Example sentences of "of [noun] [noun] [verb] to a " in BNC.

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1 Steers ( 1964 ) took up this point and argued that the structure and history , as far as it is known , of Blakeney Point pointed to a westwards movement of material in the long term view .
2 On the evidence , the hearing officer considered that only the reduction in the disposal of scrap material amounted to a proven and readily quantifiable benefit .
3 For ten weeks in the summer , Vorarlberg also offers the largest programme of children 's event in Europe ; the little town of Bludenz plays host to a huge Children 's Chocolate Festival , and 1000kg of Suchard chocolate is donated for the occasion .
4 Readers require from librarians a knowledge of user needs allied to a knowledge of books .
5 IN the post-war years when a shortage of building materials led to a virtual moratorium on construction , the young lions of the architectural scene moved into exhibition design .
6 This is approximately measured by the number of index terms assigned to a document ( although it is possible that more than one index term may be necessary to represent some themes ) .
7 The death of Chairman Mao led to a brief power vacuum because this one man had dominated Chinese politics for over three decades .
8 The non-linear relationship has two asymptotes : ( a ) as the unemployment rate falls towards 0.8% , the rate of change of money wages tends to infinity ; ( b ) as the unemployment rate rises towards 100% , the rate of change of money wages tends to a lower bound of — 1.0% .
9 Thus the normal 3:1 mixture of chlorine isotopes leads to a characteristic isotope pattern for a single M-Cl bond stretch , with a stronger higher-frequency band due to 35 Cl and a weaker , lower-frequency band due to 37 CI .
10 It is mere speculation on my part — and probably an oversimplification — that the confusing post-war crop of art styles in America grew out of refugee Europeans reacting to a strange land .
11 On the spot news from all over the world and this country — weekly programmes tackling a wide range of issues and stories with originality — and a wide range of programme formats to appeal to a wider audience .
12 ‘ It 's a warrant ordering the arrest of Meredith Putt to answer to a charge of murder .
13 As business people and newcomers to the NHS ( apart from one , Sir Brian Bailey , who was Chair of the Health Education Council ) , their views of the shortcomings of NHS management paralleled to a remarkable extent the findings of academic research as summarised by Harrison .
14 Hence subject to the constraint that where Ro is some pre-assigned value of R. The integration can be extended over the whole 3N-dimensional configuration space by setting whenever the inequality ( 6.10 ) is satisfied and otherwise , and writing Mark off showed that , far from being only a device to select the correct region of configuration space led to a new interpretation of the probability density function
15 In the same boat close to the bottom of Yorkshire Division plunged to a 20–6 defeat who played their best rugby of the season .
16 The burden of interest payments as a proportion of cash flow rose to a record 34% last year , as these bigger debts met high nominal interest rates and fading cash flows .
17 The controversy about which conduct of business rules apply to a branch is quite separate from the question of whether a firm needs to be authorised , or licensed , by the host member state in order to be able to establish a branch .
18 Mr Horie , 54 , set out from Hawaii on 29 October in a canoe-shaped boat with a set of bicycle pedals connected to a propeller .
19 Well what c what what a what does the language of self help mean to a seventy year old living on a state pension in a council house ?
20 The panel itself usually consists of a number of metal pipes bonded to a metal plate , the whole of the collector surface being painted matt black .
21 Broadly , the declines in the concentration ratio have tended to occur during periods of market growth , while the rises have corresponded to recessions , suggesting that high levels of bond issues lead to a more even spread of issues between firms as well as new entry , while in slack periods the dominant houses tend to take a larger proportion of issues , smaller houses being squeezed out .
22 The absence of student groups led to a relatively small growth in WEA activity in most villages during the three-year period and the scheme suffered , perhaps inevitably and unfairly , in comparison with the earlier success achieved in Bedfordshire .
23 There are odd , feathery growths around this black stone , which look rather like clusters of iron filings drawn to a magnet .
24 Moreover , as the war continued , the government was increasingly dependent on the support of union officials and the status of trade unions rose to a level which had previously appeared inconceivable .
25 The Royal School of Church Music concentrates to a great extent on essentially simple music for small choirs with restricted resources .
26 Another issue seen as an obstacle to investment is that of capital contributions made to a company not ranking as part of the base cost of the shares for capital gains purposes .
27 As Myc and Max should preferentially form heterodimers ( Fig. 3 b ) , we suggest that mitogenic induction of Myc expression leads to a shift in the equilibrium from Max+Max to Myc+Max .
28 It was hardly the way her readers would expect the creator of Nathan Latimer to react to a crisis , she thought , ashamed of her weakness .
29 Project Director Cameron McPhail gave a talk on the current position and future targets of Columbus , while a presentation from Jim Rafferty and Tom Turner of Payments Services led to a lively debate in the afternoon question and answer session chaired by John McGuire .
30 Accompanying this shift is the introduction of a uniform business rate whose level is to be centrally determined , with the income also collected centrally and then redistributed in the form of government grant according to a centrally determined formula .
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