Example sentences of "of [noun] [verb] [adv] [adj] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Roger Sanderson wants the Forest of Dean Commoners Association … a grouping of sheep farmers … to keep better control of their animals so they do n't stray onto the industrial estate and roads.The right to graze the Forest of Dean dates back thousands of years , and it 's jealously guarded by the commoners.They say its up to the businessmen to fence the sheep out if they 're proving troublesome :
2 The upper layers of skin become too big for their filling- and you get wrinkles .
3 We need a change of heart to become truly unpossessive in our love for God and each other .
4 In the United States of America , the fear of Communism became clearly evident during 1947 , and on 22nd .
5 The 1989 Home Office report found that victims of burglary become more fearful of street crime as well .
6 In Greece in the fifth and fourth centuries B.C. , before the Macedonian conquest , in the golden classical age , richly documented , we contemplate federations and empires of cities grouped under one of their greater neighbours , Athens , Sparta , Thebes or another .
7 As this is a short letter we will of course send out another before the end of the year with our new address and further news on the life and times of the Meikle Mob …
8 Ezra Pound 's long love affair with England , and his angry and wounded turning against her in 1917 or 1918 , can not of course bulk so large in an American 's sense of him as in an Englishman 's .
9 Yet we hesitate to take this step — and here is the source of the dilemma — for the modern law of contract appears so uncertain in its scope and mysterious in its moral vision .
10 The stranger to calligraphy may be struck by the fact that none of these cards displays the florid illumination characteristic of the 15th century Books of Hours made so familiar to us by countless commercial reproductions on christmas cards advertised widely in small format ‘ gift ’ catalogues .
11 An in-depth study of parental opinions about values in schooling found parents have strong opinions , but what was striking was the lack of willingness to become more involved in how the school goes about dealing with the issue .
12 These include several examples of snake forms very similar to the Lernaean Hydra which caused even Hercules some difficulty .
13 The dangers of institutions listening too much to special-interest pleading are self-evident ; a badly-presented contribution from a visiting speaker can damage the image of a whole industry ; hijacking of governors ' meetings by self-important and opinionated individuals is an alienating experience , irrespective of whether the offender is an educationalist or an industrialist .
14 Discussion of the effects of changes in the stock of money goes back hundreds of years .
15 The clarification of water by means of sedimentation becomes more complex with the use of dosing methods and upward-flow tanks , but , with analytical checks on the treatment the results can be much more consistent than with the simpler settlement in mill lodges , and there need be no interruption in supply caused by variations in the raw water or the need for cleaning out tanks .
16 That the expansion of exports falls well short of absorbing the growth in manufacturing output suggests that something of this kind must have happened , as does the fact that the nature of the new products does not allow for explanation in terms of extra spending on luxuries by high-income earners .
17 Does the change of carburettor give so much of an advantage that the expense of about £70 is worthwhile ?
18 However , there seems no doubt that slavery as a mode of exploitation was on the decline in Latin America , even before it was abolished , and that the economic case against this form of labour appeared increasingly strong after 1850 .
19 This collection of questionnaires takes approximately ten to fifteen minutes to complete and can be used alongside the assessment interview .
20 Then let me cosh you with this detail : one of the most important human pheromones , or sex-pongs , is called isobutyraldehyde , which in the mighty pulsing chain of carbon lies immediately next to — the odour of bean sprouts !
21 Mixing of solutions contributed very little to the overall concentration , but once the procedure started , there was a gradual increase in formaldehyde concentration .
22 A heavy gust of wind tore down one of the blades of Europe 's largest turbine , the VAWT 850 , at National Power 's Camarthen Bay Wind Energy Centre .
23 For those , talk of variables smacked too much of talk of causes with no place for the human being as agent .
24 The fact is that parties to contracts do use expert determination for dispute resolution , and not only for certain types of disputes thought more suitable for experts : clauses referring all disputes , both technical and otherwise , are beginning to be found in contracts as a substitute for litigation or arbitration ( see 6.9 ) .
25 This company was founded in 1981 by William Jackson and John Turner in Kidderminster , a town in the UK with a tradition of carpet-making going back hundreds of years .
26 ( There is a good booklet of walks describing over twenty-five of these , written by John and Pat Underwood : Landscapes of Madeira . )
27 The actual formation of gangs depends as much on the splits and alliances made by the gang leaders as on the gangs ' internal dynamics .
28 Questions of religion mattered so much to the leaders of the colony that arguments in favour of religious toleration would have seemed to them simply a new onslaught on the purity of religion .
29 At one extreme , 6% of primary schools receive less than 1 per child , and a further 21% less than 5 ; at the other extreme , 3% of schools receive over 50 per child and 0.2% over 100 .
30 Relatively few amateur gardeners will be in a position to plan an entirely new garden of any serious size , so it would be rather academic to the majority of readers to go too much into siting and orientation of north , south or other aspects .
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