Example sentences of "and [am/are] [adv] [verb] [prep] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Published analysis and research are already in the public domain and are liberally referred to in this report .
2 Paper records exist in the various departments , but they tend to be self-monitored , and are rarely referred to by other departments .
3 Shallow tunnels running from setts out into fields are a frequent cause of concern , says the book , and are best dealt with by breaking in the roof of the tunnels and filling in the trench created .
4 They are related to the break point of the waves and are sometimes referred to as break point bars .
5 The warp and weft are the basic constituents of all textiles , and are often referred to as the " foundation " of a rug .
6 Many birds eat seeds and are often referred to as seed predators .
7 Like the reports of the NAO , the reports of the Commission receive wide attention and are often referred to in the media .
8 However , items produced in some Persian cities and towns ( e.g. , Hamadan and Shiraz ) possess all the structural and visual characteristics of village weaving , and are consequently referred to as village rugs .
9 These lesser varieties are not widely planted , nor do they contribute significantly to the quality and reputation of Champagne as we know it today , but they exist and do possess a certain curiosity value and are therefore dealt with in this chapter . .
10 Administrative tribunals , although included within Pliatzky 's survey , are most appropriately considered alongside other channels of redress , and are therefore dealt with in detail in Chapter 15 .
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