Example sentences of "of [noun] [verb] that [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 It is important to provide the hospitality industry with a wide range of products to ensure that each hotel gets the right product for its size , location , local crime level , budget , community standards and method of operation .
2 Estimates of reliability indicate that any test score can be regarded as within approximately 6 points of the ‘ real ’ score 95 times out of 100 .
3 Order-preserving algorithms are still being developed , but the success of division shows that order-preserving algorithms are an important resource to the file designer .
4 The Ministry of Defence said that Belgian ammunition of that particular batch had never been supplied to the British Army , and how it had come into Britain was unknown .
5 Earlier this week the Ministry of Agriculture confirmed that Dutch eggs known to be infected with salmonella had been allowed on sale in the UK .
6 Even today , the expense and shortage of houses means that many couples will start married life living with one or other of their sets of parents .
7 It requires a lot of faith to believe that such questioning will actually be recognized , liked and rewarded .
8 These pessimists of course overlook that this underclass already exists : 37 million people have no health insurance of any kind in the United States .
9 Regulations under the Consumer Credit Act will of course ensure that accurate cost information is available for all forms of credit .
10 ( 5 ) Where the term excludes liability if some condition is not complied with , whether it was reasonable at time of contract to expect that such condition could be complied with .
11 A recent small-scale study undertaken at the University of Sheffield suggests that young people in private schools reveal distinctive processes of occupational , political and socio-economic socialisation .
12 In fact , this represents the precise opposite of the MSC position — the majority of employers think that young workers are either no different or better !
13 Such developments would seem to offer an opportunity for libraries , archives , and museums to work together , drawing on their range of experience to ensure that new designs and software development meets the needs of humanities scholars .
14 A 12-member Council of Guardians ensures that all legislation conforms with the Islamic Constitution and has the power to veto candidates to high elected office on the same grounds .
15 A 12-member Council of Guardians ensures that all legislation conforms with the Islamic Constitution and has power to veto candidates for high office .
16 • An increased rate and depth of breathing ensures that more oxygen is taken into the blood ( for delivery to the muscles ) and that the extra carbon dioxide is removed from the body .
17 Brian Grant of Arks says that single island marketing will increase , following such examples as Colgate-Palmolive , Guinness and Weetabix .
18 Will my hon. Friend remind the House how many Conservative Nottinghamshire Members of Parliament attended that unfortunate debate , compared with the attendance of Labour Nottinghamshire Members ?
19 Knowledge of the properties of shapes means that any exemplars can be recognized as such and distinguished from non-exemplars However , some pupils recognize some exemplars of a particular shape as such and not others .
20 At the Fourth Congress Roy emphasised the counter-revolutionary character of bourgeois nationalist movements , such as Congress under Gandhi ; Tan Malaka of Indonesia urged that international Communism should support pan-Islamic movements , the opposite argument .
21 For example , the extensive theory of review holds that all errors of law are jurisdictional .
22 Cllr Murphy , who works for MDC as a caretaker for a block of flats in Coatbridge , says he can prove that there have been cases of patronage to ensure that certain jobs went to Labour Party members .
23 The move , pending a full disciplinary hearing , follows Mr Murphy 's claims to The Scotsman earlier this month that he has evidence to support claims that there have been cases of patronage to ensure that certain jobs in the local authority went to Labour Party members .
24 The move , pending a full disciplinary hearing , follows Mr Murphy 's claims to The Scotsman earlier this month that he has evidence to support claims that there have been cases of patronage to ensure that certain jobs in the local authority went to Labour Party members .
25 In 1981 a joint working party of the Royal College of General Practitioners and the Royal College of Radiologists recommended that direct access to radiological services is essential to family doctors ; it shortens the investigation time and improves the quality of service offered by general practitioners .
26 Text does n't need to be justified , a lot of research indicates that ragged columns are ‘ friendlier ’ and easier to read .
27 The absence of neutrophilia suggests that this lesion is not a conventional inflammatory type proctitis , but rather one presumed to be induced by gluten antigen(s) present in the faecal stream — that is , a cell mediated form of response .
28 Contingency theory as a tool of management predicts that organizational performance will be maximized when there is a structure of management appropriate to contingencies deriving from the circumstances of technology , environment , scale and other factors .
29 This de facto freedom to roam exists in most of Scotland provided that such freedom is accompanied by good countryside manners and respect for the legitimate needs of landowners .
30 The interactive nature of marriage means that such actions can have escalating effects .
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