Example sentences of "and [Wh det] [is] [vb pp] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 This orbit intersects the top face of the box B in two points , one of which lies to the left of the stable manifold of the origin and which is represented by the doubly infinite sequence ( with mark ) …
2 Drawing on a notion of autonomy which originates with Kant , and which is developed in the writings of Hegel and Marx , Assiter extends this notion and criticises the way in which it has been confined to the public sphere .
3 Elsewhere , Duncan and I have made an attempt to overcome these problems by putting forward a conceptual view of local politics which stresses the social relations involved , which highlights the importance of the locality , and which is based on the notion that local state institutions can be at once an agent of , and an obstacle to , central demands ( Duncan and Goodwin , 1988 ) .
4 The public corporation in which its assets are vested and which is charged with the conduct of the business , is accountable to Parliament .
5 To the Sufi the divine is in all things and manifested to the seer , and it is this divine attribute that he sees and which is transferred to the work of the poet and the mystic ; and that work is authentic in so far as it depicts faithfully the himma or emotional part of the event .
6 Geothermal power ( heat from rocks ) is a technology that is still undergoing research in this country and which is seen by the Government as an energy longshot .
7 They convey a double sense of experience : that of a linear process ; but also of an eternal state of being which informs and transcends it , and which is accessed within the structure of human nature , itself programmed with a restlessness that can be assuaged by nothing less .
8 However , the European Monetary System itself shows what can ( and can not ) be achieved in the grey area between political agreement and ‘ soft ’ law : its ground-rules adopted in December 1978 are contained in a ‘ Resolution ’ ( an act nowhere defined in the Treaties ) of the ‘ European Council ’ ( a body whose existence was first legally recognized in the Single European Act and which is treated in the Maastricht Treaty as an organ of the Union rather than of the Community ) .
9 The two following chapters explore an issue which has been prominent in the debate on language teaching in recent years ( and which is related to the distinction between type and token descriptions which I discussed above ) , namely the relationship between meaning as formally encoded in a language , its grammar and lexis , and meaning which is achieved in context by the exploitation of these formal properties .
10 This is very far from the attitude which almost all religions agree is essential for understanding and which is encapsulated in the parable of the pearl of great price .
11 In Braque 's l'Estaque landscapes of the previous year , the two-dimensional surface of the picture is retained partly by allowing the eye no way of escape beyond the mountains , buildings and trees , and here the same effect is achieved by the concrete treatment of the sky , which is as elaborately and solidly painted as the rest of the canvas , and which is fused with the landscape below by the extension into it of all the main compositional lines .
12 Although initially encouraging , the approach proved to be fruitless and both bodies made independent arrangements within separately developed policies which were to lead to disagreement over the Cambridge Board 's RAC scheme for liberal adult education throughout the region , and which is considered in the next section of this chapter .
13 Full-grain : leather that has the grain layer substantially intact and which is finished on the grain side .
14 Without greater honesty , we shall not combat effectively some of the extreme and ugly negativism which is widespread and which is epitomised by the derogatory phrases which Isaacs ( 1981 ) describes as ‘ defamatory ’ like ‘ old Crumble ’ .
15 After all , these guys are no part of my battle , most of them do n't know me , and they 've turned out in numbers only because Rufus said they had to defend their territory — but I decide this ai n't the time for that , and it would make more sense to invite these gift-horses in for coffee and what 's left of the whisky .
16 These can not be known at the time the decision is to be made and a means of stating what is known and what is assessed of the influence of future events on the commercial performance of the product , permitting comparisons between options , is needed .
17 These can not be known at the time the decision is to be made and a means of stating what is known and what is assessed of the influence of future events on the commercial performance of the product , permitting comparisons between options , is needed .
18 There are , no doubt , many reasons , historical and intellectual , for this distinctive disjointedness between methods and what is regarded as the substance of sociology itself .
19 And what is said of the resurrection may be said of other miracles .
20 By taking into account , not only the meaning of U , but also the precise mechanisms ( like irony , or general assumptions of a certain level of implicitness ) which may cause a divergence between the meaning of U and what is communicated by the utterance of U in a particular context .
21 Moreover , it provides documented evidence of what is going on ( and what is planned in the future ) with regard to change .
22 To discover the impressive contemporary relevance of such imperatives , we need to establish what we mean when we speak of covetousness , and what is envisaged in the Bible by the idea of coveting .
23 The problem , as I began to discover over the years , does n't lie with the composer , it lies with the interpreters and what is expected from the interpreters by people who have dubious taste .
24 Unhappily now we are older it has all disappeared , and we must fight again just to retain the few rights we still have , such as state pensions and what is left of the health service .
25 There is no difference in principle between what we propose for finding out about single people and what is proposed in the so-called Bill put forward by the hon. Member for Sheffield , Brightside ( Mr. Blunkett ) , in which he would need to identify pensioners , pensioner couples and people on low incomes .
26 Although the Bill is principally about the council tax , the new clause relates to the community charge and what is known as the student gap .
27 This is the general population and as you will see this , this er patches on the whole issue of sex ratios and what is known as the Trivers Woolard effect and I 'll explain that later cos it 's so important .
28 There are many new motorways not shown ; the detailed form of the roads is not reproduced faithfully ; and what is shown on the map to be an isolated settlement turns out to be hardly any bigger than the many other settlements you can see .
29 What is important , however , is that when statistics on incidence and prevalence enter the public and professional domains we should be clear exactly what behaviour is being referred to and what is included in the operational definition of abuse .
30 To a great majority of those persons with whom they come in contact it is the only opportunity afforded of learning what Oxford means and what is meant by the powers of an Oxford education .
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