Example sentences of "and [vb -s] a high [noun] [prep] " in BNC.

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1 Now called Poreć , this cathedral was built in 535–43 and displays a high standard of design and craftmanship in its layout , carving and mosaic , all of which are well up to Ravenna standards and better than the work at Grado or Aquileia .
2 The castle , constructed largely between 1283 and 1289 , was the work of the English Monarch , Edward I , and represents a high point in medieval castle-building .
3 It is situated in a new town and has a high proportion of pupils from the lower socio-economic status groups .
4 He then moved to the London Borough of Hackney which is arguably the most deprived inner London borough and has a high proportion of ethnic minority residents .
5 I am delighted that the Welsh steel industry is now modern and has a high level of investment .
6 There is a general consensus that the disease is ‘ underdiagnosed rather than truly rare ’ as the lesion may be very discrete and needs a high degree of suspicion to be detected .
7 S. x uplandicum is the Russian comfrey , a hybrid between S. officinale and S. asperum , with rose-pink to blue flowers , and the garden variety of this , Bocking No. 14 , is the most useful for garden plants , as it is a good mulch and supplier of liquid plant food and contains a high proportion of potash .
8 The pin is switched high by the Q output of a D-type flip-flop , IC3 , when D10 lights and passes a high input to the reset , pin 6 , of IC3 .
9 Prison labour may be efficient in terms of costs , but it is slow and requires a high degree of commitment of the staff at all levels .
10 While this equipment gives good results with such difficult cases , it is bulky and expensive , difficult to construct and maintain , and requires a high vacuum from diffusion pumps .
11 It is the most demanding and requires a high commitment of all staff involved .
12 The process of assessment , then , is complex and demands a high level of professional expertise .
13 ‘ In the prevailing economic climate , dominated by low dollar oil prices , the task is not easy and demands a high level of cost consciousness which I shall be promoting throughout the group . ’
14 TI has been sampling since August and indicates a high degree of interest in Tsunami as an X-terminal centrepiece .
15 AEA has substantial experience in transient simulation applied to pipeline design and provides a high level of support and advice to new users of the program .
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