Example sentences of "and [vb -s] [adv] [adv] [prep] the " in BNC.

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1 The emotional and mental link tying the child to its mother is usually very powerful , and goes on well after the physical birth itself .
2 Lucker is having none of my gung-ho enthusiasm and drives on regardless to the end of the peninsula .
3 My own ferreting campaigns begin in October but from that time onward to the end of the game-shooting season I am limited to outside hedgerows and warrens and burrows well away from the standing crops of game cover and the woods .
4 Calvin takes a look at Jerry , mumbles something inaudible and sits down heavily on the step with his back to all of us .
5 His study Sally ( the lady sits at a table and looks straight ahead at the viewer ) possesses painterly values of real distinction .
6 Most will want a reasonable input — usually between £10,000 and £20,000 , although the actual amount is often negotiable and depends very much on the client 's circumstances .
7 Patricia Knapp , in the United States , once commented that one could get a perfectly good liberal education from a paperback bookshop : the sense in which this is true must not however blind us to the fact that self-learning of this kind has its weaknesses , is unreliable , and depends very much on the way in which the student undertakes his task .
8 The pale colour is usually white or yellow or orange and shows up vividly against the dark areas .
9 The risk of incapacitation increases with advancing years , and increases more rapidly after the age of 55 .
10 The major criticism of this approach to describing organisations is not that it is inaccurate but that it ignores all the informal and interpersonal aspects of organisations and concentrates too heavily on the formal aspects of work organisations .
11 It usually starts to improve at ten weeks and clears up completely by the 14th week .
12 I mean , you can go along and always think ‘ Oh there 's nothing to this ’ , but then for some reason or other somebody has a complaint 's gone a big way round and ends up right at the top , and then , of course cascading down comes the ‘ Why ?
13 Dobson 's study ( 1968 ) of orthoepic evidence , on the other hand , relegates occasional spellings to a secondary position , and relies more closely on the descriptions of the ‘ best ’ orthoepists .
14 Would he not agree er that the fact that erm the Home Office plan to give allow for seven million pounds extra er for the police budget in W in Wales whereas in actual fact local government has chosen er to give only two point two million er through the police budget er is a disgrace and reflects very badly on the running of the police authority and on the chairmanship of that committee .
15 She later shows her mettle as a clog dancer abetted by four pretty girls , tries to set her cap at Father Thomas , but finally realises she can not frustrate true love and dances out happily with the rest .
16 It is indicative , too , when a mistle thrush changes his tune , forgets to repeat his challenging spring song and slips down self-consciously into the lower boughs of a larch to all but whisper a softer , lazier , persuasive serenade .
17 I ca n't get any sense out of him — he comes home from work and disappears straight away through the cubby hole under the stairs — to his ‘ Batcave ’ !
18 A little lower down the fellside , the stream falls into another ravine , Low White Kirk , and flows more sedately under the viaduct and the road to join the River Eden .
19 The Captain stops writing and listens more intently to the speaker on the wall — the PIN net has got a lot busier all of a sudden .
20 Without any of the other switches in , the overdriven sound is smooth and reacts very well to the volume pot being backed off .
21 Anyway , the water goes up under pressure into the tanks in the roof and feeds down again to the washrooms by gravity . ’
22 Abdel Wahid El Wakil has not yet made a building in the UK and works abroad mainly in the Gulf .
23 The competition started yesterday and carries on today with the final tomorrow .
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