Example sentences of "of [noun] [verb] from the [adj] " in BNC.

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1 Similar evidence of unity emerged from the numerous ( about 600 ) Latin American bishops .
2 The increasing number of states , and the rising legitimacy of states resulting from the increasing democratization of governments ( as it appeared in 1968 ) were important reasons for this development , but the major reason was the new impossibility of actually using force in international relations .
3 Marilyn Thompson tossed her head and a lock of hair drifted from the elaborate structure .
4 For example , the large numbers of coins recovered from the Roman bath at Bath tapered off in number from the middle of the fourth century .
5 An ‘ edition ’ of a book is the whole number of copies printed from the same setting of type .
6 A less well-known example is of H. V. Hilprecht , an archaeologist at Pennsylvania University who in 1893 was given drawings of fragments of agate excavated from the Babylonian temple of Bal at Nippur .
7 The Migration Period in Scandinavia witnessed the production of objects made from the great quantities of gold accumulated in the Roman world , much of which moved north when the Empire collapsed .
8 Conversely , living in an area of less expensive terraced accommodation or of council houses ( estates composed of houses rented from the local authority are common ) reinforces one 's identification with the working class .
9 The specific social relations of such privilege are of course derived from the social order as a whole ; it is there that the patron 's powers and resources are enrolled or protected ; in the crudest terms , he is doing what he wishes with his own .
10 So there is some $24 billion available for intelligence operations which cover a vast spectrum of activities ranging from the covert and illegal to the overt and legal .
11 The sale also includes a book containing some 145 watercolours and drawings of birds dating from the eighteenth century ( est. £100–120,000 ; $170–205,000 ) , a collection of natural history books , including John Gould 's ‘ Birds of paradise ’ ( est. £12–16,000 ; $20–27,000 ) and a section devoted to globes .
12 Walking down towards the pueblo again , seeing the roomy spread of small farms , the elegant eucalyptus trees which shade them , a handful of birds break from the tall lupins .
13 The crystallization isotherms of poly ( ethylene terephthalate ) can be fitted by equation ( 11.3 ) using n = 4 above 473 K and n = 2 at 383 K. The equation should be used with caution , however , as non-integer values have been reported and the geometric shape of the morphological unit is not always that predicted by the value of n calculated from the experimental data .
14 Each domain-dictionary achieved its highest z-score when used in the recognition of text taken from the same domain .
15 The government has thus attempted to restrict local authority discretion by reducing the level of income received from the central government via cuts in the RSG and through rate capping .
16 Since the actual value of income diverges from the expected value by only a random error it is tempting to replace the expected income term in equation ( 3.6 ) with actual income and rewrite equation ( 3.6 ) as :
17 The theory of integrative levels emerged , the essence being that the world of entities evolves from the simple towards the complex by an accumulation of properties or influences from the environment .
18 In Ulster a full panoply of institutions emerged from the dual pressure of the church 's concern for its people , and the Northern state 's discrimination against catholics .
19 This forms the nucleus of a comprehensive collection of programmes dating from the 1840s to the present day , which continues steadily to increase .
20 ‘ Very often the amounts of money taken from the elderly in muggings is minimal .
21 : To assess the use in semantic analysis of definitions extracted from the CED and re-indexed using the 18,800-lexicon , to reduce the ambiguity of output from a text recognition system .
22 As Carson waited for Alison he wandered across to the kiosk , the floor was wet from swabbing down , and there was a faint smell of disinfectant rising from the glistening vinyl .
23 The choice of ordinate arises from the empirical observation that A2B 1 is required for chaos .
24 The kiln was then fired using bundles of faggots cut from the local woods .
25 One segment of drift-net recovered from the Alaskan coastline was 1.5 km ( 1 mile ) long and contained 99 dead sea birds , over 200 dead salmon and a seal skull .
26 It was the wholesale application to civilian society of the one-way chain of command learned from the military milieu into which Franco was born .
27 The language of the text is Middle English with a typical medieval admixture of words derived from the Scandinavian language of Viking-period settlers in England and from Old French , the language of the post-Conquest aristocracy .
28 Whatever was affecting the rate time passed at seemed to obey the inverse square law , the phenomenon apparently radiating from each clock face , while at the same time there was a more generalised sort of effect emanating from the huge central mechanism buried somewhere in the castle 's many lower levels , making everything down there happen more quickly .
29 The historical legitimacy of the Great October Revolution , and the direct line of succession running from the victorious Bolsheviks to the Central Committee of today , remains fundamental to the way in which the Soviet establishment views itself and wishes to be viewed .
30 The other side of the story evolves around the person not as the object of demands imposed from the outside , but as the creator of such demands addressed to himself .
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