Example sentences of "of [noun] [prep] [art] [noun] ' " in BNC.

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31 The lexical items marked by the informants can be seen as the linguistic realisations of elements in the readers ' constructed text-worlds , which are used isomorphically to perceive the coherence of the reading .
32 The crowds of visitors to the Dolls ' House at Wembley are a proof that the public do appreciate your work .
33 On Friday , August 13 , I was asked by your reporter to respond to criticism of banks by the Consumers ' Association .
34 And , as with all myths , there 's a kernel of truth in the skinheads ' perception of themselves as outcasts .
35 Technical advances have helped them to achieve world leadership in the supply of transfers for the collectors ' plate industry whilst providing a solid foundation for
36 But any suggestion of confidence in the players ' ability to perform on the field must be tempered by worries over their ability to handle life off it .
37 The request for reconsideration must be filed within two days of receiving the certificate of refusal from the magistrates ' court and copy documents must be served on the parties within this time limit .
38 Whilst the first four roles provide the major inspiration and leadership , this role provides for implementation of ideas by the roleholders ' ability to translate general ideas and plans into practice .
39 The items of costs in the solicitors ' bill that Stamp J. was considering did not fall into the category of litigation costs .
40 In Estonia and Latvia , pro-independence candidates seem to have won a majority of seats in the republics ' parliaments even in the first round of the local elections on March 18th .
41 Among churchmen , even those few bishops who had given enthusiastic support to the coup of 1327 had done so largely out of exasperation with the Despensers ' greed on the Marches or with royal failure to defend the north against Scotland : such personal links as they may have had with Isabella and Mortimer were strained both by a peace which left the north exposed and by Mortimer 's ruthless venality .
42 There has been a lot of banter in the Supporters ' Club lately about the prospect of a supermarket on ‘ The Tip ’ .
43 Perhaps the jumble of wood , cloth , metal and coal were even items of importance for the ghost-bottlers ' art .
44 The plaintiff must then put in the notes of evidence from the magistrates ' court ( or the Crown Court ) with a r21 notice and apply for directions under r28 in order to force the defendant to call all the witnesses from the magistrates ' court to give evidence in the civil trial .
45 To play music in this way is considered both a privilege and an obligation , an expression of pride in the ancestors ' memory and their own heritage .
46 The EC has suspended a grant towards restocking the Pyrenees with eagles and vultures because of fears of the roads ' impact on the birds .
47 One line , buried near the article 's conclusion , caused a great deal of stress within The Smiths ' ranks .
48 Others dived and scurried for any food they found — sometimes a speck of meat from the eagles ' own food , or perhaps the crumbs from some piece of bread that the visitors to the Zoo wrongly threw in .
49 Doctors ' desires to advance specialisms that they find intellectually exciting , university lecturers pursuing research at the expense of their teaching commitments , engineers wishing to develop technologically advanced products such as Concorde , are just a few examples of the kind of professional aspirations that lead to the misallocation of resources from the clients ' or taxpayers ' point of view .
50 Winter then suffered an attack of cramp in the jockeys ' changing room and had to be assisted in preparing for the ride on Mandarin .
51 At the time of the revolution there was a great deal of speculation about the Ceauşescus ' wealth which , it was often claimed , had been stashed away in Swiss banks .
52 However , the two payments on 5 and 12 February , plus the sum of £1,000 by banker 's order , did produce a surplus of £2,310 in the accountants ' favour , which was available to discharge their fees earned in 1989 .
53 Examination and determination : The government should acknowledge that the handling of asylum applications is best carried out by qualified interviewers with knowledge of conditions in the applicants ' country .
54 His Origin of Forms and Qualities according to the Corpuscular Philosophy ( 1666 ) is a masterpiece of criticism of the Aristotelians ' substantial forms , a detailed classic exposition of the corpuscular theory he wishes to put in their place , and , finally , a compendium of experiments and results , all explained and analysed in corpuscularian terms .
55 This is usually enshrined in the Articles by attaching the right of appointment to the investors ' equity shares .
56 In an attempt to distinguish their notion of topic from the grammarians ' sentential topic , Keenan & Schieffelin ( 1976 ) used the term discourse topic .
57 The incident showed the basic difference in measure of commitment to the Pistols ' ideology of subversion .
58 Nowadays I am inclined to compromise where as once I would have felt confident of victory in a dogs ' confrontation .
59 They walked down under the archway of trees to the Littles ' cottage , stood outside the gate chatting to Zach and carried on down the lane .
60 However , promises were made to shift the emphasis of policy during the Conservatives ' third term towards reforming the private rented sector of the housing market .
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