Example sentences of "and [vb -s] [prep] a [adj] [noun] " in BNC.

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1 The pulsar has a period of 102ms and slows with a characteristic age of 17,300yr .
2 Ben gets two or more walks a day and plays with a rubber ring .
3 Keith has his good side — he laughs a lot and plays in a limited way with a toy garage , cars and some Lego .
4 Keith has his good side — he laughs a lot and plays in a limited way with a toy garage , cars and some Lego .
5 There is a simple sense that Coleridge is happy to write them , that although Kubla Khan has its savage side , it is a savage side in which he revels and although Frost at Midnight carries lonely memories ( particularly bitter to someone so desperate for love ) he overcomes them and thinks upon a happy future instead .
6 The following evidence was printed in summer 1800 , and refers to a public letter by Devismes which has not yet been traced :
7 Thus H-YRDN ( which is translated throughout the Bible as Jordan ) is not the name of a river but means the ‘ Ridge ’ and refers to a huge escarpment which dominates Asir and explains , says Salibi , why the Old Testament nowhere makes reference to the Jordan as a river .
8 The masons were busy with their mallets and chisels inside a makeshift hut on the site and it was easy to talk to them privately .
9 A mariachi band approaches and launches into a lively lament on what it is to be alone and without love .
10 It complements EE in many ways and builds into a living encyclopaedia of electronics which keeps up with the ever advancing world of technology through regular updates/supplements .
11 Giving her little time to question this version of the truth , he swings the car off the main road all concrete and glass buildings and turns down a tiny side street .
12 And in a city feeding largely on rice and noodles in a thin soup of stock and vegetables , we learned our hosts were planning a splendid welcoming banquet .
13 Nobody is playing as yet , but the lines have been freshly painted , a large old roller is being stored by an elderly man with tribal scars on his cheeks ( like the marks made by French grill pans on bifteck ) , and a big jug of lemon squash is standing in the shade of a little thatched tennis house , protected from the desires of wasps and flies by a beaded lace doily .
14 The report optimistically continues that it was ‘ practically certain ’ the course would be built and adds with a final flourish of conviction ‘ Mr D. Stephenson , now professional to the Princes Golf Club , Sandwich , and formerly in a similar capacity at Huntercombe , has prepared plans of an 18-hole course on that portion of the Bolney estate fringing on the Harpsden road , with a clubhouse to be built almost directly opposite Mr. John Hodges ' cricket field .
15 Cross-border banking is essentially wholesale banking and has to a large extent been dependent on euro-currency deposit growth .
16 Would you like to represent the NCT and voice our member 's opinions and needs on an official body concerned with promoting good ante-natal care ?
17 An enclosed community guards and cares for an enclosed community and we the public gladly subcontract this duty , hoping that it will be carried out unseen and unheard .
18 At its best the structure of one of his perorations follows this pattern : he begins with a general statement and summarises it with an accessible example ; then he moves to a narrower statement and concludes with a final example taken from everyday life .
19 Typically , each chapter gives a brief introduction followed by preparative methods , arranged according to reagent used or building block employed , and concludes with a short section on biological activity .
20 The Governor ( who is appointed by the President of Portugal ) is assisted by as many as seven Under-Secretaries with executive powers , and presides over a Superior Council of Security and a Consultative Council .
21 The Tongan sovereign ( currently King Taufa'ahau Tupou IV ) is head of state and presides over a Privy Council which functions as a Cabinet .
22 The islands are ruled by a Governor , representing the UK sovereign , who is responsible for external affairs , defence and internal security , and presides over an eight-member Executive Council , appointed from the Legislative Council , which has seven appointed and 13 elected members .
23 He kindly but firmly remonstrates with his wife : " Paying the debt " has a clear double meaning in the sexual/conjugal context which the wife , who is made to respond to her husband 's ignorance not by laughing at him but rather by underlining his innocence/ignorance in a play of irony for the tale 's readers/listeners to respond to as they think fit , picks up upon and develops into a crude pun : " " taille " " here is polysemous , reflecting two homonyms , taille , " tally , bill " , whereby line 416 reads : " I am your wife ; notch it up on my account "
24 Suppose , however , that the superficial injury swells up and develops into an incapacitating leg wound .
25 The Fish Louse ( Argulus ) can be up to 10mm across and looks like a tiny flatfish .
26 It was built with the characteristic ostentation of the period , and looks like a Victorian town hall with a chimney .
27 He is not said to have been holy , and looks like a successful career churchman , often occupied with the king 's business , and willing to contravene church law by practising pluralism .
28 They may also have cricket 's champion talker in fast bowler Brent ‘ Bomber ’ Smith who commutes from Stockton and looks like a 39-year-old Clark Gable .
29 His best work has a direct simplicity , benefits from its autobiographical inspiration , and stands as a worthy memorial to all those who died in the Spanish civil war .
30 The Carnaud Metal Box plant in Wennington Road on the edge of the town was built only six years ago and stands in a landscaped site of some four acres .
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