it depends from the context that you 're in erm to perhaps some of the absolute rulers of er of er perhaps , this was revolutionary .
5 Marx referred throughout his work to other systems than the capitalist system , especially those which he knew from the history of Europe to have preceded capitalism ; systems such as feudalism , where the relation of production was characterized by the personal relation of the feudal lord and his serf and a relation of subordination which came from the lord 's control of the land .
6 Oxfordshire County Council was required to pre-set the amount of money it wanted from the District Councils who set a rate .
7 However , the labour movement was divided as to the extent and type of provision they desired from the state .
8 John Lyons , for instance , while complaining that ‘ much linguistic theorising is vitiated by the uncritical transference by linguists and philosophers of attitudes which derive from the cultural peculiarities of English and a few other so-called world languages ’ ( 1982 ) , himself goes on to rest part of his view of literacy , implicitly , on exactly such ‘ cultural peculiarities ’ of written English .
9 The logical alternative was to promote the " ministerial " principle by strengthening the chain of command which led from the Ministry of Internal Affairs to the provincial governors .
10 The power of the kick comes not from any knee snap , but from the line of tension which runs from the lower back the whole length of the right leg .
11 A creature appeared , a lion , red and huge , bounding up the narrow winding streets of Edinburgh , splashing through rivers of blood which poured from the castle .
12 After that , the days were marked by the offerings they took and laid on the stone , more cigarettes until their father began to suspect Mrs Turner who cleaned the house , fruit from the garden , a punnet of redcurrants which disappeared from the small basket .
13 was the city of winds which blew from the four points , the eight quarters
14 This , of course , creates considerable leeway for the input of influence which stems from the basic approach to taxation that individuals take .
15 Jardines has threatened that , unless the regulators leave it alone , it may delist the shares of companies it controls from the local stock exchange — 14% of the market 's capitalisation .
16 The availability of transport which departs from the hospital will be seen as a valuable bonus by many staff .
17 On the other hand it was the submission of Mr. Collins for Wickes that the function of the undertaking in damages required of the council by the Court of Appeal was to protect the right of Wickes which flowed from the direct effect of article 30 , in the event of the European Court of Justice holding , on the reference to it of the Stoke-on-Trent case [ 1991 ] Ch. 48 , that section 47 of the Shops Act 1950 was invalid because it was inconsistent with article 30 .
18 Agatha stepped closer , covering her head with her hood against the drops of rain which dripped from the overhanging branches of the oak tree .
19 The purpose of this chapter is to describe some of the available techniques and the ways of utilizing the preparations obtained by them in a variety of applications which range from the simple determination of chromosome counts to the in situ hybridization of gene probes to banded chromosomes .
20 The wave of protests which resulted from the incident included a demonstration in Seoul on April 29 involving some 30,000 students .
21 ‘ I knew I had landed my 100th winner , ’ Charlie told me ‘ but I never expected the sort of reaction I received from the crowd .
22 However as Levi points out , different official agencies use these powers in a manner which is related to the level of tolerance they expect from the media and politicians .
23 The town is built on two levels , above and below a ridge of sandstone which rises from the west bank of the River Severn , and a remarkable cliff railway , called Castle Hill Railway , was built in 1892 to link High Town with Low Town .
24 All this Tallis expressed to the shaman , Wyn-rajathuk , who listened in silence , his hand on her arm , his eye on the face of Harry which watched from the pieces of dead wood .
25 Various constructions of people with learning difficulties have existed down the ages as society has attempted to define and make sense of patterns of behaviour which differ from the norm .
26 After successive days of heavy rain , the hollows before mentioned , become insufficient to receive the mighty volume of water which descends from the impending clouds upon them , and the maddening torrents are hurled from their rugged elevation with the awful roar of thunder : the grey rocks , occasionally tinted by pervading lichens , and still more beautifully enriched by many greened mosses resembling cushions of soft velvet , produce combinations of colour the most animated and superb , which , contrasted with the milky hue of the convulsed waters , form a picture of transcendent sublimity and beauty . ’
27 He has now fitted three rainwater barrels to use in the garden to reduce the amount of water he takes from the main .
28 Hitler was by no means altogether excluded from the angry storm of criticism which arose from the ‘ crucifix action ’ .
29 They also circulate among their backbenchers suitable motions and advise about appropriate and acceptable bills for those who come out high up on the list of names which emerge from the ballot .
30 Probably as the snorting monsters emerged from the Black Hole of Balcombe in a cloud of smoke and steam , a merry crowd of villagers who watched from the top of the embankment gave a wary cheer and wondered what the world was coming to !
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