Example sentences of "and [vb -s] [pron] [verb] [art] [noun sg] " in BNC.

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1 Everyone knows the name and thinks they know the story .
2 Catechesis takes the experience of liturgy , and evokes it to enrich the meaning of what has been experienced , and in its own way to express praise and thanksgiving .
3 And has everybody got a part ?
4 Mhm , and has it changed a lot do you think ?
5 Since she does n't respond to my telling her to relax I ask who is this landlord anyway and has she got a rent book ?
6 George is a quiet , fairly shy person , who is not very imaginative and needs someone to share a life with .
7 Between demonstrates how a multiplicity of different discursive systems intertwine to form the substrata of an individual mind which plays them off against each other , combines them and uses them to generate the repertory of stories that determine how she ‘ reads ’ the world in which she lives .
8 Freud 's finding was that guilt is , starts off as an aggressive drive in the id that could go anywhere , preferably towards other people , but the superego uses some of this aggression and destructive energy arising in the id and then turns it back against the ego , and uses it to punish the ego , so the aggression , instead of going into someone else or into the outside world , is turned back against the self and to that extent is self-destructive .
9 One starts off with a syndrome and uses it to develop a theory of normal processing .
10 It alerts the lender on any negative information and allows them to freeze the account , close it , adjust the limit or even to counsel the borrower .
11 Included in this table are the ‘ fractional weighting factors ’ which quantify the fractional risk that each tissue contributes to the overall risk and allows one to make an estimate of the risks from partial body radiation .
12 The Q-TWIST model , developed for early breast cancer , provides a general framework for this type of analysis and allows one to strike a balance by using any desired vaues for the effects of treatment and disease symptoms .
13 In the meanwhile , simulation buys time and allows us to pass the baton to the next generation which may well have to face similar problems .
14 For this zone you use the priority microphone which automatically cuts the amplification in the disco and allows you to address the nightclub guests .
15 When Pistol appears , ‘ swelling like a turkey-cock ’ , perhaps like the old tragic actors who ‘ strutted and bellowed ’ , Fluellen beats his pate and forces him to eat the leek raw ( V.ii . ) .
16 The Family Policy Studies Centre ( address on page 146 ) calls women carers ‘ the forgotten army ’ and says they provide a service which saves the government billions of pounds a year .
17 she comes out of the bush and says she wants a highwayman to take her .
18 She paints hearts in lots of different colours and says she has no intention of branching out into other organs of the body .
19 The architect explains his reasoning and says he thinks the tenant might enjoy the privacy .
20 Sometimes I go to bed and he comes and says he has a lot of hit songs for me . ’
21 Of course Taylor is still in there and says he has no intention of resigning unless pushed .
22 She laughs and says he means no harm , and is incapable of seeing the essential things we know and keep safe , and so it is , so it must be , so it must always be .
23 My sister , who has always been better off than us , has suggested that I should go abroad with her this year , and says I have no excuse because I have the money and that is what our mother would have wanted me to do with it .
24 Rolfe & Nolan Computer Services Plc is to pay $1.675m — $465,000 in cash , the balance in 327,027 new shares — for the 80.1% of Brokerage Systems Inc , Chicago that it does not already own , and says it wants the company to meet the needs of the US operations of its European customers : it says it has already created automated links between its own system and the RISC system of Brokerage Systems Inc , and that the links are to be developed further .
25 First Leisure , the company which owns the ice rink , had a meeting with Mr Oliver last night and says it welcomes the consortium bid .
26 This is an important finding and leads me to question the enthusiasm and commitment that the National Blood Transfusion Service laboratories will bring to the provision of autologous blood throughout the country .
27 This course covers your basic military training and prepares you to join the Navy team .
28 They were by now in Piccadilly Circus , which was as bright as day , and were surrounded by the crowds streaming from the theatres , cafés and dives which populated the area , painted ladies of a certain character being prominent among them — as well as the enthusiastic amateurs who had come up from the East End to make a few pennies , or even be given supper , as a price for their favours .
29 In the second , more optimistic ending , Pip returns to the forge after working abroad for eleven years and goes to Hoe and Biddy and finds they have a son , also called Pip .
30 Travel — Holidays On The Move : On an old boat to Luxor Tom Pocock cruises down the Nile and finds himself becoming an Egyptologist in a matter of days
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